Response Paper #4

There are 2 questions to answer for this essay: the yellow one which is highlighted is the one you will write about.

There’s also an interview mentioned to watch here’s the link:

Global Worlds

“Globalisation is leading to an increasingly borderless world”. Critically evaluate this statement with reference to examples.


Keep expanding and refining the work related to Wide Area Alert System in the City of Norfolk, VA. Look to incorporate other jurisdictions (tribal, private, non-profit, city, county, state) and how they have or have not implemented EAS. Lastly, further analyze government reports on this topic as well. They may be a source. Please let me know if you have any questions. ***The importance is to further refine the project by incorporating additional relevant research and identifying best practices into the work***. Use the attached WE5 Applied project rough draft and incorporate the additional 5 pages into the project. Let me know if you have questions.

Career Assessment

Please follow the directions EXACTLY. I am getting bad grades on the papers you guys are doing.

These are attached:
a. SII
c. Values Assessment
d. Skills Assessment

2) Write Report

a. Identifying Information & Presenting Concern – very brief 3-5 sentences.

b. Relevant Background Information – 1-2 pages – covers basic familial, social, educational, and work history background. MY BACK GROUND: MARRIED MOTHER OF 2 ( GIRL 22 and BOY 19), LOWER MIDDLE CLASS, BS – IN PSYCHOLOGY, IN THE PROCESS OF GETTING MY MASTERS, BEEN IN THE LEGAL FIELD FOR 30 YEARS

c. Assessment Results & Interpretation – include the results (what do the tests say) and well as what this means for the client. Be sure to integrate how this is consistent with what you know about the client (you) from other information you have. (about 5-7 pages)

i. 1)Career Interests – SII & other – the SII cover several key areas (focus on the theme, basic interests, and personal style – use specific career stuff as examples/to support these ideas).

ii. 2)Skills – inventory & other

iii. 3)Personality – MBTI (focus on code as well as strength on each scale)

iv 4)Values – Inventory, Ideal job, other

Recommendations – ½ – 1 page – what now?

**No references or APA style needed for this. Write this as if you were preparing a report for a client. Given me what you would give the client.

Your final paper is very different in that it is an assessment report rather than an academic paper. You won’t have any references and there is no need to cite your assessment results as you own this as well…just use subheadings to define the results and refer to them by their name (i.e., according to the SII….). Your paper will have a background information section, which you will have to create. You may use your own personal self or you can create a “fake client” and just use your results as theirs. Then you will have a results section in which you will describe your results from the SII (interests), MBTI (personality), Skills, and Values inventories and interpret them in light of your background information and the integration for the test results. Finally, you will have a summary and some recommendations before a signature block on the report.

I have included a sample format for an assessment report but this is just one idea (you can create your own with similar information). This is a learning disability assessment that I did (and I use it when I teach assessment courses). It is pretty inclusive and thorough, so don’t get distracted by that (this was based on 10-15 hours of testing), but it will give you an idea of style of writing and formatting. Obviously, you will not have an integration section as you are only assessing career needs. Your summary will serve as the integration. Also…you won’t have a diagnosis as this is a career assessment.


This is 5 pages of policies and procedures for STANDING MEDICATION ORDER. Could you please paraphrase and rewrite the paper again but need to get the same meaning. I don’t have time to do it unfortunately and I am busy with other tasks and need to finish. I will add the file that you gonna paraphrase it and please please paraphrase and rewrite the papers and need to get all information and if you can summarize and rewrite concisely the 5 pages to to 3 pages please.
Make sure to rewrite as same manner and style and as point like the original file.
No need for reference.
Thank you

Study of young people and recreational drugs.

You are required to (a) devise realistic hypotheses and research questions to investigate, [bl analyse the data by selectiig appropriate statistical procedures, [c] foonatly present,
interpret and discuss the results using the APA/BPS journal-style fonnat.

Aspects of the Post-Primary School

Discuss the key aspects of Equality and Social Justice in the Local and Global Citizenship curriculum at Key Stage 3 (particularly in Northern Ireland). In your discussion include the following
• the development of Equality and Social Justice within the context of the Local and Global Citizenship curriculum; include references to recommend learning activities, textbooks, education packs, online resources and external agencies which provide support to schools and teachers.
• a range of appropriate teaching strategies and methods used to deliver this topic.
• the development of thinking skills and personal capabilities within the context of this curriculum area.
• the cross curricular approach to the promotion of Equality and Social Justice throughout the Key Stage 3 curriculum.

Pride and Prejudice, Hard Times or Dubliners.

Paper Requirements: Your paper must be at least five full pages and no longer than seven pages long. Use standard MLA format. You will use the primary texts and consider these texts through the lens of another discipline as explained below. Be sure to construct a point-by-point comparison where necessary. Please construct a works cited page for the primary texts as well as the secondary sources.

Checklist: Thesis? Topic sentences? Topic paragraphs with “evidence”? Evidence properly introduced and analyzed, quoted and cited? Carefully constructed introductory and concluding paragraphs? Parallel structure where needed? Avoidance of “it,” the passive voice and noun-less “this” or “that”? Have you PROOFREAD? You will not be able to revise this paper, so please work carefully. You may consult me about particular problems, but I will not read the whole paper ahead of time.

** While you may use any material we have covered in class, your essay must include major discussion of at least two of the following works: Pride and Prejudice, Hard Times and Dubliners.

The rest of the information is in additional materials​