Art History Gallery: Abstract Expressionism, Pop Art, and Contemporary Art Movements [

ART 101 Art Appreciation
Please review assignment, attachments, required resources & ALL attachments.
Assignment Details:
Art History Gallery: Abstract Expressionism, Pop Art, and Contemporary Art Movements [WLOs: 1, 2, 4] [CLOS: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
In this discussion forum, you will learn about the history of art by exploring the Abstract Expressionism, Pop Art, and Contemporary Art movements in chronological order and selecting a work of art from one of those movements to discuss. Prior to beginning work, read and review the following sources:
Abstract Expressionism:
• “Abstract Expressionism” in Art Identifying Movements (Links to an external site.)
• Abstract Expressionism (Links to an external site.)
• Women Artists and Postwar Abstraction (Links to an external site.)
Pop Art:
• “Pop Art” in Art Identifying Movements (Links to an external site.)
• 7 Colorful Masterpieces That Define the Pop Art Movement (Links to an external site.)
Contemporary Art Movements:
• “Contemporary Art Movements” in Art Identifying Movements (Links to an external site.)
• Contemporary Art, an Introduction (Links to an external site.)
• Kehinde Wiley (Links to an external site.)
• What Amy Sherald Is Looking at: The Painter on 8 Cultural Touchstones That Inspire Her, From Wes Anderson to WEB Du Bois (Links to an external site.)
• Ai Weiwei 360 (Links to an external site.)
• [360 Video] Gleaming Lights of the Souls AKA Infinity Mirrored Room by Yayoi Kusama (Links to an external site.)
• Inside Teiji Furuhashi’s “Lovers” in Virtual Reality (360 VR Video) | Artist Profiles (Links to an external site.)
For your initial post, you should
• Choose a work of art from one of these movements. You may select a work from the textbook, resources, videos, or museum links.
o Your work of art should be one that you have not already examined elsewhere in this class.
• Include an image of the artwork.
• Identify the title, artist, movement (date if known), and region (place if known) of your work.
• Explain why you were attracted to this work, and discuss at least two characteristics of this art work that you found interesting or noteworthy.
• Incorporate what you have learned about the process and components of art appreciation.
Your post should be at least 200 words in length, and based on what you have learned about the process and components of art appreciation.
Refer to the assigned reading from the textbook, resources, and videos as examples of how to interpret works of art, taking care to correctly cite these and any other sources that you use.
TIP: To fully contemplate the work of art using what you have learned about art and art appreciation, it is recommended that you examine the work of art for at least 10 minutes, taking note of your reactions and observations throughout your examination. Use these notes to compose your initial post.
Cite your sources as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.) guides on APA: Citing Within Your Paper (Links to an external site.) and APA: Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.). For works of art, follow the basic modified APA Style reference entry format in the APA Style Reference Entries for Artwork document.

Sachant, P. J., Blood, P., LeMieux, J., & Tekippe, R. (2016). I (Links to an external site.)ntroduction to art: design, context, and meaning (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from

The Impact of Healthcare Trends on Nursing Practice

Topics include Human Trafficking and Homelessness, Nursing Migration and Travel Nursing, Nursing Beyond the Bedside, the Opioid Crisis and Mental Health and Demonstrating the Value of Nursing. The following should be communicated within the paper:
Explore how socio-cultural, economic, legal, and political factors influence two of the healthcare trends, influence healthcare delivery, and nursing practice.

Electricity and Magnetism are extremely important to modern civilization.

Pick one concept either from lab or from lecture. Introduce your chosen concept and describe the theory behind that concept (e.g. If you choose magnetism, describe where it comes from and how it works) in 2 paragraphs. Then, in 1-2 more paragraphs, list three examples of modern technology that use that concept and tell me how it is used (e.g. traffic light pressure plates use theory of electromagnetic induction. When a cars sits on the plate, it compresses the wire, causing a chance in resistance, which causes a change in current. That change in current signals the traffic light to change color).

The essay is to be 1-2 pages double spaced, using APA guidelines. It should be typed using a document program and Times New Roman 12-pt. font.

The Body Politic: Body Image Issues

Hi, I hope you are keeping safe! I have attached all the information you need for this assignment. You are welcome to use external sources to supplement your arguments. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you SO much!

Baby Boomers in Middle Adulthood

Assignment Instructions

Assignment 3 (Week 6)

Baby Boomers in Middle Adulthood

The largest segment of the U.S. population, the “baby boomers,” are moving into middle adulthood and, in some cases, even becoming grandparents. The advertising and marketing industries study this age cohort, and it has been increasing in visibility in primetime television, print ads, and in digital advertising, pop-ups, and internet solicitation.

