Select the best marketing campaign

I want a US writer please. Please read the scenario and address each of the three areas listed on the documents.
I. introduction and situation analysis -1page
II. Legal Issues Analysis 2 pages
III. Ethical Issues Analysis 3 pages
IV. conclusion and recommendation 1 page.

the document will be submitted through Turnitin, thus please avoid plagiarism

Please use Time New Roman 12 fonts and single spaced.
The reference must be from scholarly journal

Impact of Financial Inclusion on Social Welfare

This Capstone Project aims to investigate how access to basic financial services (savings and credit) can affect the social welfare of individuals and households in developed and/or emerging economies. I am expected to use household or individual data from different sources such as World Bank, IHDS, BHPS, etc.

FORMATIVE RESEARCH: HPV Vaccination Campaign to prevent Cervical Cancer among Muslim community In Richmond Area, VA

I need you to write for me on FORMATIVE RESEARCH (F) ON RUBRIC OF ASSIGNMENT. yellow high light.
we are working on communication campaign for cervical cancer vaccination in young adolescents. I am uploading the rubric for the assignment. At the end of the rubric I have some sites on last three pages that is rough draft as we are searching and pasting here for catch up. you will get the clue what we are working on it. making communication campaign and what is our strategy on formative research. let me know if need further clarification. I need AMA STYLE

Building the Modern State: Public Opinion and Governability

Assignment Overview

World War II was fatal to the European colonial empires. European states’ populations were too devastated to consider fighting to keep Asia and Africa subjugated. Both the United States and the Soviet Union were hostile to continuation of European colonies. A reluctant Britain, in return for American support, in 1941 agreed to the Atlantic Charter, a pact recognizing the right of people to choose their own government.

The Indian National Congress agreed to support the British war effort in return for a significant share of power in India and a postwar commitment to independence. The British rejected the offer. Negotiations failed to lessen increasing tensions. Mass civil disobedience campaigns, such as the Quit India movement, began during 1942. Gandhi and other leaders were imprisoned. The Muslim League, led by Muhammad Ali Jinnah, gained favor by supporting the British. The war caused hardship in India through inflation and famine. When a Labour government came to power in Britain in 1945, independence in the near future was conceded. The divided Indians were unable to work out a compromise between Hindu desires for one nation under majority rule and Muslim wishes for a separate state. When communal rioting spread, the British agreed to the creation of two independent nations, India and Pakistan, in 1947.
Case Assignment

Read the information in the background material, look for more information and then write a 3- to 5-page paper answering the following questions:

Describe how decolonization occurred in India.
Describe what happened at Partition and how this represented a breakdown in governability.

Assignment Expectations

In the Module 3 Case Assignment, you are expected to:

Describe the purpose of the paper and conclusion.
Answer the Case Assignment questions clearly and provide necessary details.
Provide a quality argument; that is, use good sentence structure, and avoid run-on sentences and spelling and grammar errors.
Provide citations to support your argument and references on a separate page. Please use APA format to provide citations and references: ; also, helpful information can be found in the Student Guide to Writing a High-Quality Academic Paper:].
Answer all the Case Assignment questions in an essay format instead of point format. Please do not type questions in the paper.
Double space the paper.

Engagement and Assessment

My paper which is due is suppose to be a full written paper. my teacher has split it up into parts to equal out to a full paper.


client situation

human behavior and environment

social policy

engagement and assessment (which I need the paper for now)

base on the information that I send you it will help you write the paper for that section. I am attaching all the rules and the syllabus.

immigration and its role in the US.

Draft 3-4 pages, plus a References page with 5 sources, arguing your thesis about immigration and its role in the US.

· Use APA style.

· Demonstrate your cross-cultural competency: Avoid assumptions, generalizations and stereotypes. Acknowledge diversity within groups. Acknowledge and balance your own biases.

· Back up each claim you make with historical evidence.

· Address counterarguments.

Business Ethics


Discussion #1

Opioid Crisis

The Opioid Crisis is making national news every day. And, tragically many of our families and friends are, have been, or might be touched by the epidemic. The following article from the NIH provides some statistical facts to support the crisis level claims.

Opioid Overdose Crisis, National Institute of Health (NIH) January 2019, Retrieved August 29 from:

Also in the news is a recent announcement from Business Roundtable executives describing a shift in their mission from traditional “shareholder supremacy” to corporate social responsibility.

Move Over, Shareholders: Top CEOs Say Companies Have Obligations to Society. Wall Street Journal August 19, 2019. Retrieved from: WSJ Mover Over Shareholders PDF

PDF Attached Here: Move Over Shareholders Move Over Shareholders

Purdue Pharma

Oklahoma Judge Shaves $107 Million Off Opioid Decision Against Johnson & Johnson. November 15, 2019 from NPR

For this discussion we will combine these two news topics and continue to incorporate key concepts from the course material.

Describe what drug companies like J&J and Purdue would/could do to apply a Corporate Social Responsibility model to their governance. What actions would guide their responsibility to stakeholders? (Refer to our course stakeholder model)
Describe the level of responsibility of drug companies to consumers using concepts from the Saylor Ch12 – The Selling Office text material.
What level of responsibility do you espouse for drug companies? Support your position with key ethical concepts from our course material.

Donald Worster’s Dust Bowl: The Southern Plains in the 1930s

750 words
Must accurately identify and critique the book’s main argument and evaluate the book’s overall effectiveness. Brief summary. Discuss the book’s strengths and weaknesses as a scholarly work of history. The thesis must be in the last sentence in the introductory and also must be supported throughout the essay with specific evidence from the book.
12 pt. Times New Roman font
double spacing
1″ to 1 1/4′ margins
No contractions
No first or second-person pronouns
No more than two direct quotes ( no more than 20 words each)
Specific evidence, parenthetical citations.
Past tense
Underline title’s of books
Include title that reflects off of thesis
Must include my name
all pages numbered