Meaninful Use

Locate an article from the Journal of AHIMA on the Meaningful Use Initiative. Briefly summarize the article and its relevance to this week’s topic of the EHR.

Include two items that you learned from this article, or include two key points made in the article.

Time Based Competition

Rubric against current paper:

Give a brief overview of time-based competition and how organisations have evolved to make their supply chain processes faster. (15%)

Your overview has some good points but purely as an opportunity to encapsulate the topic, the effort misses key elements. For example, how have organisations evolved their supply chains?

Review current literature on time-based competition, identifying the key elements required to be successful in delivering great quality in time-sensitive operations. Your review must give examples that demonstrate wider reading including facts and figures from a variety of industries. Your review must also evaluate the information presented and give the reader an insight into your educated viewpoints on the subject and the content you have presented. (40%)

You have missed a good opportunity to use the seminal paper by George Stalk Jr. The review does not have any examples or the facts and figures that were required by the assessment brief

Apply the ideas/concept of time-based competition to an organisation you are a familiar with. Outline how they deliver their products/services using time-based competition concepts. In your discussion consider the industry and other environmental constraints that influence their approach. (30%)

The discussion is below the standard expected; there is very little that references Apple’s time compression either is product development or delivery to market. No discussion of the industry constraints or conditions that influence the approach taken

Critically evaluate their effectiveness compared to industry standards and their prospects going forward. (15%)

The reader is unaware of the timescale standards in this industry which is a key part of this section

General comments: There are missing deliverables in this assessment; did you send a draft in?

Second marker:

Your answer did not explain, evaluate and discuss the issues raised by the question in sufficient depth. Much more depth of analysis is required at degree level.

Technology Selection Study Recommendation Paper

For this paper, you will construct a recommendation to study and evaluate a specific technology. To support your recommendation you will use information from either your Technology Review #1 or Technology Review #2. Your sources which support your paper must have a publication date of 2015 or later, i.e. 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020.

White Collar Crime Sentencing Disparities

Written Assignment:

Continue your research project by completing the following:

locate reference materials to support topic
list reference materials in an annotated bibliography
summarize existing literature on the topic
write a hypothesis statement that references the literature

As always, all submissions should be in APA format with appropriate citations where required.

Leading with Purpose Purposeful

This reflection is being written as if you are getting ready to become a school principal and how you will lead with purpose. I am uploading a sample paper to help show how this paper needs to be written. Please do not copy the paper but refer to” tranformational leadership style” in this paper! Reflect on your cumulative experience throughout Internship Blocks I, II and III. In 275 words, write a personal statement expressing the importance of leading with purpose and how you can achieve this.

APA format is required and expected

Essay on “Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems”

Describe Galileo’s mathematical-experimental method. Explain how he used it to formulate a new theory of motion and how this theory contributed to the acceptance of Copernican heliocentric theory. In particular, explain how Galileo’s theory disposes of the Aristotelian objections to the hypothesis of a moving Earth based on observations of free-falling bodies. Use Galileo’s discussion in his “Dialogue Concerning Two Chief World Systems” to support your analysis.

HIV/AIDs in African countries

word limit 800 words

TASK: Devise an intervention to overcome identified common mechanisms of communicable diseases in a target population.
As a WHO representative advocate for steps to be taken to reduce the incidence of a communicable diseases in vulnerable population of the world. This intervention will be presented to all world leaders to emphasise a shared responsibility in minimizing disease. The intervention will be created using the RE-AIM model, with relevant aspects of the health models and vocabulary studied in Term 1 integrated where appropriate.

To complete this task the following steps need to be taken before completing the investigation:
• Explain the common mechanisms of communicable diseases, both historical and current.
• Identify the demographic of the most vulnerable population groups.
• Choose a specific disease and a target population for your proposed intervention.
• Choose a focus of the intervention from: Education; Health protocols & Sanitation; Housing; Employment; Birth Control; Decentralization of the workforce; Global Economic Management; National and International Aid Funding; Immigration and Refugee Policy; Food distribution.

This is an investigation and therefore requires the following sections:
• Introduction:
Introduce the whole investigation as a brief outline of what is contained in your report

• Background context:
Explain the context of the task based on the causes of disease, mechanisms of transmission, prevention and treatment of disease, and the demographic of the most vulnerable. (Refer to Act 2,3,6 to develop your paragraph)

• Investigation Focus: Outline of intervention
(Disease Options Act 9,10,11,12, or a communicable disease from the list in Act15)
The target group for this intervention will be

With regards to sanitation practices the following augmentation of current practices is recommended:
In this section you need to outline IN DETAIL the proposal integrating Ottawa Charter; Determinants of health and Salutogenic/pathogenic terminology where appropriate.

• Reach: How will the target population’s specific needs be ensured?
To ensure that … needs are met… X Y Z

• Effectiveness: How will the effectiveness of the intervention be measured?
Measuring the effectiveness of interventions is an important tool in ensuring appropriate health care provision. It is proposed that …

• Adopt: What organizational support will be required to plan and implement the intervention?
The successful implementation of this plan will depend on … X Y Z

• Implementation: How will consistency in the implementation phase be ensured?
The consistency in the implementation phase will be assured by … X Y Z

• Maintenance: How will the intervention be supported and maintained so it becomes permanent practice?
To ensure support and ongoing maintenance of the intervention the following is recommended. X Y Z

• Summary: A succinct overview of the intervention

Compile a Bibliography
Appendix (if appropriate)

Math/Physic/Economic/Statistic Problems

For each of the above problems, do the following:
y = −2 | x − 1 | + 4
f(x) = – 2(Squared)

For each of your equation, write down five (5) points on the graph of each equation (you do not have to submit your graph. Draw the graph using paper/pencil or use online graphing calculators like Desmos Graphing Calculator (Links to an external site.) to answer the question).
For each of your equation, does the graph of each equation have any intercepts? If yes, what are they? If not, why not?
State the domain for each of your equations. Write them in interval notation.
State the range for each of your equations. Write them in interval notation.
State whether each of the equations is a function or not giving your reasons for the answer.
Select one of your graphs and assume it has been shifted three units upward and four units to the left. Discuss how this transformation affects the equation by rewriting the equation to incorporate those numbers.
Incorporate the following four math vocabulary words into your discussion. Use bold font to emphasize the words in your writing. Do not write definitions for the words; use them appropriately in sentences describing the thought behind your math work.
Vertical Line test
Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length.


Please make amendments according to the comments in the document and the feedback. I’ve also attached the three mentioned articles. If you wish, I can upload the entire proposal including the references. The attached pages only include the parts which need to be altered. Please let me know if required. It’s all written in BE and should remain in BE, please don’t change it to AE due to a US writer. Thanks