Transition from early years to key stage 1 and the importance of a play-based approach in supporting transitions

5000 word summative assement discussing the findings of an investigational study on one issue in relation to an aspect of Early Years practice of provision. I was supposed to be undertaken some research but can’t because of COVID-19 so doing a 1300 word critical theoretical discussion about observations instead. I have already done the intro and ethics section so this should give you an idea of what needs to be covered and I will include the assignment guidance and alternative section guidance. The literature review needs to cover recent and older journals regarding transitions and play in early years.

Risk Management

t is an accepted truth that without risk there can be no gain. Every individual and organization who wants to succeed must take some risks. Risk management is not about not taking risks, but about taking risks in a controlled environment for which one must understand the risks their triggers and their consequences.

Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you:

Contrast risk, threat, and vulnerability.
Explain the relationship between risk and loss.
Describe risk management and assess its level of importance in information security.
Argue the need for organizations to take risks with its data (e.g., Is it a risky practice to store customer information for repeat visits.)
Describe the necessary components in any organizational risk management plan.
Use at least two (2) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Explain the basic concepts and need for risk management.
Describe the components of an effective organizational risk management program.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in IT risk management.
Write clearly and concisely about topics related to IT risk management using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.

Exercise heart rate

Exercise Heart Rate Data for Class Use
Review the following procedures and raw data. Come up with a research question and testable hypothesis that you can investigate using this information. You may use the information provided here to write your methods section, but you should re-write this in your own words.

Data Collection:
This data was collected from 50 Mt. SAC students, with an average age of 24 years old. The athletic subjects were from different sports teams on campus. The non-athletic group were individuals who were taking a circuit class at the gym. Before beginning any exercise, both groups were asked to take their carotid pulse to record their resting heart rate in beats per minute (BPM). Everyone was asked to run on a treadmill at level 4 for 15 minutes. Afterwards, each individual took their pulse a second time using the same method.

Personal Essay – Cyber Intelligence

This should be a personal essay. Here is the prompt:

A personal essay is required. It describes why an applicant is interested in pursuing this graduate certificate in cyber intelligence, should be between 450-650 words, and double-spaced.

(I didn’t see Cyber Intelligence as a topic above so I just chose IT.)

You will be required to demonstrate your ability to apply the clinical reasoning cycle in response to a clinical scenario that demonstrates your capacity to collegially make and act upon clinical judgements that promote positive patient outcomes.

In the WRITTEN component, working independently and using the provided template, you will be required to analyse the data gathered during the VIVA to;

•Demonstrate your ability to recall relevant knowledge (i.e. physiology/pathophysiology) that underpins the clinical scenario. (Process information)

•Demonstrate, via the application of that knowledge, how you processed the information to identify and prioritise key nursing problems and formulate nursing diagnoses. (Identify problems)

•Articulate goals of care (desired patient outcomes) and detail nursing actions/interventions you would perform to address that problem. Provide rationale for all nursing actions utilising principles of evidence-based care. (Establish Goals; Take Action)

•Briefly describe how you would evaluate nursing interventions/actions provided. (Evaluate Outcomes)

•Reflect on your collegial practice and performance in this simulated episode of care with direct reference to the RN Standards for Practice (NMBA 2016). (Reflection)

•It is expected that you will engage with appropriate scholarly literature, the contemporary nursing practice evidence base, practice documents, guidelines and protocols to substantiate your clinical judgements and exploration of the scenarios.
Demonstrates ability to independently formulate a justified plan of nursing care for the client experiencing acute and chronic health problems, by responding to the assessments made and issues identified in the clinical scenario, and by implementing appropriate nursing actions and clinical interventions.
Need to be referenced with Harvard referencing style, (Australian resources), check rubric as refernece is needed in almost all category. Research needed to be done , apply clinical reasoning cycle. Need to write in template provided.
I have attached resources, case, rubric and other information, pLease write a good grade assignment as its worth 40% of total marks.I will add extra resources if i got more.

Technology in healthcare

Write a short essay on how technology is being used in the health care industry in the following areas:

Home Health
Health Insurance
Remember, the business of health care has to grow as fast as the practice of health care!

Your essay should include information on each of the three topic areas, as well as an introduction and closing. Cite outside sources used in MLA format.

Effective Decision Making

please see the attached files.
– file ‘sample template’ contains the template that needs to be used
– file ‘2.2…’ contains the assignment scenario, the questions and the word count information (e.g. tables, footnotes, etc DO NOT COUNT towards the word count, etc.)
– file ‘Organizational Behavior…..’ contains the Course material