Find at least 4 images or video clips of advertising or other popular media that illustrate this point. Use a caption for each piece of media to explain the advertisements mirror the specific physical and cognitive changes in development referred to in our readings and resources this week. Your captions should combine for a total of no fewer than 500 words.

Use at least 2 resources (other than the images or clips) to support the claims you are making. Cite these using APA formatting. Your references need to relate to concepts learned about middle adulthood and must be scholarly/academic in nature. Use of .com websites is not appropriate. Please use references other than those included in our Lessons to extend your research and knowledge.

I Just need the Essay do not do the power point

Aphra Behn’s Oroonoko (1688), full topic is in the (order instructions)

Aphra Behn’s Oroonoko (1688) is read as one of the earliest major fictional texts to comment on the transatlantic slave trade and is often studied for how it describes or represents the human body. Write a thesis-driven, argumentative essay in which you provide a reading of how Behn’s text represents bodies through the use of specific literary elements. Note that whereas it is tempting to focus this paper entirely on the initial description of the character Oroonoko, you should strive to expand beyond this description since the narrative is so very full of physical descriptions. Also, keep in mind that though simply establishing how the text uses literary elements to describes bodies (form) is required, you must also discuss the political/ ideological meaning of these descriptions (content).

1) Provide an argumentative thesis that makes a clear claim specifically about your chosen text(s) in response to your chosen prompt.
2) Construct organizing claims within the paper that establish salient links between form and content; between *specific* literary elements/ devices present in your chosen texts and the politics/ content of those texts.
3) Use direct evidence from your text in the form of quotations and instances of paraphrasing, properly cited in MLA format.

-Must be 5-6 pages long in Times New Roman, size 12 font. It must be double-
spaced and must use standard margins.
– Needs in-text citations in MLA format for all quotes or instances of paraphrasing.
If you are citing a work of poetry and you have line numbers, use those instead of page numbers. If you don’t have either line or page numbers (as in the case of Defoe’s “True-Born Englishman,” simply write the author’s name in parentheses without any number after it).
– May not use any sources that are external to the primary texts that are namedin your chosen prompt (i.e. this is a close reading paper, not a research paper).
– Needs a Works Cited page even if your only source is the textbook.


Instructional strategies

please describe the instructional strategies you observe and discuss ways you might use this in your future classroom. What are the things you saw the teacher do? What are the things you saw the students do? How did these things increase student engagement?

Whole Brain Teaching? In this remarkable video, Karly Macaleese, a rising WBT All-Star, introduces a third-grade class to Whole Brain Teaching.

Mapping Care Using Standardized Terminology

Please use the grading rubric to create an outline of your assignment. Each section of the rubric should be a section of your final paper and could become the headings. Your assignment will be graded based on each element of the rubric. Compare each section of your paper with the rubric to ensure all elements are covered. Then, include an introduction and conclusion to tie the paper together.

Refer to the ANA Recognized Terminologies and Data Element Sets and develop a Standardized Care Map for a NANDA Nursing Diagnosis of your choice. Include the following:

-A brief introduction/overview to your chosen diagnosis, why you are interested in it and why it is necessary to develop a standardized care map for all nurses.
-List the NANDA Nursing Diagnoses, Definition and Classification
-List appropriate nursing interventions from the Nursing Interventions Classification System (NIC)
-Summary/Conclude the assignment with the anticipated nursing outcomes from the Nursing Outcomes Classification System (NOC)

Remember to use APA 6th edition formatting, headings, and references as appropriate throughout the assignment.

This standard care map should be easy to follow for a nurse generalist and contain at least 4 pages in length (content) excluding title page and references.

Grading Rubric:
-Provides a brief introduction/overview to your chosen diagnosis and why you are interested in it
-Discuss why it is necessary to develop a standardized care map for all nurses
-List a minimum of 2 NANDA Nursing Diagnoses, Definition
-List a minimum of 3 appropriate nursing interventions from the Nursing Interventions Classification System (NIC) for each NANDA Nursing Diagnoses
-List a minimum of 3 appropriate nursing outcome from the Nursing Outcomes Classification System (NOC) for each NANDA Nursing Diagnoses
-Original concept map included as an appendix
-Reference page

**Note to the writer…I have no preference for a nursing diagnoses to use. Please choose one that you feel confident in doing. Thanks so much!

Managing Information and Technology Essay

Please make sure Abstracts, reference lists, and footnotes are excluded from any word limit requirements. Make sure you follow the instruction document i uploaded in the material section. Please demo strait a clear understanding of the task and the concept in a simple way. Make sure it is cohesive and makes sense. Harvard reference style always. Include graphs when it`s appropriate. Include examples of the benefits of ERP systems in a real-life business to show understanding.