In Hemodialysis patients diagnosed with depression (P), does the effect of cognitive behavioral therapy (I), compared to usual care (C) improve symptoms of depression (O), within 3 months (t).

he purpose of this assignment is to assess the ability to apply principles of systems thinking to an evidence-based practice project. This assignment requires each student to provide an overview of the implementation plan for his/her project and how the project fits into the health care system.

An illustration, diagram, or map of the system should be attached to the post. It should depict inputs, throughputs, outputs, feedback loops, and sustainability mechanisms within the system. It should identify stakeholders and assessment points. The attachment should incorporate principles of systems organization described in the textbook and readings in Weeks 1and 2 this course, as well as feedback from instructors and peers in DNPU 703.

The initial post should be 300 to 400 words long. The post should be written using the professional style described in the APA manual (6th ed.).

Comparative Essay


Upon successful completion of this assignment, students will be able to

Write personal responses in reading fiction
Move from response writing to writing a critical essay
Use analysis of themes in two stories about work to find deeper meaning in each and
Write academically using literary texts as primary sources

Students are to write a comparative, critical essay analyzing two short stories, based on their personal responses to the texts and their own questions as critical readers.


Read the four short stories listed below:
A & P by John Updike
ABC Antidote by Ishmael Beah
A Doctor’s Visit by Anton Chekhov
Some Women by Alice Munro
Write a formal essay comparing the themes of entrapment in any two of the stories.
The essay should contain a title page, introduction (thesis statement), a body with careful and logical organization of arguments and observations, and a conclusion.
Use APA style in formatting your essay.
Support your observations with quotations from the stories. Do not cite or incorporate secondary sources; this is YOUR analysis, not a summary of someone else’s.
The essay is to be based on your careful reading of the stories, your personal response and critical thinking about them, with the intent to discover deeper meaning in exploring and comparing these themes in two rather than in reading only one story.
Suggested ways to approach this assignment:

After reading all four stories, choose the two that appeal to you most, or about which you see an interesting possible comparison.
Use free writing or mind mapping or even brief notes to explore your responses and reactions to the stories.
Do not censor your first responses; let your feelings and thoughts flow.
Compose a list of questions about each story.
Write a first draft of the essay, answering your own questions, if possible, and indicate where you have difficulty answering the questions. This is at the heart of your analysis.
Continue to revise, with at least two more drafts, adding quotations from the stories and details of characterization, plot, and theme.
Write a final draft in which you mostly eliminate the pronoun I in your writing but make your own judgements about the stories clear.
Indicate in the conclusion to the essay which story you prefer and why. Also state why you would (or would not) recommend this story about workplace to another reader.
(Re)write your introduction last, as it needs to reflect the body of your work.
As you reread your last draft, be sure the thesis statement or main controlling idea in the essay is clear.

Portfolios project

No Plagiarism. Follow the steps to the t. If there is any questions feel free to email me. If it cannot be completed let me know within two days.

Feminist Political economy: social reproducive labour and the value capitalism places on workers in crisis : open to change


Thank you SO much for helping me out. I am in a third year political science course on the feminist political economy. Ive attached a course description below. This paper I want to be written from this feminist approach.

Id like my topic to focus on this general topic:
Social reproductive labour in capitalism, such as “unskilled” care work in long-term care facilities, nurse aids in hospitals, and paid and unpaid domestic work, are made invisible, and of no value or of little value. The current covid-19 virus pandemic has heightened the visibility and value of workers who are engaged in these social reproductive labour categories.

These are our main books we discussed: Federici, Silvia and A. Austin, eds., The New York Wages for Housework Committee 1972-1977, 2nd edition, Autonomedia, 2018. Taylor, Keeanga-Yamahtta, edited. How We Get Free: Black Feminism and the Combahee River Collective, Haymarket Books, 2017.

I have attached the syllabus because it has all of the links that would be of value to you, as opposed to me copying them all out for you. Within the time table schedule it easily addresses the topics and what readings are beneficial. Ive attached 2 powerpoints with great background knowledge, a checklist of what the paper should have and the syllabus to have better access to the readings. Thank you so so much.

Course Description: Feminist political economy (FPE) grew out of feminist movements of the 1970s. It subsequently has established itself as a systematic interdisciplinary field. “FPE is an approach that understands social difference—including, but not limited to, gender—to be integral to the functioning of political-economic systems and knowledge production processes. FPE foregrounds how capitalism is reproduced through logics and practices that create and marshal [intersectional] difference into its categories of value.” (Werner et al., 2017, p. 2) At the centre of feminist political economy is the collective feminist effort, in both activism and academic work, to make social reproduction in capitalism visible and valuable. In other words, what labour is in capitalism has to be re-conceptualized to include not just productive, but social reproductive labour. The course thus expands our understanding of the political-economic realm, with respect to time, the body, and the private.

