The article to be critiqued is: Egan, K, Harcourt, D, Rumsey, N & Appearance Research Collaboration, 2011, A qualitative study of the experiences of people who identify themselves as having adjusted positively to a visible difference, Journal of Health Psychology, 16(5): 739-749

At the top of the paper write ‘Critique of Egan et al. (2011)’ as the title and place your full name and student ID number below that. No introduction or conclusion is required. Divide your assignment into the four sections below:

Topic and the research question (Suggested Total Word Count: 300 words, at least half of which address Point 2 below)
1. Citing appropriate references starting with the course text, briefly explain key ideas regarding the selection of topics and the formulation of research questions. How should topics be selected? How should questions be articulated?
2. Critique how well Egan, et al. chose their topic and articulated their research question. Did the authors outline a compelling justification for the study? Were their questions/hypotheses clearly articulated? If appropriate, argue how they could have improved their choice and justification of the topic and their articulation of questions.

Review of the literature (Suggested Total Word Count: 300 words, at least half of which address Point 2 below)
1. Citing appropriate references starting with the course text, briefly explain key ideas regarding the review of related literature. What is a review of the literature meant to do? What should it contain?
2. Critique how well Egan, et al. reviewed relevant literature. Did authors present relevant literature? If yes, was the presentation in line with what a review of literature should be? If appropriate, argue how they could have improved their review of the literature.

Choice of approach (Suggested Total Word Count: 300 words, at least half of which address Point 2 below)
1. Citing appropriate references starting with the course text, briefly explain key ideas regarding the choice of approach. What is a quantitative/qualitative/mixed methods approach? When are they useful?
2. Critique Egan, et al.’s choice of approach (quantitative, qualitative or mixed). Was the choice of approach appropriate? Is there a better approach? If appropriate, argue and justify a better choice of approach.

Design and measurement (Suggested Total Word Count: 300 words, at least half of which address Point 2 below)
1. Citing appropriate references starting with the course text, briefly explain key ideas regarding the selection of ‘cases’ and ‘time’ element for social research. What are the options for the selection of ‘cases’ and the ‘time’ element?
2. Critique Egan, et al.’s design of their research. Did their choice of ‘cases’ and ‘time’ for the research make sense? If appropriate, argue and justify a better choice of design in terms of the two aspects.
Use at least 5 references


• Note that the suggested word counts total no more than 1,200 words in length.
• Your main reference will be the course text. Apart from the course text, you may benefit from relevant learning resources that can be found in the UniSA eReadings. They are not required but may be useful.
• The paper must utilise scholarly literature, cited according to a standard referencing system – either the UniSA Harvard Author-Date Referencing System or the APA Style.

Course Textbook: Neuman, W. L . 2014, Social research methods: qualitative and quantitative approaches, 7th [Pearson New International Edition] , Harlow Pearson Education Limited, Boston, USA.

Critically assess the mitigation, adaptation and preparedness by evaluating hazard/disaster data, assessment and management using the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami

You need to analyse the following points:

• Data in relation to vulnerability – historical contest.
• Buildings and businesses
• Infrastructure – Road, rail, electricity, communications, rescue services
• Effectiveness of disaster management plans and recovery plans
• Health care plans.

What information are disaster managers working with, what predictions could be made, have they assessed the risk appropriately. Make sure that you cover all the areas required, otherwise you will lose marks. If you think back to the Japan case study, what had they done to management the impacts which is missing here? Looking at existing research what improvements could be made in your case study, are there weaknesses in the approaches taken.

Assesses Learning Outcome:
2 – Research, analyse and evaluate data and information regarding specific environmental hazards or disasters, their management and social impact.

Relevant Text
At this level you need to be able to judge the materials which are best for your information. Do make sure that you read peer reviewed journals.

