Teaching and learning

section 5 ,Identification of learning and development
to meet business needs ,programme
design,quality management and evaluation
and evidencing impact
learning out come 5 Analysis of methodologies used for identification of education and learning intervention to meet business needs and evaluation of impact of framework/methodologies.

session 9 Identifying learning and development needs/training needs analysis ,evaluation and impact /outcome measurement.

Session 10, Contemporary issues in education 4,quality monitoring and evaluation.

OVERVIEW How do business identify education and learning needs? Explore evaluation strategies and how they may impact learning and teaching..What effect may this have on the learner and educator?

Suggested evidence ; Reflective accounts of your own experiences using specific methods quality improvement(audits),examples in practice .patients feed back,work lace training needs analysis

Operational / Economic (long term) Currency Exchange Risk & Immunizing Balance Sheets

Operating (Economic) currency exchange risk is the risk that a continuing directional change in an exchange rate will negatively impact the economics of a firm’s business and cause the business operations to be modified. For example the Japanese yen vs. U.S. dollar exchange rate changed from 350 yen to the dollar to 100 yen to the dollar over a period from the 70’s to the 90’s. This meant that if Toyota spent 3,500,000 yen to build a car (Corolla) in the 70’s the dollar cost was $10,000. In the 90’s the dollar cost was $35,000. That would put the Toyota in a price disadvantage. A Corolla that costs 3,500,000 yen to build in the 70’s ($10,000) could be sold for $13,000 in the U.S. A Corolla that costs 3,500,000 yen to build in the 90’s ($35,000) would not be marketable for $45,500 in the U.S. Because of the long term change in the yen / dollar exchange rate the economics of Toyota selling a Corolla in the U.S. had changed. Additionally, in this instance, if a company finds it has an asset denominated in a foreign currency it should create a long term liability in that same currency.

1.) What caused the long term change in the yen / dollar exchange rate?
2.) Could Toyota hedge the currency over a long period of time and avoid the risk?
3.) How could Toyota change its operations and save its U.S. market sales?
4.) Why does a liability need to be created on the balance sheet and why in the same currency?
5.) What would be the determining factors in issuing a bond in a foreign currency? (think of cost of capital)


Introduction need 2 citations 12 sentences of just natural behavior . For Research of why they eat feces 12 sentences. Conclusion 8 sentences

PESTLE Analysis

How organisations need to adopt PESTLE Analysis as a strategic tool to better understand the nature of the external business environment (view file attached)

Business report

Don’t use the words are too esoteric and if the plagiarism of percentage a bit higher is fine just because I’m studying year 1 degree. And I was trying don’t let them doubt this isn’t my work. And try to find some sources from website don’t all of the source came from journal


Assignment: To write this paper you must conduct research on an archaeological site and use it to answer the questions below. However, keep in mind that this is a paper and your answers must be in narrative (paragraph) form.

Start With Why by Simon Sinek’s

1st page is a review of the book
2nd and 3rd page should be what you understood. A personal point of view.
*Please only the first page should be a review of the book. Thank you

Economic Issues

View both Michael Green “Ted Talks” and post your comments below concerning the SPI. Where is Canada’s position on the scale? What could be the reason for this placement?

Here are the two videos –