Topic 5 DQ 1 & DQ 2

1.) What are three reasons for allowing students to collect and chart their own assessment data? Describe why each are beneficial for students and what students might do with this data. 150 words

2.) Name three accommodations that can be made to assessments for students with disabilities. What are some advantages and disadvantages to making these accommodations? 150 words

Answer each question in 150 words

Project Management – Final Project

Project Format and Expectations:
Cover Page
Executive Summary (i.e. purpose, objective, goals, phases)
Project Charter including Scope Statement (i.e. SOW, projected budget, risk analysis, milestones)
Project Parameters and Project Selection
Project Schedule (i.e. Work Breakdown Structure and Gantt Chart)
Project Cost (i.e. cost management plan)
Project Management Approach (i.e. communications plan, roles and responsibilities, issue management))
Project Closing Statement
Appendices and References (i.e. if needed)
Project details:
Describe the project in detail
What is it? What is it for? What does it offer? How does it solve the problem?
You are the project team in charge of implementing the project. Discuss the way you would implement it in detail:
We have covered several topics in this class. You can cover all of them broadly or go into detail about a specific portion of project management.
Compare your project to similar examples. This is where your research will come in:
What organizations/businesses have successfully implemented something similar?
What organizations/businesses have unsuccessfully implemented something similar? How will you improve upon their weaknesses?
Use the key terms and information that we’ve learned in class and will continue to learn.
Use APA citations and references.
You have the flexibility to go into as much detail as you want. You can expand upon one aspect of the project management in great detail, or you can cover all of the aspects mentioned in class.
You are a Global Crisis Team tasked with the objective of creating a project that will support communities impacted by social, environmental, or economic factors.

“Of all the meaningful experiences that we can provide students, those related to social justice might be the most important. All the facts, concepts, and skills we teach are for nothing if students are unable to use that knowledge in ways that improve the world around us” – unknown

Create your own project! And apply the principles of project management. I must see a clear connection between the concepts we learned in class and the example you choose. You will pick an issue of your choosing and brainstorm with your team different ideas on how to solve the problem. Your objective is to come up with a unique project that could benefit impacted communities or businesses. Your project has to be realistic and based on data and research.
***Remember a project has to be unique, temporary (deadline), and work within certain constraints
Think outside of the box, identify a problem, and create a unique solution:
Areas for project consideration (but not limited to):
Project Ideas
Social Issues Environmental Issues Economic Issues
Gun violence Deforestation (i.e. Amazon) Lack of Innovation
Education Water Crisis (i.e. Cape Town) Lack of Technology
Gender discrimination Climate Change Poor Marketing and Customer Relations
Homelessness+ Poverty Waste Disposal Poor product expansion
Racial discrimination Overpopulation Budget and lack of funding

The profession of teaching

This week please select an image from the internet that relates to the “Profession of Teaching” and explain why you selected that image. Be sure to create a detailed initial response that connects the image to the textbook with a correct APA citation in at least 150 words.

Reply Rachel Simon

I would like you to read the discussion Rachel Simon broad. Write a reply thread about her post. Please read the instruction on how I would like this reply to write. I need one scholarly source to include. Below you will find the direction for this paper. Professor will check for plagiarizing, so please make sure there is none. My textbooks for this assignment is also attached; the front page is also available


The DARE program is popular yet controversial. Supporters claim it has benefitted children and society while critics claim it has done little to nothing to reduce crime. This assignment requires the student to debate both sides of the question. Using information from your textbook and/or outside sources, write an essay answering the question “Do DARE programs assist in reducing crime?” Your essay should begin with an explanation of the program, then include information justifying the use of the program and then include information explaining why the program has failed. Remember, you are providing both sides of a debate. The essay should be a minimum of 500 words, double spaced, using 11 point font. Make sure the course name and your name are included on the first page of the assignmen

To be determined by writer

The paper is supposed to be cited in Turabian WITHOUT footnotes. Thank you.

The assignment is to write a research paper on any topic pertaining to a United States church and state court ruling. I do not have a specific case in mind and the writer is free to choose whatever ruling whatever they are familiar with.

The professor has said that sources are to be pulled directly from the ruling and journal articles regarding the case. Other sources can be utilized but the former must be used in some way.

From syllabus:LearningOutcomeTargeted:9 (1-8depending on student research topics).1.In order to successfully complete this assignment, the student must select a topic related to the history of church and state in the United States and research it in detail.2.It is recommended that students consult with the instructor on possible topics before starting the process of research and writing. This will allow the instructor to confirm the relevance of the topic and to offer helpful advice with regard to source material.3.The paper must include the following elements:a.An introduction to your research project. Introduce the reader to the nature and scope of your research. Define for the reader any key terms or themes that are at the center of your narrative.b. A review of literature to include existing scholarship related to your research (journal articles, books, conference papers, etc.).c.A specific argument. This means that I want the student to argue a specific point.d.Supporting evidence for the argument.4.The paper must comply with the following format guidelines:a.Use Microsoft Word to type your paper. Wordpad, Pages, Notepad, and other word processors may be incompatible with Canvas.b.Nine (9) to twelve(12) pages in length.c.Double spaced.d.One inch margins (top, bottom, left, right).e.Font style/size: Calibri (Body)/12 point.f.Be sure to put your name on the paper(top left).5.The paper must be properly documented as follows:a.Style Manual: Turabian, Kate L. 2018. A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations. 9th ed. Revised by Wayne C. Booth, et al. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.b.Style Form: Author-Date style.