Issues and trends in nursing

Use the website, , found in the Learning Resources to do the following:

Post a 3-paragraph response

Provide a brief definition of quality indicators.
Choose a particular indicator that either is being addressed or you would like to see addressed at your place of employment (or previous place of employment), and explain your reasons. Describe both the issue and your involvement in it. Alternatively, discuss your leadership’s role and your role in utilizing the indicator to improve health care.

Capital Budgeting

Prepare a final research paper (6-7 pages double-spaced) on the following topics, using examples/cases of real companies.

1. Forecasting incremental Earnings

2. Operating vs Capital Expenditures

3. Incremental Revenue & Cost Estimates

4. Capital Expenditures & Depreciation

5. Calculating NPV

6. Opportunity and Sunk Costs

Peer Reviewed Organizational Culture article

Why: To explore the meaning of the culture of the industry in which you work.
What: Choose a peer-reviewed article about the culture in the industry you work in. In a short entry, summarize the article you read about. Include any insights that you believe will be helpful to our learning community about your industry, how this particular article describes it and, the questions listed below. Finally,, how does Hofstede impact your thinking?
* How is organizational culture defined?
* Is organizational culture described differently and/or the same as one’s individual culture?
* What is an example of melding individual/personal culture organizational culture?

Article: Hofstede Geert “The Cultural Relativity of Organizational Practices and Theories.” Journal of International Business Studies, Washington: Fall 1983 Vol. 14, Iss.2, 75-90

my Industry: I work for a university as a regular/ patrol security officer

Slavery in America

Dear writer,
I wrote everything down that you need to know into a PDF file. Please read the “Dear_writer_Literatures” file first.

Best regards

Colour Purple and Brooklyn coursework

I have several emails that have been sent to me by my english Lit teacher that i must complete my course work about the colour purple and brooklyn however not all the steps are added, i will send you all the documents that you have to look through and also please dont write on a high academic level just attempt to make it clear and concise with all the things that my teacher has asked me to do. could you also inform in detail how much and what you have done also i dont know what format to choose so please choode the best one many thanks

here are all the recourses you will need:

Market Structure

Please see attached reference

Do some research and write a Topic Paper that describes the market structure in which a typical professional sports team in or outside the United States (e.g. New York Yankees, Kansas City Wizards, New Jersey Nets, Manchester United, etc.) operates. Do they cleanly fit into one of the four structures discussed in our book? If yes, describe which one and support the conclusion you reached? If you believe they do not fit neatly into a structure, describe why not?

After you have reached your conclusion, examine and explain how, if at all, your conclusion changes if the scope of the marketplace changes, i.e., the area of consideration is narrowed or widened. The area of consideration may be the product or service under review, or the geographic area in which the product or service is offered.

Lastly, gather some information about a market structure called ‘monopsony’ and state why or why not that structure is relevant to the topic.

Use the material in Chapters 8 -9 to ‘analyze’ the subject and support the position you take.

Properly cite outside references, and note there is a wealth of information available on the topic..