Students Should NOT be Judged based on SAT/ACT Scores

Need an argumentative essay

MLA format
Third person point of view.
Minimum of three major arguments (issues, reasons, causes) must be incorporated.
The word count for this essay is a minimum 1000.
Minimum five sources: do not use the following: wikipedia, basic dictionary, encyclopedia, blogs unless from verifiable source

Fair use & copyright law

1.What is your understanding of fair use?
2.Discuss the relationship between copyright law and freedom of expression.
3.Why do you think it’s hard to know if fair use will apply in a particular instance?
4.What particular challenges does digital technology pose for copyright law?
5.Share and discuss at least one example of digital content from the web that pushes the boundaries of fair use. (YouTube has some particularly good examples.)

Strategic Corporate Finance

Part A of the assessment is compulsory for all students with a marking allocation of 50% awarded within this element. Students will then select to attempt EITHER Part B or Part C of the assessment with this element of the work also being awarded a mark allocation of 50%. In conclusion, Part A is compulsory, i don’t have a preference for part b or c as long as which are you are confident at. The file ” UGB363 Lecture 10 2018-2019″ is for reference only, please kindly follow the “UGB363 Assessment Brief__ (A).docx”

Project report

this report is the final disertation report following by project proposal which I have made here before, I need proofread accurately on literature review chapter, On the other hand , chapters like Methodology, discussion, finding and conclusion these sections I need you to rewrite while not losing the original context in order to match the literature review sections. but no need to rewrite on literature review section that section only need proofread cuz the lecturer have checked already.

you do not need reference list I will myself thank you

Wells Fargo

I will provide a document attached that provides all the instructions and the format. Basically it is a response to a question about Wells Fargo and a case study. The question I need to answer is : How did Wells Fargo’s focus on short- term gains violate the duties they owed to consumers, regulators, and employees ?
Thank you for you help.
The class it is for is Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

Does Corporate Social Responsibility contribute to Business Growth and Success for Multinational Corporations. A Case Study on Ferrero

FInal Version Dissertation requested
-FOR ALL THE INSTRUCTIONS, SEE the Word Document Attached below which includes the accepted proposal with additional instructions to include.
The course of studies is : International Political Economy (therefore it must include a mixture of political and economic views.
REQUESTED Writer (writer’s ID ): 209186 who already worked on the proposal with me!