Organizational Behavior

Review the case study “Zappos CEO asks employees to commit to Teal, or leave.” pg 628 of Organizational Behavior: A Practical, Problem-Solving Approach (required reference) . Write as synopsis (a brief overview) of the case. Please prepare your synopsis as if I (and your colleagues) do not have the whole case study. Your synopsis should be concise, complete, and fully describe the situation “as you see it.” The synopsis should not exceed 4-5 paragraphs.

Identify three (3) problems (Stop 1) and utilizing the material (Stop 2) we have covered in the course so far and make three (3) recommendations (Stop 3) to solve the problems. Each problem will require a justified recommended solution.

Support your recommended solutions with rational thought learned from the course material, other courses, online resources provided for this course, and real-life experience.

REQUIRED Reference:
Kinicki, Angelo, and Mel Fugate. Organizational Behavior: a Practical, Problem-Solving Approach. McGraw-Hill Education, 2018.

Counterterrorism Policies

Compare/contrast two terrorist campaigns and identify the counterterrorism policies that were implemented in response. The two terrorist campaigns are the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA).

1. Explain why you chose these two cases. How are they similar or different on key dimensions, and why do they offer an appropriate comparison?

2. What does the comparison tell us about terrorism campaigns generally? In other words, what lessons can be drawn from these cases that may apply to other terrorism cases?

3. Which elements of the campaigns do you think are unique to the cases you selected? In other words, which elements probably do not apply elsewhere?

4. What does the comparison tell us about counterterrorism responses generally? What lessons can be drawn from these cases that may apply to counterterrorism in other cases?

Please involve these 2 sources at least once each in the paper:

Ressler, Steve. 2006. Social network analysis as an approach to combat terrorism: Past, present, and future research (Links to an external site.). Homeland Security Affairs, 2(2).

Daxecker, Ursula E. and Hess, M.L., 2013. Repression hurts: coercive government responses and the demise of terrorist campaigns (Links to an external site.). British Journal of Political Science, 43(3), pp.559-577.

treatment activity project

read the patient medical file answer all the therapeutic questions on the second file. this activity has to be occupational therapy activity.try to answer therapeutic question. I really need perfect job.


Information Science – Library and sustainable development goals of the 2030 Agenda

3 single spaces pages BACKGROUND for a PhD research project. APA
The problem of the paper is “What is the contribution of public libraries in Mozambique in the implementation of the 2030 SDGs?
Attached please find some support materials for the literature review within the BACKGROUND. Please include in the background the link between millennium development goals and sustainable development goals and the role of the public libraries.
Attached is also the IFLA material that address the participation of libraries in the objectives of sustainable development. Don’t forget to contextualize the public library. Please include another literature but use all the articles (To show science) included here.
Feel free to use your creativity to build a pleasant and enlightening background. You can also suggest a better title. In the annexes there is a page with some inputs that give the idea of what is intended in the research.

Background should indicate the root of the problem being studied, its scope, main objective and the extent to which previous studies have successfully investigated the problem, noting, in particular, where gaps exist that your study attempts to address. Present the model or theories that will be applied and conclusion.

I am asking for an Originality report of the research proposal attached. This is extra work. No relation with the first paper.

Professional Security

You are the Director of Security for a major corporation that provides around the clock security for a corporate business complex that consists of offices and, warehouses. Recently, you have been approached by your organization’s Chief Financial Officer (C.F.O.) about a substantial increase in employee overtime during the last two tax quarters. Your initial inquiries into the cause revealed increased sick-time usage among middle- managers, first-line supervisors and operatives; the sick-time usage is specifically centered on the weekends and observed holidays. In addition to the increased sick-time usage, you have also discovered employee overtime in excess of the normal 40 hours work week has been dispersed without authorization.

1. As the Director of Security, what is your first course of action?
2. What are your available options?
3. Who will assist you in your endeavors?
4. What short- and long-range remedies would you develop?

The paper must be at least 9 full pages of content in length with normal margins. Scores for papers that do not meet the minimum length requirement will be marked down by five points for each half page or portion of a half page short, and ten points for three-quarters of a page short. Tables, graphs, or charts should be presented in an appendix, but is not counted toward the minimum paper length. The paper must have a title page and must follow APA style. Pages must be numbered. An abstract is not necessary but may be included. It does not count towards the required pages.

A minimum of five sources must be researched and cited in the paper. Only sources referenced throughout the paper will be counted towards the five. The paper will be partially evaluated on the quality and appropriateness of your sources. As a rule, academic sources, e.g., books, journals, government-sponsored studies and reports, are of better quality than newspapers and magazines. Web sources, other than government web sites, may not be used, unless it is a university database article. The course texts may be cited.

The paper must be typed, double-spaced. Times Roman font style should be consistent throughout the paper (Italics and boldface are permissible). Twelve-point font size should be used. Exceptions to the font requirements may be made for tables and exhibits, or in cases in which the nature of the paper warrants such deviation.

The paper should be written in a style appropriate to college-level work, that is, proper grammar, syntax, spelling, and appropriate vocabulary are expected. The paper will be evaluated based on these criteria as well as on content. Papers that are judged to have not been proofread and grammatically sound will not be graded.

Performance Management Fundamentals

1) Read carefully the requirement rubric and assessment criteria to maximize the grading, attachment “Ass. Final Ind Project.doc”
2) Please follow word limit 2000 words, including references and appendices.
3) You can use previously done research and related reports in the attachment below, to critically assess the importance of performance management and measurement systems in relation to adoption and implementation of continuous improvement initiatives such as Total quality Management (TQM).
4) I have attached ADNOC internal sources that can be used to make this report. Plus, some of my own previous work done during other courses.
5) I have chosen ” Abu Dhabi National Oil Company ADNOC” UAE based company as organization for this assignment.
6) Please use high level of academic sources (journal articles) to suit my academic level ( 15 sources).
7) Please use proofread for any typos/grammatical errors .also to use Font 12, Times New Roman 1.0 line space, and fully justified text.
8) Please provide high level of supporting evidence in methodology part. Choose one of following data collection method or instruments to gather primary and secondary data, ( surveys/ observation of seeing documents or your own observation/ published reports/ interviews) whatever suits you.. And analyze the data in findings/ results part of the report.
9) Relate performance management & measurement concepts within report. & focus on one topic or one aspect of PMS, don’t deviate.

Multinational Financial Management

This is a group project and for my part, I need to submit PowerPoint slides to my assignment as well.

I need to record my voice and explain the slides as well. I need a word document with it to read out each PowerPoint bullet point from there and record it.