Cost Estimating

Write a paper about cost estimations and different types or methods. mainly about two methods mentioned in the attached slides.
show how these method work, advantages and disatdvantges
Concentrate on the detail cost estimation method and describe the process of cost estimation and how to prepare a detailed cost estimation in construction projects.

in the attached slides, please see information about cost estimation methods.

Strategy Creation

You will need to show that you have assimilated content over the course of this semester. To do this, you will create a business strategy for a firm.
Imagine, you are the CIO of a healthcare giant. Your firm provides pharmaceuticals, medical products and related services to hospitals, healthcare providers, drugstore chains, and biotech firms. Under your leadership, your firm has already successfully integrated IT into its operations lowering costs and reducing staff. Your CEO wants your assistance in developing a new strategic plan for the firm. To that end, she has asked you to consider the next 10 years of digital innovations and development. In particular, you should consider what roles can be eliminated by automation, what roles will be hard to fill in the future, and any disruptions that may occur to the market.
On April 22nd, you will attend a meeting of the board of directors to present your plan. The board will expect
Whitepaper describing your strategy in detail that they can take away to review and consider.
Creating both is your final assignment in this class.
White paper Components
1. Introduce your strategy – Describe the strategy you would like to implement.
2. Motivating factors – What changes do you see coming for the industry? How will this strategy take advantage of
those changes? Justify how you identified the coming changes. (Note: is a good source for this kind
of information.)
3. Automation and Labor – Labor costs are one of the biggest expenditures your company has. The board has been
pleased by staff reductions in the past. What roles will your new strategy allow you to eliminate? What roles will remain or become more important. Which of those roles will be hard to fill and why? ( may be useful here as well as search terms like “labor shortages” and “skills gap”)
4. Key strategic components – Over the course of this semester, you have learned about many tech topics. Some of these may help you to develop your strategy. For example, your strategy might rely on the development and use of AI in a specific area and you might use IT to improve your company’s agility in the face of specific industry changes. Any of the material covered over the course of the semester can be used to support your new strategy. Be sure to explain these concepts if you use them, since your Board of Directors will not be as technically savvy as you are.
5. Organizational structure – Who will be affected by this new strategy? Will you need to create new departments or increase staffing in some areas? Do you expect to eliminate any departments and if so why?
6. Outcome measures – You have chosen this strategy, because the healthcare market is changing. How will you measure its success over time? Choose a few specific indicators that will allow you to track the performance of your new strategy. At least one should measure aspects of implementation and one should measure the effect on the company’s profits or value.

ESG Investing

I need any article from A30 and beyond in the attached syllabus selected and a paper written in the same format as the one attached. please include any formulas which are important to the article.

I can also search for whichever article you select in the university library and attach it if you are unable to locate it.

Brand Management Exercise 2

Please add 2 references per exercise. Each exercise should be a page long. Please let me know if you need additional information from text to complete this assignment.

Beam Reactions

This report is based on my practical lab , you will find the results attached on the excel file , and also some question that need to be asked in this report.Harvard style required, and also the structure need to be respected ( SUMMARY, INTRODUCTION, THEORY , MATERIALS AND METHODS , RESULTS, DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION ).Also i need more than 5 references .I will provide pictures from my practical lab to be attached and talk about it .Please have tables included.