The text for this unit has been taken from:
Whetton D., Cameron, K., (2011). Developing Management Skills, Chapter 3 and 10, Pearson.
Johnson, G., Whittington, R., Angwin, D., Regner, P., Scholes, K., & Pyle, S. (2013). Exploring Strategy:
Text and Cases. Pearson.
Dibbs S., Simkins, (2016). Marketing Concepts and Strategies, Chapter 2 Competitive strategy and
Dibbs Chapter 22 Managing the Marketing Mix, Cengage.
Robbins, D., (2011) Fundamentals of Management Chapter 2 The Management Environment,

suggested reading:
Bazerman, M. & Moore, D. A. (2013) Judgment in Managerial Decision Making, Chapters 9 and 10,
8th Edition; Wiley
Boddy D, Marrakas A and Kennedy G (2004) Managing Information Systems; An Organizational
Perspective, FT Prentice Hall, 2004.
Drucker P F (editor) (200) Harvard Business Review on Decision Making, Harvard Business School.
French, Maule, & Papamichail N (2009) Decision behaviour, analysis and support, Cambridge
University Press.
Goodwin, P. and Wright, G., (2009). Decision Analysis for Management Judgment, (4th edition),
Wiley, Chichester.
McKenzie J and van Winkelen C (2003) Understanding the Knowledgeable Organisation, Thomson
Thompson, P. and McHugh, D. (2009) Work Organisations, Basingstoke, Palgrave.
Maurizio C., (2013). Organizational myopia: problems of rationality and foresight in organizations,
Kahane, A., (2012). Transformative scenario planning: working together to change the future, Reos

Disaster Law

Below are my questions and comments:

1). I’d like to see more legal substance. What specific laws apply? Are they binding? For example, you mention the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the International Health Regulations, and various treaties. Which sections of these frameworks and treaties are applicable? How do these international laws interact? Which control? What specific treaties might be relevant? Did international law change between the SARS outbreak and the 2019/2020 COVID-19 outbreak? If there were any changes, how did those impact the response? I notice that your bibliography includes references to lots of research articles (which is great), but if I think few, if any, references to the primary documents. We should see citations to the primary documents themselves.

2) Give the reader a geographical context for your paper. Which countries or regions are you going to talk about? If you are doing a comparison of the SARS outbreak in China and the COVID-19 outbreak in China, is international law relevant? If so, explain why and to whom it’s relevant. Another way to think about this might be to think about the audience for your paper. Who are you trying to help? The leader of China or the international community on the whole, or someone else?

3) Think about the organization of the paper. Right now it feels like your draft jumps around from topic to topic. Here’s a suggested format which you could use: introduction, the facts of the SARS outbreak, the facts of the COVID-19 outbreak, the laws that applied to the SARS outbreak, the laws that applied to COVID-19, a discussion about how the laws have changed, what works and what doesn’t, and your recommendations. You do not need to follow this suggestion, but I would ask you to think about the sequence of the ideas you would like to present. I think as your research and writing progress on this topic, you will have a better idea of how to organize it.

7-page comprehensive paper, a 1-page quality improvement storyboard

I downloaded two different scenarios to choose from,a template that is to be used for the storyboard, source to help, rubrics,directions, and pointers.

Access the Following to Complete this Assessment: Storyboard Template Review the following website regarding the use of a quality improvement storyboard, and provide examples of the information and interventions that need to be included in a storyboard: Multi-State Learning Collaborative. (2008). Guidelines for development of quality improvement storyboards. Retrieved from Your Deliverables for this Assessment include: Part 1. Comprehensive Paper Part 2. Storyboard

Ok, so first thing …Many students need two attempts at 4005. BUT I am going to give some tips below to help you set up your paper, and what must be included. I Hope this helps 🙂

Your paper needs to be set up with the following parts:

APA paper format, including a correct title page, pagination, margins, spacing, and headings. This paper will likely be at least 7-8 pages without the title and reference pages.

Use a Level 1 APA heading-Practice Problem-
Discuss your problem and please include your data. You must discuss how you know a problem existed. You cannot use anecdotal information. Please include a purpose statement- what will this paper tell your reader? Discuss that you will review the evidence, identify tools, and a quality process (model) and the resources needed to implement the quality improvement plan

Next heading -Level 1 – Literature Review or Analysis of the Evidence
What evidence or research did you find that you can use as interventions/solutions you can use in your plan? A minimum of five resources where you synthesize the information you found. There are no opinions, or examples from your practice setting here, just the evidence.

Heading Level 1 -Quality Improvement Tool- which quality tool(s) will you use?

New heading Level one-Quality Improvement Process
Identify and described the QI process selected to be appropriate to address the practice problem. Please consider PDSA, FADE or Six Sigma and discuss why this is a good model or process to use for your problem. This isn’t your plan – Just a description of the process this needs to be a thorough discussion. you described this process when you were discussing mammon’s wait times

New heading Level one -Evidence-Based Practice Plan
This is where you will take your chosen model and and describe the complete plan. The plan is more than the interventions you will use- So for PDSA model you will set your paper up like this:
P Plan- what will you do in this phase of the model?
D-Do- these are your interventions you found in the literature, describe and support with the evidence, if you have a solution you are going to implement you need to cite the evidence from your literature review.
S-Study- What will you do here?
A Act – what will you do in this phase?
The same applies if you use FADE or the DMAIC/Six Sigma Be sure to include when you will remeasure and what happens if there is no improvement

New heading Level one-Resources Needed or Resources Used Supplies, education, rooms for education etc $? Any resource you need to implement your plan, not just people.

heading- conclusion
Revisit the major parts of your paper, include the model you use too.

Your storyboard is a visual representation of your paper, use the same information

Correctly cited reference page