How is CTE diagnosed in elite athletes?

EXPOSITORY ESSAY! (biopsychology)
it’s all about adequately and appropriately supporting that THESIS
The thesis statement should appear at the end of the first paragraph of your essay.
The paper must be submitted as a Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or Text Rich Format (.rtf) document using a 12 point font and double-spaced. Use 1 inch margins. Follow general APA guidelines as presented in the Little Brown Essential Handbook for Writers or the APA Publication Manual. Number pages in the upper right hand corner.
The paper must include references to the topic from the course textbook and at least four (4) full-text peer-reviewed journal articles.
Add three additional pages: (1) title page, (2) abstract, and (3) references.
the focus of your paper must be on brain function.
Quotations should be used very sparingly and only when absolutely necessary.
The body of your essay should be (4-5) pages in length, excluding the title page, figures, and the bibliography. Add three additional pages: (1) title page, (2) abstract, and (3) references.

Why are many cultures pro arranged marriage, I understand the cultural aspect, but is there more to it like benefits that out weigh the bad?

Your third major project asks you to investigate an answer to a question that’s personally relevant to your life.  You’ll formulate a question based on the prompts listed below, and you’ll develop an answer to that question by reflecting on your own experiences /observations and by researching four sources related to your question.
The paper you’ll write will explain your question and its relevance to your life will describe your process of reflecting on and researching the question, and will attempt to provide an answer – even if just a tentative answer – based on your reflections and research.

Poem Analysis Short Essay

Short Essay: 50 points

3-400 words (a page and a half – two pages, double-spaced, font of 12). Please submit this as a Word document. Canvas does not receive Pages. Organize your essay into five paragraphs with an introduction, conclusion and one paragraph each for the three metaphors.


Read this Sonnet by William Shakespeare

Sonnet 73

That time of year thou mayst in me behold
When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang
Upon those boughs which shake against the cold,
Bare ruin’d choirs, where late the sweet birds sang.
In me thou seest the twilight of such day
As after sunset fadeth in the west,
Which by and by black night doth take away,
Death’s second self, that seals up all in rest.
In me thou see’st the glowing of such fire
That on the ashes of his youth doth lie,
As the death-bed whereon it must expire
Consumed with that which it was nourish’d by.
This thou perceivest, which makes thy love more strong,
To love that well which thou must leave ere long.

The text selects this sonnet as an example of a poem structured around metaphors. How does the text define metaphors? How can we differentiate a metaphor from a simile? How old is the narrator of the sonnet? How does the imagery express this? How do the twilight, sunset and the black night represent the stages of a man’s life? Why is fire compared to a man’s youth? What life lesson does the narrator take from the thoughts expressed here. Cite specific lines from the poem and interpret them

Discussion: Intelligence Spending—Is It Effective and Efficient?

According to the Federation of American Scientists (, on February 2, 2015, the Administration submitted its Fiscal Year 2016 budget request, including a request of $53.9 billion for the National Intelligence Program (NIP). The Department of Defense requested $17.9 billion for the Military Intelligence Program (MIP) in FY 2016.

Consider the following articles:

We Spend $68 Billion a Year on Intelligence Agencies—and They Don’t Really Work
U.S. intelligence has been blindside by the rise and spread of ISIS and the collapse of the Iraqi army. By Tom Engelhardt

U.S. Intelligence Spending—Value for Money? By Bernd Debusmann
Put into context: The United States, with around five percent of the world’s population and 23 percent of its economic output accounts for almost two thirds of global spending on intelligence. This is more than at the height of the Cold War, when annual spending, a closely held secret at the time, was estimated at around $15 billion a year in today’s dollars. your opinion, are we spending too much on intelligence? Is it effective and efficient?

Remember to support your statements with examples and references.


14.6 Reframing a Retailer’s Business Model
No unread replies.No replies.
Several ways can be used to reframe a retailer’s business model. What are they and which do you think is most relevant to retailers today?

Write a 500 word discussion of the above topic. Be sure to cite your sources of information gleaned from the book, or outside sources, and any other resources that you may use in your discussion. (worth 25 points)

Be sure your work is properly formatted with paragraphs, punctuation, and grammar, work cited.

Managing Change

Hello Sir, please make sure to read all the files provided as you will need them to complete the work make sure to read the PLAN\STRUCTURE file and Communication plan table as coursework brief I have also put my coursework 1 in case you need. If you have any questions feel free to contact me.
Thanks ,regards.

Homeland Defense Intelligence and Analysis

The DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A) has a unique mandate within the Intelligence Community and is the federal government lead for sharing information and intelligence with state, local, tribal, and territorial governments, and the private sector. It is these non-federal partners who now lead the Homeland Security Enterprise in preventing and responding to evolving threats to the homeland. I&A serves as the information conduit and intelligence advocate for state, local, tribal, and territorial governments. I&A supports state and major urban area fusion centers with deployed personnel and systems, training, and collaboration. This National Network of Fusion Centers is the hub of much of the two-way intelligence and information flow between the federal government and state, local, tribal and territorial partners. The fusion centers represent a shared commitment between the federal government and the state and local governments who own and operate them. Individually, each represents a vital resource for merging information from national and local sources to prevent and respond to all threats and hazards. Collectively, their collaboration with the federal government, one another (state-to-state and state-to-locality), and with the private sector represents the new paradigm through which we view homeland security. Fusion centers have contributed and will continue to contribute to improvements in information sharing and collaboration that will enhance the nation’s overall preparedness.

I&A assumes the program management role for the Department’s engagement with the Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) Initiative (NSI) Program Management Office (PMO). As part of that role, I&A is a direct liaison with the NSI PMO and facilitates the efforts of DHS components and fusion centers in becoming active NSI participants. Additionally, I&A leverages SAR data to create analytical products that assist federal, state, local and tribal partners in their respective homeland security missions.

What is DHS’s Intelligence role in Homeland Security?
What are the roles of the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) and FBI for national intelligence? How do these roles benefit DHS?

SLP Assignment Expectations

Support your work with peer-reviewed, government, and subject matter expert sources. Your paper will not be longer than 5 pages (excluding cover sheet and reference page).

Homeland Defense Intelligence and Analysis

Assignment Overview

State and major urban area fusion centers serve as focal points within the state and local environment for the receipt, analysis, gathering, and sharing of threat-related information between the federal government and state, local, tribal, territorial (SLTT), and private sector partners.

There are issues and concerns related to intelligence collection methods at some of the country’s local law enforcement agencies, joint terrorism task groups, and fusion centers. The first issue relates to constitutional limitations. Constitutional limitations restrict the government’s ability to access private information. The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is particularly relevant. To the extent that government activity burdens individuals’ freedom of speech and related rights, the First Amendment may also play a role. Another issue is related to the process of collecting and sharing the information, which in many cases is not standardized, creating potential holes in the way officials exchange information on terror threats.
Case Assignment

Briefly describe the six-step intelligence cycle.
What are some potential problems with collecting intelligence within the United States?
Give some examples of fusion centers and how these centers fuse intelligence at the local, state, and federal levels.

Assignment Expectations

Support your work with peer-reviewed, government, and subject matter expert sources. Your paper will not be longer than 5 pages (excluding cover sheet and reference page).


Please give me the page number of the answer to prove they are correct.
Make sure to have read The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
20 questions in total.
I will be checking for any plagiarism
The full book is uploaded in files.
All 20 questions are uploaded in files.