research proposal and ethical consideration form (AS 1ST ATTACHMENT)

attached you will find the proposal but it needed some amendments as the study is exploratory/inductive with a research framework having both interviews and focus groups. with the outcome a research model will be developed. the interviews will be performed in 2 hospital one gozo general hospital and the other one karen grech hospital and the focus groups will have one for the management and the other one for the employees to have the perspective of both. interview around 15 will be performed over 2 months.


Non-Violent Communication Book Report

You do not need to read the whole book… This is not the major class so just take it easy. Please just visit this website for summary
This is the website for the quotes—life-changing-tools-for-h

You should put your personal voice. Just add things like “I think this quote is good because I feel like it is something” or “In real life, the examples of non-violent communication can be this and that”.
Please follow these steps.

1. Overview and key thoughts and ideas from the book/audiobook.
2. Example of how you could use NVC in your own life, work, or situation.
3. What questions arose for you in this book?
4. Please include a few favorite quotes (OK to summarize this since some students will listen to this as an audiobook and it’s hard to use exact word and page numbers).
5. Conclusion: What is your “take away” or something that resonated with you the most in this book. Your conclusion could also be a brief summary if that is a better style for you.

This is it. Good luck writer!

Accreditation Review

Accreditation Review

Assignment Content

Part 1:

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you:

Describe the purpose of accreditation in lifespan management.
Compare levels of accreditation for lifespan management services and facilities.
Determine accreditation requirements for leadership positions within lifespan management.

Consider implications at the local, state, and federal levels.

Part 2:

Include a brief overview of a lifespan management facility or service that is accredited. Explain the following:

What qualifications were needed to be accredited
What affect the accreditation may have on their organization or clients

PLEASE keep plagiarism under 10%, NO grammatical or spelling errors.

week 2 discussion

Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following:

How important is “green” in the overall purchasing decision for health care products and supplies? Defend your answer.

Effect of Resveratrol on Tissue Transglutaminase (TG2) Activity in Metastasis

Ideally, I would like my dissertation to be about how TG2 plays a significant role in metastasis and how Resveratrol is used to help regulate TG2 activity in general. The actual relationship between modulating TG2 levels and disease could be considered in greater detail which in turn would present the possibility of using Resveratrol to further the present state of knowledge in current treatment of Metastasis.

Fu Ssu-nien: A Life in Chinese History and Politics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000.

Book review has a summary of the whole book. However, this is NOT a simple summary in which you just put the content of each chapter together (such as outlining chapters one by one). This is more like you are using your language/framework to conclude the whole book. Imagine how you are going to introduce a book to your friend in an interesting way. Perhaps you could divide the book into several parts which focus on different keywords respectively. You could also rearrange the book by answering several questions. By summarising the whole book in a certain way, you are also showing your understandings of the book.

Apart from making a summary, you also need to do some review. When you are reading the book, try to mark some points you agree/disagree with the author and ask yourself why. You may find some points which the author failed to fully explain (such as using very few example/wrong analysing the materials) and you may want to explain that a bit more by using some other materials. The review could be tangled into your summary of the book when you are rearranging the book in your own way. Or it could be a separated section after the summary section.

international sale of goods

Compare and contrast the most significant legal concepts for contractual performance and breach in international sale and purchase of goods under each of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 (SGA) and Convention on International Sale of Goods (CISG) (“the legal codes”); and critically evaluate the most significant differences in those concepts under each of the legal codes in the light of their responsiveness to the legitimate expectations of international business community as reflected in Incoterms 2020.

please look at the instruction file.

Discuss the changing expectations and subjective involvement of employees in their work

In Work’s Intimacy Melissa Gregg argues the condition experienced by workers today “is to be invested in work as and when required but without the reciprocal assurance from employers that commitment will be rewarded. Such a scenario risks losing the goodwill of employees permanently” (2011: 165). In other words, there is a shifting of standards and expectations by employees and employers – that employees will engage in what McRobbie (2016) describes as “passionate work” – but without any guarantees that this will be rewarded with security or better conditions. This shifting of standards and expectations by employees and employers, in norms of reciprocity, has been referred to as shifts in the nature of the “psychological contract” of work (Rousseau and Schalk 2000).

For this essay you are to discuss the changing expectations and subjective involvement of employees in their work. Examining the case that your group presented, please write a 3,000 word essay. You should include empirical examples or cases, at least one, in your discussion and analysis.

– Focus more on the connection between your case / area and the
framing questions around the psychological investment in work, the
psychological contract of work, how people’s relationship and
expectations around work have changed (or not changed). The idea for the
presentation is that you are to use the materials from your case / area
in order answer those questions.
– Draw more from module materials, in particular the module’s
required readings (which are all listed on the module outline). The
required readings are materials you should have already read and which
it should be possible to make connections with your area/topic (though
which materials to use and how they connect to your area vary between
Your second assessment of the individual essay follows on from the
presentation and covers much of the same ground but in a different
assessment format.

**My group presentation has chosen to focus on Free labour / Unpaid digital labour, I have attached notes from group presentation.**

**Reading List that my group has used: (please use all of them)**
Thompson, D. (2012) “Why the Social Media Revolution Is About to Get a Little Less Awesome” The Atlantic.
Gregg, Melissa (2011) Work’s Intimacy. London: Polity. Chapters 4-6.
Terranova, T. (2000) “Free Labor: Producing culture for the digital economy,” Social Text, 18(2): 33-58.
Peters, M. & E. Bulut, Eds. (2011) Cognitive Capitalism, Education and Digital Labor. New York: Peter Lang. Chapter 7.
Galloway, Alexander and Eugene Thacker (2007) The Exploit A Theory of Networks. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Terranova, T. (2004) Network Culture: Politics for the Information Age. London: Pluto.
Wark, McKenzie (2004) A Hacker Manifesto. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Ross, A. (2000) “The Mental Labor Problem,” Social Text, 18(2): 1-31.
Arvidsson, A. (2007) “Creative Class or Administrative Class? On Advertising and the “Underground”.’ ephemera: theory & politics in organization, 7(1): 8-23
Coté, M. and Pybus, J. (2007) “Learning to Immaterial Labor 2.0: MySpace and Social Networks,” ephemera: theory & politics in organization, 7(1): 88-106.
Beverungen, A., Böhm, S., & Land, C. (2015). Free labour, social media, management: Challenging Marxist organization studies. Organization Studies, 36(4), 473-489.