Gestalt Therapy – Fritz Perls

I have uploaded a word document that contains 2 discussion questions. I need to write a response to each discussion question which incorporates at least one journal article that is referenced in the discussion question (located under references). I must also use at least one reference (peer-reviewed journal article) from my own research. The response should be related to the discussion question as well as add to the discussion.

Math/Physic/Economic/Statistic Problems

collection and analysis of data using a variety of techniques, most importantly, Correlation and Regression.
Read the attached word file for details on how to complete this project. This is part 1 of the project, once it is completed and turned in, the second part will be assigned and I will try to use the same writer, considering they do a good job on part 1.
To complete the current assignment you must complete and upload two files (Word – Excel)

10 questions on the Wal Mart video

Watch the video in youtube named”Walmart: The High Cost of Low Price • FULL DOCUMENTARY FILM • BRAVE NEW FILMS” and answer the questions below.
The video link

1. How does Wal Mart affect small town businesses?
2. How does Wal Mart take unfair advantage of its workers? For example “working off the clock,” or the example of illegal aliens or labor abuse.
3.Does Wal Mart provide good health care for its workers? Elaborate.
4.Why and How is Wal Mart anti-union?
5.What is the difference between a German Wal Mart and the Wal Mart in America?
6. In what way is Wal Mart sexist?
7. What is the problem of racism in the Wal Mart workplace?
8. How is Wal Mart harmful to the environment?
9. How does Wal Mart take unfair advantage of its workers in China?
10. How is Wal Mart a danger to its customers and is Wal Mart being morally responsible? [“profits before safety”]


Nutrition assignments

Q1) Foodborne illnesses and their effects were in the news many times over the past couple of years. Some recent incidents include spinach and peanut butter. How can we make certain what we buy and consume if free from food pathogens? (in 500 words)

Q2) Lifecycle Nutrition -Timely assessment of someone needing nutritional support is essential. Please explain the nutritional differences between breast milk, infant formula and cow’s milk. These differences could include the energy-yielding nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Which do you think is superior, explain using data why you feel the way you do. (in 500 words)

Q3) 1) For at least 2 minerals, please list the RDA for men and women, chief function in the body, deficiency symptoms, toxicity symptoms and significant sources. (2) After looking at your diet, are you at risk of any of these deficiency, tell me why or why not? Please reply to at least 2 of your classmates. You should try to copy and paste this table into your discussion board, it will make it easier to grade.

Please copy and paste this table into your discussion board.


RDA for Men

RDA for Women

Chief Functions in the Body

Deficiency Symptoms

Toxicity Symptoms

Significant Sources. (in 500 words)
Note; please answer the 3 questions in 500 words each and pit each cited wors below their answered question thanks.

Cultural Comparison

submit a research paper on a cultural comparison on some aspect of psychological functioning. The paper will focus on a comparison of psychological phenomenon between 2 cultures, e.g., the experience of emotion, gender roles, infant attachment, interpersonal attraction and love, culture-specific psychological disorders, parenting styles, child-rearing styles, family structure, self-perception, moral reasoning, etc. You must discuss two distinct cultures using empirical evidence when comparing behavior and emotions.

The body of your work should be 7-8 pages in length (not including the cover and references pages), and should include relevant references from the textbook plus five additional academic sources such as a book, an article from a professional journal, or a credible web site. Sources such as Wikipedia, dictionaries, Blogs, magazines, newspapers, and web sites ending in .com or .net are not considered academically relevant. Sites ending in .edu, .gov, or .org often have credible information that students sometimes use as sources. Before using any information from the Internet, you must be able to determine who the author is in order to assess the credibility of the source. Be sure your paper includes a correctly-formatted title page and a separate References page, following APA guidelines.

An Abstract is not required.
Use APA style. See the Guide for Writing in APA Style in Course Home and Doc Sharing. Your grade will be impacted by your use of APA style as well as proper grammar, sentence structure, organization, spelling, punctuation, and the overall presentation of your work. Submit your paper as a Microsoft Word document using Times New Roman font, 12-point type, double spacing, and 1 inch margins. Number pages in the upper right hand corner. Place page numbers opposite the running head as your header.

My essay question is “Is the ‘manufacture of consent’ a useful term for understanding contemporary society?”

Hello, below i’ve written what is expected of me, please let me know if i should clarify anything and do not hesitate to contact me.

The main focus of this course is to critically understand the role of state and corporate propaganda, how to manage opinion, the use of public relations, processes such as lobbying, think tanks and media management.

This is what is expected of the work:
Show an advanced understanding of the techniques for managing opinion and consent in advanced societies.
Understand how interests and ideas are related and how interests are pursued through the use of ideological and practical contest.
Have a detailed knowledge of the rise and operation of state propaganda and the public relations, opinion and market research industries.
Demonstrate skills in interrogation and analysis of rhetoric in policy, promotional and news materials
Use critical theories on the manufacture of consent to analyse policy and other pronouncements
Students are expected to show evidence of having achieved these outcomes through:
· An original analytical essay demonstrating skills in data synthesis, analysis and presentation.

For the bibliography and references Noam Chomsky is definitely one who should be referenced, as well as Jurgen Habermas. Aside from them you are free to cite whomever.

I look forward to hearing from you.

To what extent did the neoconservative Administration of George W. Bush embrace the policy of ‘promoting democracy’ because it genuinely wished to democratise the states of the Middle East?

please provide an outline in the introduction ( whats the essay is going to talk about).

please use the following sources

Carothers, Thomas (2003) ‘Promoting Democracy and Fighting Terror’, Foreign Affairs,
Vol.82, No.1, Jan./Feb. On-line:

Milton-Edwards, Beverly (2011) Contemporary Politics in the Middle East, Cambridge:
Polity, Third Edition, chs 6, 9