Essay Writing

During the research work, the numerous references and research paper belongs to the Optimization of Plant Layout in Manufacturing Industry was studied and considered for analysis. Any of these include:
The layout design is essentially the functional arrangement of items in a production system, such as workstations or machines. The purpose of the layout design is to provide a continuous flow through the system of staff, materials, and details. (Zahid A. Khan and Arshad Noor Siddiquee). While planning the layout in the production industry all the machines and the workstation must be in the proper place for the smooth running of the production and for reducing the time of resetting the machine if the breakdown occurs in the machine during the production. This is a similar scenario to what Reliance Silvasa production house is encountering and not able to reset the machine in a breakdown situation unless they stop the production.
According to the study (Gaurav Goyal and Devendra S. Verma) Plant layout optimization means putting items in their right place so that potential expansions are simple, there is flexibility in the handling of materials in terms of time and cost, proper use of space, safety and housekeeping, proper working conditions, proper appearance, proper use of equipment, higher payout, returns, and productivity. In the small-scale industry, working condition is not good and a bad appearance of plan create because of the poor layout management. The kind of arrangement Silvassa production has does not seem very effective to expect a smooth production process. The sudden stop of machines can cause the material to lose, the arrangement of the storage will not be efficient. It also reflects badly on the health and safety aspect.
In Mallick and Gandreau’s terms, “Plant layout is a floor plan for determining and arranging a plant’s planned machinery and equipment, whether developed or contemplated, in the best location, to allow the fastest flow of material, at the lowest cost and with the minimum handling in the processing of the product, from receiving the raw material to shipping the finished product”. In such crises in Silvassa manufacturing division will be facing irregulate in delivery of the goods as there is time taking process for machines to be back to produce goods. It will also cause difficulties in production plans made by the supervisor and will be suffering from organizing raw materials.

I will provide some more information to help in writing an essay.
Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you

Ethics Annotated Bibliography: 5G Network and Its Impacts in the 21st Century

Annotated Bibliography

Use EBSCOhost’s Academic Search Premier database or google scholar to search for articles on ethical issues(positive or negative) raised by the new or emerging technology that you selected (5G Network and its Impacts in the 21st Century). One ethical issue is “could 5G Get Us All Hacked”? Second, “How 5G Wireless Will Revolutionize Healthcare in a positive way”.

Locate at least four scholarly sources to support your analysis. Develop an annotated bibliography, providing a 150-word summary (main points and ethical issues), assessment (reliability, bias, and goal of each reference), and reflection (Was the resource helpful? How will it support your research study? Did your thinking change after reading the resource?) for each source.

sociology class

Imagine you are a high school principal. Choose one of the challenges listed below:

You receive a series of parent complaints that their daughters have noticed that the high school biology teacher never presents any examples of, or research from, female research scientists.
An area newspaper publishes an investigative report documenting that students of color at your school are more likely to be placed in lower tracks and appear to have lower average test scores than otherwise similar White students.
You attend a community meeting where local employers complain that the last three years of high school graduates have noticeably lower skills in answering phones and interacting in a professional manner with customers. Employers are concerned they may need to look elsewhere for qualified workers.

Prepare a response to the following questions (at least 250 words):

Why is the issue raised by the parent, reporter, or employer a concern to the person who raised it and/or the students directly affected?
Why is it a social problem? How does it impact society, rather than just individuals? Consider the three theoretical perspectives we have discussed.
Which theoretical perspective do you find most useful in explaining why the issue is a social problem? Why?
Based on your analysis of the problem through the lens of your chosen theory, describe two policies you would enact to address the issue.

discussion board- sociology class

Read this article– (Links to an external site.)–and respond to the following questions: (1) what is DACA; (2) how did the rescinding of this legal protection impact the students in this article; (3) how does being a DACA recipient constrain one’s choices for education . . . especially higher education; (4) do you believe measures like DACA are more harmful or helpful to education in America? Explain.

What factors contribute to the disparities in health among racial, ethnic, and gender groups in the United States?

Essay Requirements :

Minimum of 250-words (must have footnotes; word count is based on the body, excludes salutations, the paraphrasing the question, footnote references)
Must provide scholarly in text citation (textbook, other scholarly/peer-reviewed sources found in the school’s library database with a limiter of “scholarly / peer-reviewed” box checked, internet sources ending in .gov) – Minimum of 1 scholarly reference