How can training and development positively impact on employee performance and productivity

Literature Review
Literature review sources examples;
Relevant – Academic books, articles, journals, institutes, expert unbiased statements etc
Linked to your research project, undertake a wide literature review to identify;
Expert opinions – Proven facts – data – evidence
Qualitative and quantitative secondary information and data

Analyse and critically compare (eg agreements / disagreements)
Form arguments and conclusions
Analyse quantitative research (Form conclusions, do not simply state facts)
Project:- How can training and development positively impact on employee performance and productivity

Hypothesis:- Continuous training and development contributes towards achieving organisation aims and objectives
You are researching into different forms of training and development approaches which contribute to achieving organisation objectives

Example approaches, you could;
Different authors views on different training approaches – agreements/disagreements
Is there evidence that certain training approaches work in certain circumstances
Do authors promote deploying certain training and development approaches
Can different training approaches in non business sectors be applied in business sectors?
Do authors highlight problems in introducing and developing different training approaches
Are there errors in authors methods, perspectives and conclusions?
Are authors past perspectives no longer relevant
Are sources valid/invalid? Biased/unbiased?
Are there gaps in authors research which questions validity of their views?

Form a conclusion summary of your literature review

Please ensure there are counter arguments. A critical analysis.
Please FOLLOW all of the above guidelines..


Section # 1 – Identify the job you would like to have when you graduate from college. If you can, name the company. List the skill sets ( 5 – 10) the Company will be looking for in filling that position. List the hard /technical skill sets ( knowledge of accounting, or experience in doing a task similar to the job demands ( such as customer support experience) , certifications, etc. and others based on your job), list the soft skill sets (such as ability to write, presentations, leadership abilities). . List interpersonal skills such as teamwork, ability to work under stress, easy to get along with and work ethic. All of the traits listed above will be tailored and different for every job. In general, make a “check list” of those traits/ skills the company is seeking. Your deliverable is just a list. – Remember the soft skills are most important.

Section #2 – Now that you have your list of 5-10 requirements, Write at least one interview question the company may ask for each requirement to see if you have that qualification. For example, if one of the traits is “ The ability to deal with challenging customers”, one potential question is — “Give me an example — tell me about the most demanding customer you ever had and how did you handle the situation”. If you listed a being a good team player as a requirement, one of the questions could be “What role are you most comfortable when working a team project and give me an example”

Section #3 — Now list what your answer would be to each of those questions. If you listed 10 questions, you need 10 answers. Sometimes, you may not yet have the experience or knowledge to answer that question, if so just state – can not answer at this time. ( that answer will not detract from your grade). What that answer means is that you have a short fall that you need to work on and develop prior to graduation. Here is where you can give an example ( see star technique)


Please review the attached documents. Use KMO to format the survey questions, if you do not have access to qualtrics I will create it afterward.

Business start up

Hello Sir,
All the informations you need are in the files.
You can choose the business you want to start.
Thanks, regards.

For this paper, describe what you feel are important issues that individuals and governments should be concerned about regarding the internet. What current solutions exist for the issues you’ve described? What more do you feel needs to be done?

For this paper, you will be expected to plan and write a response to one or more of the readings from this module using one of the prompts below. Important note: for this assignment you will practice using and citing sources. Therefore you will be required to have at least three cited sources in your paper and a works cited page, all in MLA format. You can access Purdue OWL here to see how to use edition 8 of MLA. The purpose of this paper is to introduce you to citations and give you a basic feel for how to use sources. A more in-depth training on research and citation will come with English 102, for those who take that course.

Since you are expected to have three sources. Feel free to use the sources provided and also find additional sources on your own. You should consider the expertise of your sources and how they will add to your argument. You should also find quotes within those sources that provide specific, detailed information that will support a point you are going to make. There is an excellent document that I suggest you use, also in the Course Resources folder, titled, “Guidelines for Using In-text Quotations”. It walks you through nearly all important aspects of how to use sources in your paper.

You should submit this paper via Turnitin. (Please note that Turnitin does NOT accept .pages or .gdoc file types. Use .doc or .pdf if possible.) After you upload your file, you will come to a new screen, where you must confirm the upload. You should then get confirmation on screen that the submission worked, as well as an email from Turnitin that your paper was submitted. Please keep these for your records in case of a technical issue.

Before you begin, you should view the essay rubric in the Course Resources section. Please note that your grade for the rough draft will be not be based on this rubric, but on full completion of this assignment. If you have a complete essay turned in, you will receive the points. However, this rubric will give you clear expectations as to what we expect for the final draft.
There is no one, single way to approach a paper, or one size or shape. Therefore we are not looking for a particular number of paragraphs (although to prepare you for the exit essay, you should have at least 5) or a particular word count. If you look at the rubric, you will see what we want. First, you should have a strong introduction, which introduces the topic and identifies the paper’s direction. Next, there should be quality support, which offers specific details that are well organized and thoughtful. Finally, you will need a conclusion that challenges the reader and adds to the paper. This should be done with clear and concise writing. Think outside of formulas and focus on being as effective as you can be.

