Latinx Film Analysis of Movie Walkout

I am looking for an in-depth analysis of the movie Walkout. You must provide an overall idea of the story, but chose significant scenes or ideas shown within the film and heavily dissect them in a sociological manner. You must provide a sociological analysis of the racial portrayals, implications of the film, stereotypes, the perpetuation of inequalities, or if it were the case, the positive portrayals. The film analysis can focus on a social issue, subculture, or a social value. The most important aspect of this is that you observe race and develop an understanding of what the message the film is trying to send out, to which audience, why, and in which ways this is perpetuating inequality or whether this is beneficial for society. Make sure to include some scholarly articles.
Link to movie:
Other beneficial links:


1. I have attached my research proposal and thesis structure
2.Tutors comments have been attached at the end of each of
these papers. Ensure the dissertation is written as per the
feedback/guidelines given by my tutors.
3. Please feel free to alter my Research Topic or main research
question as required by you.
4. Apart from the above papers I have attached my moodle
handbook. Please go through page 14 – 28 for all
instructions regarding the dissertation structure and
information relating to it.

Depression prevention among older adults in the United Kingdoms

First the writer needs to send to me 6 journal articles before starting to write the dissertation.
Find the GAP in KNOWLEDGE from the 6 journal articles and fill the gap.
Then I will send these to my supervisor he will tell me if the journal articles are good or not then the writer can carry on with the dissertation. But in other for him to do it we need the supervisor approval regarding the articles please.
The articles to be reviewed will be obtained from two databases, namely BMJ Online and EBSCO Host.


How many research articles do I need to include in my literature review: 6 (though can cover more). Aim is to choose the BEST (most relevant) 6 studiesDo I have to choose articles from just one country? Depends on the type of research/question..i.e. quantitative research of a medical nature will be fairly international; social research will generally be more geographically-specific. The main criterion is comparability of research population.

Health Risks of Electronic Cigarettes use in Adolescents

To complete the course of Healthcare Information Systems Management (HCAD4352), each
of you is expected to write a term paper. Your paper should be a literature review report of 10
text pages in length, plus whatever the diagrams and appendices you feel appropriate. You
must cite your reference sources through the text and include a reference list using APA style
at the end. The paper is to be typed, double spaced or 1.5 spaced, and in a readable 12-point
Times New Roman type font with one-inch margins on four sides.

Final DNP Project Proposal

The purpose of this assignment is to systematically and thoughtfully develop the proposal for the DNP project to be conducted in future practicum courses. This assignment includes all the section in the Week 1-6 Guided Worksheets. A passing grade on the final proposal is required to pass NR702 and progress to NR705. This assignment is excluded from Turnitin.

A Global Strategic Marketing Plan

On Learning
successful completion of this assignment you will be able to: Outcomes
1. Critically assess the main approaches to global marketing and evaluate the information required to establish and implement effective global marketing decisions, policies, and strategies;
2. Critically evaluate the key marketing practices employed by global
organizations in various contexts;
3. Synthesize and critically evaluate a marketing plan and the range of advanced skills required to design and implement the marketing plan for a global organization;
4. Assess the global marketing environment and critically evaluate its impact
on marketing strategy formulation for a given global organization;
5. Identify management problems in the area of global marketing, including an evaluation of market entry strategies and courses of action within the situation-dependent context.
“Taking the marketing function global is no easy task. It requires managers to think globally and strategically about global markets and comparative marketing environments.” (Alon & Jaffe, Global Marketing, McGraw-Hill )
You are a consultant with a firm of strategic marketing analysts and have been retained by a client to advise on international expansion. They have decided to target two foreign markets and have asked you to prepare a report on which country they should choose. You have been asked to create a report with recommendations with possible strategies of how your expansion strategy could be carried out effectively. Specifically, you are required to:-

