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Practice change proposal.
Word count approx 2500-3000 words.
It is a masters level
The references need to be between 5-10 years
The topic was introducing an in service of Respiratory Rates to improve nursing assessment on Respiratory Rates
Harvard Ref style

Final Marketing Plan

Attached below are the assignment and the rubric which the assignment will be graded on, as well as the marketing plan worksheet. The company is Libby’s. If you need more context, I will be happy to upload past sections of this project.

Responding to the Changing Business Environment

please see the attached files.
file ‘sample template’ contains the template that needs to be used
file ‘2.1…’ contains the assignment scenario, the questions and the word count information (e.g. tables, footnotes, etc DO NOT COUNT towards the word count, etc.)
file ‘Business_Envi..’ contains the Course material

Corporate Governance: the importance of board diversity

My school has instructed the below:
Present and discuss theoretical perspectives in answering the research question, demonstrate awareness by explicitly refer to both conceptual and empirical studies and governance practices, and your capability of conveying the breadth of wide reading and depth of knowledge of relevant academic sources. Provide a summary of what you found in the essay, conclude with an indication of the extent to which further research and provide a discussion of policy implications and recommendations, and a list of references.

Regarding the topic I need you need to focus on, please elaborate first on the importance of a transparent board, diversity, the advantages and disadvantages of diversity, and any important body paragraphs that you think is essential to the essay. please use academically acceptable sources to support each body paragraph. Lastly, please ensure that after every sentence that has been paraphrased from another source, to be cited after (author, year).

I have attached for you three PDF files that should support the arguments needed to be made.

Discourse analysis

Question 2 ( 400-500 words)
Modern English is generally seen as a highly nominalized language (Halliday, 1989). Discuss this statement with reference to nominalization use in one academic text and one non-academic text of any length.
Discuss also why nominalization seems to be underused or/and misused in second language learners’ writing.

Question 3 ( 400-500 words)
Academic writing is said to be both formal/impersonal in style and highly interactive. Is there a contradiction in this statement? Discuss, using one academic text to illustrate your points.

1. use texts not used/ discussed by others before
2. attach the selected tests and sources in the appendix clearly
3. use some parts of the texts for illustration
4. discuss all the relevant features exhaustively