Alcohol use disorder

4) SUBMIT a two-page APA style paper discussing the following (use one reference minimum):

· Educational needs of the client and family for someone who is alcohol-abusing. What are some of the outpatient options for alcohol-abusing clients?


1.What are the basic reasons firms choose to expand their operations abroad by employing international strategies?
2.What are the three types of foreign direct investment?
3.What are core values? How would you expect core values to show up in a company’s international expansion?


5) SUBMIT a two-page APA style paper discussing the following (use two references minimum):

· How would care differ if this client were from the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia, or the Middle East?

compare and contrast the care for COPD in the US and in those different countries

Demographic Issues in Developed Countries

Read Business Insider, “10 Countries On the Verge of a Crippling Demographic Crisis”. Explain in one or two paragraphs why developed countries are in need of more people but , the world population is increasing.

Here is the link –

Human Resource Management – The Evolution of Human Resources and what is next for HR delivery.

The aim of this major project is to investigate a business issue from a Human Resources (HR) perspective. The topic that will be investigated is the evolution of the HR function and this project will explore the evolution that HR has gone through since the 19th century, the evolving landscape of the HR profession and what may be next for HR delivery.

Objectives of the full dissertation:
a. To investigate and examine the evolution of the HR profession and what might be next for HR delivery.
b. To investigate and examine how HR delivery may impact business and employees.

Key theorists; what I need as part of this is the literature review to discuss the main theories and models, such as Ulrich’s three legged stool model, which are appropriate to the evolution of the HR function, for example: the change from personnel, to HR and whether the HR function should now be moving towards a People function.

The literature review should also focus on how the perception of employees has changed in more recent years, for example; employees now being viewed as assets as opposed to being seen as disposable and how this has impacted the changing nature of the HR function.

The literature review will also need to look at how the delivery of HR is changing and the theories as to whether Human Resource Management needs to be working towards a service delivery model, for example; payroll, learning and development, all being in one central hub and having defined procedures. It should also touch on the business partner role and how that this may better support business moving forward.

The CIPD must also be quoted as a source, as these are the leading industry providers.

It will need to include 14 sources, to be critically analysed and in accordance with the harvard style. Please also provide the full list of references/bibliography. Please send as a editable word document.

Apricot paper

Fruits of the World Final Paper Guidelines.

Write about the fruit: APRICOT.
This paper is meant to allow you to explore a fruit of your interest through every aspect:biologically, culturally, geographically, anatomically, etc. As a guideline, think about the lecturesfor the fruit we have gone over in class and how I try to cover every bit of interesting informationthere is about the fruit. I will leave the general format to your discretion (whether to do biology ofthe fruit first or last, etc.) The paper should flow sort of like an encyclopedia article about yourfruit of choice. I highly encourage you to find scientific literature about your fruit throughdatabases like google scholar or pubmed, especially if you find yourself running out of things towrite about. If you mention findings from a scientific article, please cite it in any format you want.

-Title page (Make a funny or cool title with your fruit! E.g. “The Fickle Fig” “An Ode to Apples” orsomething more creative lol
-3 pages (not counting the title page and citations page)
-1.5 spaced-Times New Roman-12 font

Leadership and Management for Health

Choose at least two (2) leadership and management theories, models or frameworks and critically evaluate their application to current day health related services in a setting of your choice.

Note: please write on situational and transformational leadership theories.