Your Task
1. Provide a case background including company size, competition and target market (10 marks)
2. Include information on your (2) chosen target countries with justification. (Analyse the macro-environments (PESTEL) & competitors, customers and market (5 Forces) (30 marks)
3. Set your SMART global marketing objectives (3-5) for going
international (10 marks)
4. Decide upon and justify your global market entry strategy (export, franchise, joint venture, etc). What are the implications (risks and opportunities) if your company would decide upon a different strategy? (20 marks)
5. Global marketing strategies and tactics for this organization.
(Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning and Product, Price, Place, Promotion strategies). What are the implications of your choice (Cost, resources, timing, opportunities)? (30 marks)
Total: 100 marks
Guidelines Please read all questions and information provided carefully. The answer should be made in appropriate length keeping in view the requirement of each question and total word count allowed.
In addition, your assignment should demonstrate the following qualities:
A critical appreciation of relevant literature and its use to support the argument, substantiate calculations and other aspects of the assignment.
Taking ownership of the content, being prepared to debate and argue a personal position, and providing evidence of evaluative skills. A submission made up of extracts from published sources that are descriptive or simply just theoretical regurgitation is not acceptable. Your submission must have interpretation and consideration of the challenges and issues of taking theory into practice.
Logical flow of ideas and treatment; appropriate selection of real-world factors related to the companies under scrutiny.
Evidence of additional personal research, and the ability to analyze material from a variety of appropriate relevant perspectives.
Presentation, structure, appropriateness of methodology, breaking into section headings/subheadings, tidiness.
Marks will be awarded for proper referencing and originality of work. Also, note that plagiarism is a serious offense and your submission will be electronically checked.

case study

Based on the case study of Hanna please compare and contrast different biopsychosocial interventions/treatment options.
You should begin by summarising the difficulties facing the client and then offer a brief psychological formulation that helps explain the development and maintenance of the problems. You should then focus on two or three options for intervention, detailing why you think they are relevant, how each option links with the formulation, the evidence base, the practicalities and the likelihood of ‘success’. You should then give a recommendation based on your assertions.

divide by:

Brief formulation

Critical evaluation of interventions

Treatment plan


PM – Final Project

You are a Global Crisis Team tasked with the objective of creating a project that will support communities impacted by social, environmental, or economic factors.
“Of all the meaningful experiences that we can provide students, those related to social justice might be the most important. All the facts, concepts, and skills we teach are for nothing if students are unable to use that knowledge in ways that improve the world around us” – unknown
Create your own project! And apply the principles of project management. I must see a clear connection between the concepts we learned in class and the example you choose. You will pick an issue of your choosing and brainstorm with your team different ideas on how to solve the problem. Your objective is to come up with a unique project that could benefit impacted communities or businesses. Your project has to be realistic and based on data and research.

***Remember a project has to be unique, temporary (deadline), and work within certain constraints
Think outside of the box, identify a problem, and create a unique solution:
Project details:
Describe the project in detail
What is it? What is it for? What does it offer? How does it solve the problem?
You are the project team in charge of implementing the project. Discuss the way you would implement it in detail:
We have covered several topics in this class. You can cover all of them broadly or go into detail about a specific portion of project management.
Compare your project to similar examples. This is where your research will come in:
What organizations/businesses have successfully implemented something similar?
What organizations/businesses have unsuccessfully implemented something similar? How will you improve upon their weaknesses?
Use the key terms and information that we’ve learned in class and will continue to learn.
Use APA citations and references.
You have the flexibility to go into as much detail as you want. You can expand upon one aspect of the project management in great detail, or you can cover all of the aspects mentioned in class.
Project Format and Expectations:
Cover Page
Executive Summary (i.e. purpose, objective, goals, phases)
Project Charter including Scope Statement (i.e. SOW, projected budget, risk analysis, milestones)
Project Parameters and Project Selection
Project Schedule (i.e. Work Breakdown Structure and Gantt Chart)
Project Cost (i.e. cost management plan)
Project Management Approach (i.e. communications plan, roles and responsibilities, issue management))
Project Closing Statement
Appendices and References (i.e. if needed)
Areas for project consideration (but not limited to):
Project Ideas
Social Issues Environmental Issues Economic Issues
Gun violence Deforestation (i.e. Amazon) Lack of Innovation
Education Water Crisis (i.e. Cape Town) Lack of Technology
Gender discrimination Climate Change Poor Marketing and Customer Relations
Homelessness+ Poverty Waste Disposal Poor product expansion
Racial discrimination Overpopulation Budget and lack of funding