Review of quantitative research design

Prepare an Essay to evaluate examples of inferential statistical analysis by discussing empirical results and the strengths, weakness and suitability of different statistical estimation and hypothesis testing procedures.

In approximately 500 words, answer two of the four questions in the file provided here on Inferential Statistical Analysis.

Cultural Audit Change Analisys

This paper has to be divided into two parts. The first part it’s about a great culturally company (Example: SouthWest) and answers to all the question in document adjunct (Part of this cultural part it’s in chapter 3-Included). The second part it’s about how the company can resolve all the issues if another company bought them (Much of this information it’s in chapter 18-Included). Each part need to be 8 pages for a total of 16 pages

Lab report Gram staining of dental plaque

Lab report needs to include:
– introduction that describes the purpose of the experiment
– Includes a clearly stated aim for the experiment Makes one or two hypotheses, but only one can be tested using the data to be collected
-Good description of the protocol, including most steps to facilitate reproducibility
-Uses text and drawings to describe results; drawings are appropriately labelled
-Makes links between relevant observations, Addresses findings related to at least one hypothesis
-Briefly explains observations on the basis of microscopy and Gram staining method
-One or two errors in the use of scientific terminology throughout.  Maximum length 4 pages. Arial, font size 12; single spaced. If uses references – correct Vancouver referencing; most references relevant & credible 

Procedure for the lab:

1. With a toothpick place one drop of water onto a slide. 2. With a new toothpick take a small amount of your own tooth plaque into the water drop and emulsify; spread out the drop as much as possible. The emulsion should not be too thick. PLACE THE TOOTHPICK INTO THE CONTAMINATED WASTE BEAKER.
3. “Heat-fix” the slide with the specimen by passing it over a heat source, such as a flame, several times using forceps or a clothes peg. The slide should be passed very quickly through the flame and not be heated excessively. Place slide on the staining tray.
4. Add about 5 drops of CRYSTAL VIOLET stain over the fixed culture. Allow to stand for 60 seconds.
5. Gently, rinse off the crystal violet with distilled water. 6. Add about 5 drops of the IODINE SOLUTION on to the smear, enough to cover the fixed culture. Allow to stand for 30 seconds.
7. Rinse off the iodine solution with distilled water. Shake off the excess water from the surface.
8. Add a few drops of ETHANOL SOLUTION so the solution trickles down the slide. Rinse it off with water after 5 seconds. The exact time to stop is when the solvent is no longer coloured as it flows over the slide. Further flow will cause excess decolorization and the purpose of staining will be defeated.
9. Counterstain with 5 drops of the SAFRANIN solution for 20 – 30 seconds.
10. Rinse off the safranin with distilled water.
11. Dry the slide on absorbent paper. Alternatively, the slide may be shaken to remove most of the water and then air-dried.

No further instructions were given.

Sleep Deprivation

SCENARIO: Michael is a first-year university student who often stays up late at night. During the week Michael’s university commitments do not start until 11am so he usually sleeps in until at least 9:30am each day. Recently, Michael got a job at McDonalds doing the breakfast shift (6am-10am) during the week. Currently Michael is struggling to wake up in the morning so that he can make it to work on time. He has even missed his alarm on several occasions and has been quite late for work. When he is at work, Michael appears very tired and does not perform well. Michael has tried going to bed earlier so that he can wake up earlier, however, when he does this he is unable to fall asleep. He then gets up and plays on the computer until he feels sleepy (around 2am). Michael has no trouble falling asleep at 2am in the morning, and when he is asleep, he does not wake during the night. On the weekend when he has an opportunity to sleep in later, he sleeps until after noon in order to catch up on his sleep lost during the previous week. However, this doesn’t help him get to sleep earlier the next week.

In 800 words (or less), you should:
• Identify and explain the sleep problem that Michael has.
• Suggest possible psychological/behavioural treatments for the sleep problem and justify your recommendations.

Organized Religion during COVID-19

This is supposed to be an opinion article for an english class. So in my case, im trying to say that while gathering in islam is important, a time like this is an exception and we have to follow what health officials are ordering.