Migration and Society

Essay question: Is it possible to be Muslim and British?

I have uploaded 2 documents;

1. The first shows the essay instructions and includes references that you should include
2. Shows instructions on how to write the paper

For references I have put down 25 but you can use as many as you like.

Thank you and I hope to achieve a really high mark in this.

Reply to Stacy Zobrist

I would like you to read the discussion Stacy Zobrist broad. Write a reply thread about her post. Please read the instruction on how I would like this reply to write. I need one scholarly source to include. Below you will find the direction for this paper. Professor will check for plagiarizing, so please make sure there is none. My textbooks for this assignment is also attached; the front page is also available

Philosophy of History

my original plan was to revise the essay and add previous writings of mine, and I am now running out of time, may I give you the full assignment?

THe full assignment is for me to analyse MY philosophy of history writing from the 1st person. The perspectives that the writer can choose from are Marxist,
Post colonial, post modern, positivist and non-positivism. He can choose as many as he likes to analyse my style of writing “historical essays”. The Iran one was only one of the ones that needed to be analysed, I was going to do the rest myself, but will now need to ask your writer to do it. I will attach all the essays. He does not need to analyse one at a time, but can draw conclusions on MY writing perspective from various essays at once.

Once again, and this is crucial, the writer need not analyse the Iran revolution or the content of any of my essays!! Only MY writing perspectives like the ones I have listed above!! If anything is unclear please ask me first!

These are just a few of my essays. The writer does not even need to use all of them, just focus and expand on the theories of history that I use to write.

Analysing the theories of philosophy of history that my writing (consciously or unconsciously) falls under ! If as you said you can get me the most proficient writer on the matter, he will know what I mean!
I listed the possible theories:
Marxism, post colonialism
This should only apply to the parts of my essays that talk about HISTORY.
Once again, he does not need to analyse the essays, But establish my theories of writing and use my essays as proof

General guidelines: A critical analysis of your own methodology in your previous essays.
For this assignmen critically analyse any of the historical methods, approaches, theories or philosophies which have either consciously or unconsciously been expressed in any of your previous paper.
If, for example, you studied a module on history you might consider if your essay was overtly post-colonial, whether it followed a feminist or Marxist approach, or whether it incorporated any of the insights of postmodernism.
Feel free to use the first person in this essay, but don’t forget to refer to relevant philosophers and theories.

From me: Please analyse the Iran essay using Marxism – perhaps by looking up on the internet a Marxist explanation of the event and considering whether your view might come from a ‘capitalist’ perspective. Again, you don’t have to agree with this but you can analyse it. You could also consider whether the views in your essay might be challenged from a ‘post-colonial’ perspective. Perhaps a post-colonial view of the Iranian Revolution would see it less from the Western point of view and consider whether the colonial experience in Iran colours its problems in the late twentieth century and after.

visual analysis

This essay requires 500 words of visual analysis on the clip provided below. I hope to find someone with an appreciation for the film arts to help me with this essay.

The clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXOKKY7oUK4 (trip to the moon)
Answer Question: How does this sequence from the restored version of Trip to the Moon use the language of early cinema to imagine the first moon landing?

Assessment Criteria: – Correct use of film language/terminology, Accuracy, depth and detail of close analysis/ deconstruction that supports the interpretation – Writing – clear and comprehensible use of grammar and spelling to express the key points. Will attach an example essay for reference.

Unified electronic health record for COVID 19 patients

1-introduction: describe the importance and advantages of using unified electronic health record for COVID 19 patients- please follow the same ideas in the introduction for this article (A cloud-based system for effective surveillance and control of COVID-19: useful experiences from Hubei province of China-attached)
2- litreture review of following articles

Business Ethics Case Analysis

Please read the attachment and write a comment about the three global business ethics cases and discuss the following questions:
1. In your opinion, who should assume responsibility and take action to address the ethical issues in the chocolate industry case – the industry, the farmers, the customers, governments, others? How could the issues be fixed?
2. Do you consider outsourcing as ethical or unethical?
3. How could the e-waste issue be fixed?