Also, view the videos on Academic Tone and Intros and Conclusions in the Course Resources folder for additional help.

For this paper, describe what you feel are important issues that individuals and governments should be concerned about regarding the internet. What current solutions exist for the issues you’ve described? What more do you feel needs to be done?

Think about a basic comparison with cigarettes, which have labels that identify the health hazards. Should users be similarly warned about the far-reaching health effects of social media use? For added context on this issue, you can read this article, which describes Mark Zuckerberg’s call for the government to regulate social media.

The importance of Bond Market in the USA

Introduction, you are expected to provide a background information about the bond market by clearly describing and discussing the definition of bond, types of bond, importance of bond market,
importance of interest rate in the bond market

Aims and objectives of the assignment

•The main body of the assignment should focus on the description and discussion on the risk structure and term structure of interest rate
•Firstly, give a definition on risk structure of interest rate. In other words, what does risk structure of interest rate mainly investigate.
•Secondly, you could specifically describe and discuss the factors of risk-structure of interest rate which are default risk, liquidity and income tax considerations.

•More specifically, with regard to the first factor, default risk, you could talk about what is default risk, default-free bond as well as risk premium
•Using relevant figures to discuss the impact of default risk on interest rate

•Give the definition of liquidity and using relevant figures to discuss the impact of liquidity on interest rate
•What does income tax consideration mean and how does this factor affect the interest rate using relevant figures
•Using the real world example to talk about the impact of income tax on interest rate through collecting relevant data
•More specifically, with regard to the first factor, default risk, you could talk about what is default risk, default-free bond as well as risk premium
•Using relevant figures to discuss the impact of default risk on interest rate
•Give the definition of liquidity and using relevant figures to discuss the impact of liquidity on interest rate
•What does income tax consideration mean and how does this factor affect the interest rate using relevant figures
•Using the real world example to talk about the impact of income tax on interest rate through collecting relevant data
.Unit: Percentage
.Modified Frequency: Monthly

What is market segmentation theory ? What is assumption of theory? How about the implication?
•What does this theory mainly tell us?(linked to the graphs)

•What is liquidity premium theory? What is the assumption of this theory and how about the implication
•If we use, a, b to represent the one-year interest rate and c to represent two-year interest rate and l2 to represent the liquidity premium, what would be the relationship among them?

•What does the liquidity premium theory tell us

•Talk about the importance of bond market in the US
•Give emphasize on the importance of yield (interest rate ) of bond
•Summarize the risk structure of interest rate
•Summarize the term structure of interest rate

Discuss the following topic statement: “Anxiety disorders are a best characterised as categorical disorders.”

Your discussion of the topic statement should examine a minimum of 2 of the following issues:
a) The reliability, validity, and utility of an anxiety disorder diagnosis b) The factors underpinning the development and/or course of anxiety.
c) Treatment approaches to anxiety disorders.
d) Biomarkers and/or behavioural indicators of anxiety.
3. Consider at least 1 of the following models in the context of your essay.
a) Clinical Staging model b) HiTOP model c) RDoC model d) Cognitive Behavioral model
4. Your essay must additionally include discussion and logical recommendations regarding useful future directions in addressing the issues that you choose to examine.

How should we conceive of the concept of leadership in the public sector?

This is the end of term essay about what we learned in class and you just have to answer the question using the course readings and outside sources are allowed. In the syllabus that I have uploaded it goes by weeks and under each week are readings that you can use. I said to use 7 sources but you can use more than that and maybe more is preferred.

Data Assignment 1: Framing the Problem

*Essay must be Plagiarism Free*

For this assignment you will create a business brief of 3 pages. The brief will be based on the case,
StepSmart Fitness. This requires you to identify a problem from this case that can be addressed through an
analytics approach, and then to provide sufficient background on the organization to accurately frame the
problem for stakeholders. For guidance, please refer to Chapter 2 of Davenport & Kim, Keeping up with the
Quants. Your brief must include the following six components:
1. Define a clear problem or opportunity that addresses what is important to the organization.
2. Define key items or variables you want to study that are relevant to the problem.
3. Identify stakeholders for the problem, including the stakeholder who will make a
specific decision based on analysis results once the problem is solved.
4. Briefly explain two alternative ways the problem could be addressed beyond what is
presented in the case
5. Adopt an analytical story type to communicate the particular problem (see pp. 29-40,
Davenport & Kim).
6. Describe relevant information on previous experiences or findings related to this problem.
This information may be included in the main body of the brief or noted in an appendix,
whichever is most appropriate for context and flow.
Formatting Requirements:
• Include a Cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, professor’s name, and the
course title and date
• Include a References page with your sources
• The Cover page and the References page are not included in the required page length
• Double-spaced, professional font (Times New Roman or Arial), 10-12 font size
• Headings are used to identify main topics and subtopics
• Paragraphs are separated by a single space