Communication in the Workplace

Create a workplace scenario (SCRIPT)) in which there is a conflict, and TWO possible outcomes – one that illustrates the worst approach to communication for the scenario and one that illustrates the best approach. The scenario should include at least two characters.
In addition, each member of the group (we are two people on this assignment – so we need 2 reflections) must individually complete a one-page reflection relating to what you have learned by doing this assignment and implications for your future practice as a professional.

Script example:
Glenda asks Jimmy,
[G] – “How did the night shift go Jimmy”?
[J] – “Fine” – said acutely with a closed posture.
Jimmy’s response can be an example that “messages can deceive” (DeVito et al., 2016, p. 102) because his response to Glenda was not indicative of how he was actually feeling.
More examples in the instruction file (attached).

Please read the full instruction (file are attached).
The source must be only from our textbook – Joseph A. DeVito, Rena Shimoni, Dawne Clark-Messages_ Building Interpersonal Communication Skills-Pearson Canada (I have sent the textbook to the support team).

impact of Western imperialism and colonization


in this essay you will evaluate this question: What were the causes and impacts of modern imperialism? Explain the rise, fall, and consequences of the second wave of European expansion into Africa and Asia that began in the 18th century and ended with decolonization after World War II. What factors led to both the expansion and decline of this conquest? What were the consequences for the major imperialist powers, the nations they subdued, and for the globe as a whole?

To answer this prompt, you should consider the following themes:

Western views of non-Western civilizations
tools, means, and methods of empire
exploitation ideology, abuse of native people, and pillaging of resources
role of corporations as imperial agents
impact of decolonization and the post-colonial experience
The required sources for your research include:

one cartoon from Punch magazine
The White Man’s Burden (1899) by Rudyard Kipling
Heart of Darkness (1899) by Joseph Conrad
Things Fall Apart (1958) by Chinua Achebe
one painting
one photograph
one piece of contested art that has either been repatriated or requested for repatriation

there should be no fewer than 20 footnotes

the role of self-esteem and age in perceived coercive control behaviour.

I am looking for help with writing a part of the literature review section of my dissertation. Most specifically, I am looking for research and writ up part of the section where I discuss self-esteem and age with relation to coercin.
The section title is: self-esteem and age can colour perception on the emotional situation. That section should discuss self-esteem and age in relation to coercion or social power theory, not as an independent concept. However, minor/general information on them is allowed at the beginning. However, the main focus of self-esteem and age should be in the context of coercive control.

The influence the media organization holds on it′s reporting

Describe how Abdulahi Hasan Sharif has been represented in the following 2 articles:


Introduction must include thesis statement to: A) signpost the reader how the paper is organized and B) highlight how the mission statement/political economy of the media organization helps us understand how its reporting are constructed.

Paper must be organized and researched via 6 subheadings. (In accordance with the 2 articles provided).

1. Implications of Words: Used to refer to Abdulahi Hasan Sharif and what they might suggest.

2. Implications of Images: Used to represent Abdulahi Hasan Sharif and why they might have been selected, what idea do they showcase? or suggest.

3. Changes in Representation: Possible changes/continuities of how Abdulahi Hasan Sharif is represented in the articles. Things that might not align with earlier representations or implications with the words/images used.

4. The mission statement and agenda′s (goals) of the two media organizations in the article (The Globe and Mail + The National Post) and possible similarities and differences in their representations of the case.

5. The political economy of the two media organizations and how it may impact their reporting of the case through representation or lack of.

6. How does the Mission statement and political economy of the two media organizations (in the article) help us make deductions regarding our arguments in 1,2,3 (Choice of words/images/changes or continuities).

Finally a conclusion to summarize the paper.

REFERENCES: Must be in APA format including 10 additional sources, academic sources are preferred. 12 sources in total with the 2 articles provided.

Thank you!


all instructions will be uploaded
I would like to use something relating to SMART phones

Dissertation- Chronic Management and social class; does inequality contribute to the high rate of death?

This is a dissertation the proposal report was written before and I am continuing from that proposal that i will download so its just to expand on the proposal. Looking at Swaziland now called Eswatini, a developing country and looking at developed countries like America and UK comparing the death rate.
I would also like to discuss and analyse the crisis COVID 19 that there is equality the rich and poor are dying.

Personality Assesment

Please choose whoever you want!!!!!! Thank you sooooo much.
A 4-page paper is required for this class in which you select a real person (living or dead) to do a personality assessment on. The person you select should be an individual for which you can research using books or other sources (i.e., someone well-known or famous; NOT a family member or friend). This paper should flow in a similar manner as your assigned book by McAdams (not the textbook).
• Step 1: Select real person (see above for restrictions)
• Step 2: Research person using credible sources (e.g., historical books, news sources, etc.)
Step 3: Determine personality using three different approaches (e.g., biological, trait). If you are unsure which approaches to use, refer to Funder’s textbook. Each chapter outlines personality by a different approach.
• Step 4: Use research regarding the individual to provide evidence to support your personality assessment
o Find 3 scholarly journal articles to review research in each approach (1 article per approach).
▪These are articles you would find on Google Scholar, PsycINFO, EbscoHost, etc. They are NOT online articles from Psychology Today, Wikipedia, or other websites.
You should find articles that discuss research in these areas generally… you do NOT need to find scholarly articles that discuss the individual you’re assessing. For example, if you are assessing Barack Obama and wish to apply the biological approach, you do not need to find a research article that talks about Obama and personality related to biology. You would only need to find two research articles that discuss studies related to biological personality. It’s your job, as the writer, to connect your opinion about what Obama’s biological components would be based on your research from him in historical texts and based on general information you learned about current research in personality psychology.
• One article about approach 1
• One article about approach 2
• One articles about approach 3
• Step 5: Write the paper in APA format
Include a title page
Paper cites the Funder (2016) textbook more than 3x
• Paper is too short
• Paper uses more than 2 quotes – you should be paraphrasing your sources
• APA style is incorrect
• No inclusion of a title page
• Easy to fix errors – if you don’t spend time proof reading your paper, why
should I spend time thoroughly reading it?
• Grammar
o Use of “you” when writing. Don’t use the words “you,” “your,” or “you’re” when writing.
I recommend writing the paper in the following way: o Introduction section
§ Introduce person and brief background information (no more than 1/2 page)
o Approach1
§ Introduce your theory about the person using your first selected
approach (~ 1.2 pages)
• Use scholarly article to support your theory
• Use research on person to support your theory
o Approach 2
§ Introduce your theory about the person using your second selected
approach (~ 1.2 pages)
§ Use research on person to support your theory
§ Use scholarly article to support your theory
o Approach 3
§ Introduce your theory about the person using your third selected
approach (~ 1.2 pages)
§ Use research on person to support your theory
§ Use scholarly article to support your theory

The Aesthetic Movement vs Arts and Crafts

The essay must compare and contrast The Aesthetic Movement vs The Arts and Crafts (please keep in mind that there is English and American Arts and Crafts and both must be addressed) as they pertain to architecture and interior design (in other words this is not an essay about ART its about architecture and interior design). Please follow the criteria included in the professors instructions. The instructions also list some resources that can be used as references. I am also including a pdf of the textbook chapters on these movements (the textbook may also be used as one of your resources. I have tried to have 4 different companies write this essay and they have all not been of a quality and lack the content i need to be able to use them. Please don’t let me down. It is APA format so it needs a running head and a title (I can edit the words as long as its formatted correctly). The title of the textbook (in case you want to use it as one of the references) is Architecture and Interior Design an integrated history to the present. Authors Buie Harwood, Bridget May, and Curt Sherman.