Overview of Spike Lee’s Filmmaking Career

Give a full overview of filmmaker Spike Lee’s career . How did he get his start: What inspires his work. What is his specific style. Are there any films/shows he has made that set them apart from the rest. Who has influenced the films, and what influence have they had on TV and or film.

Case Study on Moral Status

Based on “Case Study: Fetal Abnormality” and other required topic study materials, write a 750-1,000-word reflection that answers the following questions:
1. What is the Christian view of the nature of human persons, and which theory of moral status is it compatible with? How is this related to the intrinsic human value and dignity?
2. Which theory or theories are being used by Jessica, Marco, Maria, and Dr. Wilson to determine the moral status of the fetus? What from the case study specifically leads you to believe that they hold the theory you selected?
3. How does the theory determine or influence each of their recommendations for action?
4. What theory do you agree with? Why? How would that theory determine or influence the recommendation for action?

Remember to support your responses with the topic study materials.
While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. ***Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.***
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

Financial Analysis & Decision Making

Please, I need someone skilled in financial analysis and decision making for this. I’ve already written the paper, I just need help rewriting it. It needs to be according to her instructions. She sent it back to me without a grade. It has to be put into words without plagiarism, so please see that it doesn’t match in Turnitin.

My professor said “61% of this submission precisely matches an internet service called blablawriting. This is not only quite high in my experience. I also find several inconsistencies some of which are not included in our course materials. For example, I asked you to assume a discount rate of 12%, and nearly your whole first paragraph matches this internet service instead of what I asked you to use. I also have never mentioned (nor does your book cover) APV and yet you refer to it often.

I also don’t see how you concluded that the current value of the second generation would lead you to conclude that it’s a good idea? We have no information about what PPP thinks the projections could be.”

I’ve attached the case study and my written paper. Please rewrite it according to her instruction and without detection, thank you.

Strategic Human Resource Management Recommendation Report

To prepare an evidence-based analysis of the situation of people who “do” or receive” HRM and a set of recommendations for what should be done to improve the situation.

(Please read all of the attached files carefully to have an idea of ways to progress this report properly)

(Number of references are unlimited)

Revision and Explanation

The article “Social Support and child protection: Lessons Learned and learning,” written by Thompson in 2015, speaks on social support intervention, which is something designed to prevent child abuse in neglect. While this seems like something extremely powerful and effective, the article mention that between 10 and 25% of families invited to these groups decline to participate. I would love to know the reason behind families declining what seems to only be something of benefit. It would be great if groups like this were mandatory. Maybe not for everyone but high-risk families and families that take in and care for foster children.

There are thousands of cases in which children are being abused and mistreated within the foster care system and groups and programs with similar missions could have a huge impact. A family member of mine was a foster parent for many years and the stories I would hear about child neglect and mistreatment are extremely unfortunate. I spoke with her about social intervention groups to get her opinion on them. She believes that they are very necessary and agrees that they should be mandatory. The closest thing to this is social workers coming to visit and check on children in the system. She mentioned that the visits are not as through as they could be and are often rushed. It is sad to hear and read about things like this because children deserve the best of what can be offered, and it is evident that this is not always the case.

According to “Preschool Children’s Peer Acceptance and Social Interactions” by Kristen M. Kemple, peer acceptance is “a measure of a child’s acceptance by group.” I agree with this and was very interested in the study by Howes, 1988. In his study, he speaks on the relationship between a child having friends and being accepted and how they are related. The article mentions how children who may be rejected” aren’t completely friendless. I can speak to this because in my experience growing up, I wasn’t the most popular and had a very small group of friends. I won’t go as far as saying I was rejected. However, I did not have a huge group of peers and did not really communicate with anyone outside of my small friend group. It is even more interesting because each of my friends were all very similar in how we grew up, how we interacted with others and a few more characteristics. I believe family interaction plays a huge role in peer acceptance because with this most children learn how to communicate and be expressive, which in turn allows them to feel comfortable doing so outside of their homes. I think it gives some children a certain level of confidence and openness.

I was on chat with Emma and she told me to put in the notes that I need 4 pages revised and for those to be charged separately. They are two separate papers and they will both be attached to this under attachments.

Financial Statement Analysis


Task: Perform a macroeconomic analysis, industry analysis, business strategy analysis and
accounting analysis on the chosen company, and produce a professional group report as though you
were a prospective management consultant. The analysis should be informed by various sources of
publically available information such as the official website of the company and industry reports, and
should be supported by other statistical information.
Macroeconomic Analysis (4 marks): Describe the company’s economic environment and evaluate
how this has impacted historic firm performance and is likely relevant to future performance.
What has been going on in the economy over the last 5 years? What is predicted to happen? How
is it related to your company?
Identify and analyse at least three relevant economics factors that have significantly influenced
your company’s performance. These economic factors mayinclude but not limited to GDP,
inflation, interest rate, foreign exchange rates, oil prices, population growth, consumer demands,
regulation, etc.
Industry Analysis (5 marks): Evaluate the level of competition in the industry or industries that your
company operates in using Porter’s Five Forces framework.
Form a conclusion for each force and for the industry overall.
Business Strategy Analysis (5 marks): Identify and discuss key success factors and key risks of
the company’s strategy. Also evaluate the sustainability of profits generated by the strategy in the
Accounting Analysis (4 marks): Use the six-step accounting analysis framework to assess the
degree to which the firm’s accounting reflects the underlying business reality. Identify any accounting
distortions if there is any, and evaluate their impact on profits and the sustainability of profits.
Overall Report Quality (2 marks): The report should be readily comprehensible, condensed and
within the word limit. Information should be collected from various reliable sources to inform analysis
and references are properly cited. Tables and graphs should be used to effectively present
If the company operates in several economic regions, industries or has several business segments,
only include material business operations in the analysis. It is material if it generates or will generate
more than 10% of the company’s total sales revenue.


After reading the short story, Look at Your Fish (Links: https://www.thoughtco.com/look-at-your-fish-by-scudder-1690049.), complete the Observation activity using the attached instructions ( please see the additional file)
Please don’t use any work cites. It must be your own words and use the first person to write.
Thank you