
SUBMIT a two-page paper APA style discussing the following (use two references minimum):

· Discuss cultural considerations and attitudes about bariatric clients.

· Discuss the educational needs of the client.

Evidence Based Practice Article Review

Description of the study (1st paragraph)
Include the design, sample size, and description of the intervention (if there was one).
Include the primary results- the ones pertinent to your PICO question.
Use past tense when describing a research study that has been published.
Use complete sentences.
Maximum length is 200 words.

Strengths and weaknesses of each study (Second Paragraph)
What were the potential threats to validity?
What controls did the researchers implement to increase the credibility of the study’s findings?

Summary of the Evidence (Third Paragraph)
Is there adequate evidence to implement into practice, based on types of studies and the findings?
For example, if all the studies were on the same topic and were RCT designs, the evidence would be very strong. If the only studies found were descriptive or correlational studies, the evidence is not adequate to put into practice.


1. write a brief summary of the text (identify the arguments with judicial importance discussed by the author)
2. give your personal opinion on the expository quality and on the ideas that are expressed in the text.

the papers are in Spanish you can translate them and do the work in English and I will translate it back to Spanish….. if you can do it in Spanish it would be a great help. thanks text me


For this brief I was asked to write 4 different well composed pieces of writing – of your professional and cultural engagement (A posts like). each post should be critically reflective.

Important notes:
– Reflecting critically on contexts of practice with an awareness of multiple standpoints.
– Selective use of concepts and theories in articulating your critical response and argument.
– NO need for images

I have planned what I want the posts to be about but most importantly the posts needs to reflect how these lists..etc are helping me as a design student (Architecture and Interior Design)

First Post: Design Museum (London):

– In this posts I want it to talk about the visit I did. What inspired me? The details in the space? the design itself? how important this visit was to my current practice? (I will attache an example but please do it differently) (be reflective and critical)

2nd Post: The Fashion and Textile Museum (London)

– (The same points of the first post) (I will attach an example as well but please do it differently) (be reflective and critical)

3rd Post: The use of architecture in the film Parasite:

– For this post I want to talk about my experience watching the film Parasite in general and how architecture was a main element throughout the film and how this would inspire me and my take on it as a designer as well (be reflective and critical) these are some articles that would highly help:


4th post: 40 Projects: the work of stephenson STUDIO exhibition

– things to mention in this visit: – The visit was recommended by my teacher (Simone) during the Christmas holiday
– It was really useful visit since it one of most popular architecture firms in the UK
– The way of displaying the models and banners have inspired me
– taking photos around
– it was a 2 floors exhibition (basement and ground floor)
– Met an architect/ teacher from another uni and we had a nice chat about the work and he recommenced an architecture youtube channel called “that was really helpful within my work.

these are some links (descriptive) of the exhibition:

Please find attached the linked file but (write it differently). Also my words count is 1800 is each post should be 450 or a bit less/more. Remember to be me more critical and reflective. for any further questions please message me.

case study pediatric ” occupational therapy”

* just want the writer to write it for me and i will do the slides
assignment instructions and scenario attached.
please use occupational therapy references and follow the instructions provided.

use do point and simple language please

You are required to consider the scenario provided involving a young child and his family. You must use this information to construct a narrated video PowerPoint presentation that:
1. Demonstrates your understanding of the situation for the child and his family.
2. Describes the relationship between developmental milestones and occupational performance, and
3. Describes how you would use the child’s occupational interests to both enhance development and enable attainment of occupational goals
4. Focuses on the child’s fine motor development and the occupations impacted upon by the child’s delayed development in this area.
The presentation must be appropriate for presentation to families of children.
Your presentation should describe to the family your interpretation of the child’s development, including how you intend working with them:
1. Describe typical fine motor development milestones
2. Identify the different occupations children typically engage in that provide a stimulus for fine motor development
3. Describe how the child in the scenario’s disability affects both the attainment of fine motor developmental milestones and his engagement in occupation. Common occupational performance issues for children with this condition should also be discussed.
4. Describe how you, as an occupational therapist, intend to use the child’s identified occupational interests to enable attainment of fine motor developmental milestones
5. Explain how the attainment of fine motor developmental milestones will, in turn, enable achievement of the occupational goals described in the scenario

Evidence Based Practice Article Summary

Description of the study (1st paragraph)
Include the design, sample size, and description of the intervention (if there was one).
Include the primary results- the ones pertinent to your PICO question.
Use past tense when describing a research study that has been published.
Use complete sentences.
Maximum length is 200 words.

Strengths and weaknesses of each study (second Paragraph
What were the potential threats to validity?
What controls did the researchers implement to increase the credibility of the study’s findings?

Summary of the Evidence (third paragraph)
Is there adequate evidence to implement into practice, based on types of studies and the findings?
For example, if all the studies were on the same topic and were RCT designs, the evidence would be very strong. If the only studies found were descriptive or correlational studies, the evidence is not adequate to put into practice.

Investigating the effect of the natural environment on task performance and anxiety in undergraduate students at Canterbury Christ Church University

Please refer to the file: APA ANNUAL CONFERENCE POSTER 2020.pptx for information regarding the study that needs writing up.

I have also included the assignment brief for you to read through carefully: 3PRR Report Assessment Brief (19-20).pdf

Please make sure that you put a lot of attention and detail in the discussion section:

1) interpretation of the findings,
2) the implications for your hypotheses/aims and the literature cited in the introduction,
3) theoretical implications,
4)implications for future research and problems with methodology.

Ends the dissertation with a conclusion summarising the main findings, implications, and issues arising from the project.