Vaping E-Cigarette

TOPIC: Vaping E-Cigarette

NYC – Manhattan
Age Young Adult – 13-18

Assignment should be [ double spaced, 1-inch margins, 11 Arial font, APA STYLE REFERENCE). This is a Public Health-related assignment (MPH).

You have to write only part B ( 1 and a half pages) and Part C ( half pages, few points). I attached a sample assignment which is written based on colorado with same topic. You have to write based on Manhattan (NYC).
Please add at least 5/7 sources if you can.
Please contact me if you need any more information.

Human Relations Paper

3. Human Relations Paper (85 points)
1. (5 pages of content, double-spaced, New Times Roman, 12-point font size, APA format.) You are to profile one close relationship you have with someone else, including the following items:
i. A clear description of the relationship {at the beginning of the semester} and a clear description of how the relationship can be improved (20 points).
ii. Application (what, when, where) of at least two (2) designated and selected skills, discussed in class, to the relationship. Clearly cite this so I can identify each application. Also include how the application of selected skills impacted the relationship (15 points for both skills; 30 points total).
iii. Comments on interactions and changes in self-awareness and any insights you gained from each application above (10 points),
iv. A clear and succinct description of the relationship at the end of the semester, using specific aspects of the relationship (10 points).
v. Grammar, spelling, APA format (15 points).
2. Note: Do not wait until the last minute to attempt to complete this assignment. You must include each area to be given credit for the assignment, which covers the relationship from the beginning to the end of the semester. The intention of ongoing writing is to measure changes in your interpersonal skills over the full semester.

Romanticism I: Wollstonecraft, Blake, and Wordsworth


In this literary analysis, you will write a 750–1,000-word essay analyzing the characteristics that help to define one work as either Neoclassical or Romantic and exploring how this work engages with a major social concern of that period.

 You may use the Bible, the primary text, and the introductory essays from your anthology in your discussion. No secondary sources are permitted.

 This essay must begin with an introduction that includes the subject of the work (title and author) as well as a thesis. The body of your essay must prove the value and logic of your thesis through examples from the text.

 This essay must present critical thinking and discovery, not simply known facts about a work. Do not give a plot summary; this is not a book report. The author(s) and work(s) must be selected from those we have read for this course.

Select one of the following works:


 Jonathan Swift, “A Modest Proposal”

 Alexander Pope, The Rape of the Lock

 Thomas Gray, “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard”

 Samuel Johnson, Rambler No. 4 “On Fiction”

 Eliza Haywood, Fantomina

 Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, The Turkish Embassy Letters

 Frances Burney, The Journal and Letters


 From Songs of Innocence:

o “The Lamb,”

o “The Little Black Boy,”

o “The Chimney Sweeper”

 From Songs of Experience:

o “The Chimney Sweeper,”

o “The Tyger,”

o “London”

 Vindication of the Rights of Woman

 “Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey”

 “The World Is Too Much With Us”

 “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”

 “Ozymandias”

 “Ode to the West Wind”

 “The Eve of St. Agnes,”

 “La Belle Dame sans Merci”

 “Ode to a Nightingale,”

 “Ode on a Grecian Urn”

 “She walks in beauty”

 Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage

NOTE for this assignment:

• Review the following information about thesis sentences: A thesis statement must present an argument (proposition), not merely a statement of fact.

• Adhere to academic writing standards, which include using 3rd person only, omitting contractions and jargon, and remaining in literary present tense. For additional information on literary present tense, see

• Include a targeted title that suggests the purpose stated in the thesis. The title should not be “Critical Analysis,” nor should it be simply the title of the primary text (the poem, play, essay, or fiction).
• No outside research is allowed since the analysis must be your own work. Including any source outside of the Bible, your anthology, or the primary text will result in a “0” for the assignment.

• The essay must be double-spaced, written in Times New Roman 12-point font, and use 1” margins. In addition, format your paper using current MLA, APA, or Turabian format (whichever corresponds to your degree program).

• You must document information from the literature through in-text citations and an end-text Works Cited/References/Bibliography page conforming to current MLA, APA, or Turabian format.

• Do not use any material or words from sources without giving proper credit for that material or those words. To do otherwise is plagiarism and will result in a “0” on the paper or a possible “F” for the course. Your paper will be checked for plagiarism.

• Review the Critical Analysis Grading Rubric to learn more about how the paper will be graded. Comply with all requirements.

For additional tips on writing essays, consult the following website:

Lab report

I have attached the lab report instructions, lab report results, lab report marking criteria, descriptive results and the questionnaire we used to collect data for the lab report for your review.

Discussing a paper – Visual Attention Modulates Phenomenal Consciousness: Evidence From a Change Detection Study

Consider the findings in an empirical paper published in 2019in the journal Frontiers in Psychology ( I have chosen the paper: Visual Attention Modulates Phenomenal Consciousness: Evidence From a Change Detection Study). The paper would be uploaded at the file named- important1

Discuss how these findings of the chosen paper would be explained by (i) a higher-order theory of consciousness, and (ii) a global workspace or information integration theory of consciousness.

Note the paper itself does not have to make the claim that a mental state is conscious or unconscious; it is enough that you can make the claim based on the findings of the paper.

The Blind Side

Hello, I would like to get a high B on this essay nothing lower than a low B. This is a 7 page paper with one page of a bibliography. I have already started a thesis but my teacher didn’t like it very much. I will attach his comments and feel free to change the thesis to your liking.

Thesis:In the film The Blind Side, it shows the significance of seeing past one’s race and economic status to better another human’s life. This was created by the relation of Sandra Bullock’s power in her community and presenting him as an equal to her family.

Teachers comments: Is your view of the movie a bit naïve, after the research that you have read? I don’t mean to insult you, but how are your sources perceiving the movie? Are they not looking at the underlying racial messages? How might the movie compare and contrast with Michael Lewis’s biography of Michael Oher? Could you argue how Hollywood adapted the biography and why they adapted it in the manner that they did?

I also have other papers from my teacher like essay examples and bibliography examples that can help. I prefer texting over calling, thank you.

AI and outsourcing

Choosing a topic from the list provided below, you will write either an analytical essay OR report identifying how this management practice will affect organisations now and in the future. In particular you will:
• Identify what future proofing is
• Examine the management practice and identify how it will influence an organisation
o Now
o In the future
• Identify and explain what theoretical frameworks/concepts might be useful to explain the changes
• Identify and recommend specific strategies that organisations could consider