Language policies in Kenya since Independence: English verses Swahili

I got the feedback from the professor and now I am to first write the Introduction part.
Chapter I: Introduction
1 Background to the study
1.1 Research questions
1.2 Presumptions and limitations of study
1.3 Research methodologies
1.4 Literature survey
1.5 Chapter breakdown
It is the part in red in the joint document.
Please read the feedback too.
Please use citation, as in the work needs footnotes look at the I send you. Writing style file.
The Bibliography has to be in categorized per chapter.

What the supervisor wrote to me on the feedback email:
“I feel that at times you have copied from the internet. So I am warning you, that I will put all your work from now onwards through our anti-plagiarism application.(check email.pdf) 
Please note that in France anti-plagiarism means out of university and in Prison.( Please avoid it)
Ps: I have sent you every work your company has written before; please visit more information on this website:

Strategic and International Human Resource Management

Compare, contrast and critically evaluate how a global organisation (Amazon) might implement “reward systems” in a country of your choice (America).

This critical evaluation should consider the national, global cultural, institutional and governance frameworks that operate in America and related cross-national differences in HRM practices, for reward systems.

Use the UK for comparison and contrast purposes only, ensuring the primary focus remains on the overseas location (America).

You should provide a justification for the decision to centralise, de-centralise or synthesise the chosen HRM practice (reward system), or recommendations.
For example: Perlmutter, ethnocentric, polycentric, geocentric, regiocentric.

• Does Amazon allow its’ plants in America to select their own reward systems? How does this differ in the UK?
• Describe how this might work in America-eg: does it have wage bands linked to skills needed?
• Does this work well in practice? Why? Productivity, turnover, recruitment etc.
• Give some information about how wage effectiveness is in both countries eg: labour costs, more expensive/cheaper in America or UK.
• Also comment on cultural differences and employment structure (consider Hofstede).
• Thus conclusions may include keeping reward systems the same or different for America and the UK.

Bristol Students physical Activity Club (Increasing Physical activity Project)

Title: Bristol Students physical Activity Club (Increasing Physical activity Project)
Assignment Brief
Assessment 002: Coursework: 70% Coursework: Individual,
The ability to design and carry out research is fundamental development for any postgraduate student and for those practitioners involved in enhancing industry practice., you are required to carry out and write up your work-based project which should demonstrate significant engagement with the research process and a critical understanding of professional practice.


SUBMIT a two-page APA style paper discussing the following (use one reference minimum):

· Educational needs of the client and family for someone dealing with anxiety. What are some of the outpatient options for clients with anxiety?

Gender and Media

Use attached powerpoint as reference as to what needs to be done.
Amount of references depends on the work but make sure there is not too many. As paper needs to be in detail and concise.
Main goal is to answer question through using the media text attached. Everything is explicit in the document but can be explained if needed.

Evidence Based Practice Article Review

Description of the study (1st Paragraph)
Include the design, sample size, and description of the intervention (if there was one).
Include the primary results- the ones pertinent to your PICO question.
Use past tense when describing a research study that has been published.
Use complete sentences.
Maximum length is 200 words.

Strengths and weaknesses of each study (2nd paragraph)
What were the potential threats to validity?
What controls did the researchers implement to increase the credibility of the study’s findings?

Summary of the Evidence (3rd paragraph)
Is there adequate evidence to implement into practice, based on types of studies and the findings?
For example, if all the studies were on the same topic and were RCT designs, the evidence would be very strong. If the only studies found were descriptive or correlational studies, the evidence is not adequate to put into practice.

project management 2

just a continuation of a previous order..

Assignment 2 – to be submitted in week 10 (30% of module mark);
A. A risk register containing at least 10 fully documented risks, including owner, mitigation and contingency actions, pre-and post- action weighting and scores.
B. In approximately 500 words describing the way in which a risk register forms a crucial part of an overall risk management plan, using examples to show what happens when risk is not properly managed on projects. Please refer also to separate document called ‘Assignment Guide for Students’ which gives more task-by-task information.