Children’s Mental Health, Syrian refugees in post-conflict settingg

My paper wants to explore the prevalence of mental health disorders among Syrian Children/adolescents living as refugees in Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan. Also, how pre-migration stressors (war, violence etc.) and daily stressors in the hosted countries (poor health care services, education, discriminations, house condition etc.) affect mental health of young people. describe barriers that refugees find in reaching mental health care.
Highlight the need to improve interventions to prevent and treat mental health in low-income countries setting.
the need to continue researching

Gang Violence

Hello! Please follow the below instructions, basically this is a report off the presentation we have done, the presentation must include more in-depth explanation regarding the slides I wrote, alongside the slides my colleagues have written, IMPORTANT: MY OWN SLIDES ARE 13-15! THE OTHER SLIDES ARE MY COLLEAGUES, YOU CAN TALK ABOUT THEM BUT MAINLY TALK ABOUT MY SLIDES. this is a uk assignment.

I’ll be including an example off one of my colleagues that wrote a report about her slides, please dont copy this but use it to understand what should be written for mine, ive also included the presentation, please message me if you dont understand something 🙂

You will be assigned to a group in the early weeks of the module. Together, you will produce and deliver a ten-minute presentation on gang violence and the responses to it, as if you were presenting to a group of senior police officers and policy makers.

Your presentation should outline the nature and definition of gang violence in the UK, the extent of the problem and how it’s covered by the media, the police and policy responses to it, whether these responses are effective, and what, if anything, should change in terms of these responses.

Your presentation should be fully referenced and each member of the team should have a hand in preparing and presenting – you may decide as a group how to divide up the tasks.

Following your group presentation, you will submit an individual 1,000 word report to which your presentation should be attached as an appendix (please indicate your contribution to this as part of the appendix). This report should summarise the content of the presentation, referring to slides within it; however, you may go beyond the content of the presentation. Your report should include a full bibliography.

You will be marked on your report and its appendix, not the presentation itself. However, you will only be able to append a presentation to your report that you have taken part in preparing and delivering.

The following rubric is intended as a guide only:

Must be included in group slides: Percentage of report mark:
Introduction, outlining what you are going to argue and conclude 10%
The nature and definition of gang violence in the UK and the extent of the problem 20%
How gang violence is covered by the media 10%
Police and policy responses to gang violence 25%
Whether these responses are effective, and what, if anything, should change 25%
A full bibliography 10%
Appendix which includes all the slides from the group presentation and an indication of which ones you contributed to – pass/fail

ender differences and philanthropic networks

The readings assigned in this project provide insight and theoretical understanding of networks, as well as some empirical evidence as to gender differences in networks. In about a 5 page double-spaced paper, use the readings to apply how the findings in these articles reflect gender differences in how men and women engage in networks around philanthropy. Support your arguments with references to this module’s assigned readings.

Industrial Revolution

You must use in-text citations and ALL sources must be used. You must includes PLENTY of quotes to support the paper. When citing a web source, please use a brief title, not the actual web link or web address. I have put the title or author out beside the link in parenthesis to help you with your citations.

Look at the links below, then answer the following paper topic… (read both pages) (Kelly) (Effects) (Hierarchies) (Spinning Mills) (Lowell)

Paper Topic:

What was life like in a factory/mill village during the American Industrial period? Describe the problems workers faced and how or if the American government responded to their needs. Why did women decide to join the work force at this time? Why did the Lowell Mill girls decide to go on Strike? What happened to them?

Evidence Based Practice Article Review

Description of the study (1st paragraph)
Include the design, sample size, and description of the intervention (if there was one).
Include the primary results- the ones pertinent to your PICO question.
Use past tense when describing a research study that has been published.
Use complete sentences.
Maximum length is 200 words.

Strengths and weaknesses of each study (2nd Paragraph)
What were the potential threats to validity?
What controls did the researchers implement to increase the credibility of the study’s findings?

Summary of the Evidence (3rd paragraph)
Is there adequate evidence to implement into practice, based on types of studies and the findings?
For example, if all the studies were on the same topic and were RCT designs, the evidence would be very strong. If the only studies found were descriptive or correlational studies, the evidence is not adequate to put into practice.