Current Events

Locating the RSS Feeds
Open a web browser to: (Links to an external site.)

At this site (please disregard any marketing related messages) you will see a series of RSS feed boxes. Each is a distinct feed although some may be from the same

Browse through the various feeds and become familiar with the content
Choose and Analyze Feeds
From the many feeds, select two (2) current event items that deal with information security or have implications to information security or national information security. They can be among any item listed in the feeds. For each of the two (2) current events:
Read and analyze the current event
Prepare a short analysis (example below) on aspects of the event as they relate to the Information Assurance principles (CIA) of:
A. Confidentiality
B. Integrity
C. Availability

Note: if the event does not explicitly mention an item or issue that relates to one or more areas of the CIA triad, please suggest how the missing areas might be relative as a cause of the security event.

Lab Deliverables
1. For each of the two (2) current events provide:
1. The link to the current event
2. A brief summary of the event
3. Your analysis of the CIA triangle issues
4. Briefly discuss either the proposed resolution or, if not available, what you think should be done?

The Effects of War on Family and Society

So, I know that I asked you a three slide, but I only need two slides and a ONE-word document. The instructions are below entitled SCS 200 Presentation Progress Check Guidelines and Rubric. Also, below you will see many other papers on this same theme. The theme The Effects of War on Family. Each of those papers is a build-up from the next one. I hope that makes sense. My teacher is very picky, so please let me know if you are confused. For this PowerPoint and paper, you are going to have to access my book through my account online to write the assignment correctly.



I sent you the website to my account. Once you log in, go to Brightspace. This will give you the classes that I take. Go to social science class, then click the course menu, then click learning modules. Then once you click learning modules, there are themes 1-4. Click them, and they will give you the option to click the launch theme. Once you click that, it will take you to the book. Each theme has its section of the book. Does this make sense? Thank you.

Please let me know if this makes sense?


Journal Entries on Pride and Prejudice, Dubliners and Hard Times

Need 18 Journals at 250 words each out of these prompts

On Pride and Prejudice, Dubliners and Hard Times

Pride and Prejudice

• Impressions of the first meeting of Darcy and Elizabeth versus the first meeting of Romeo and Juliet, Tristan and Iseult
• Define and then find an example of verbal irony and discuss it (not the opening sentence).
• How do you get to “know” another person in your own life? How is it the same or different from how the characters get to know each other?
• Compare Elizabeth and Jane and Charlotte
• Compare Mr. Collins’s proposal to Mr. Darcy’s proposal
• What two things change Elizabeth’s views toward Darcy? How?
• What would be missing from the story without Lady Catherine de Bourgh?
• Fathers and Lovers
• Where do you see “Reason” in this story? Where do you see “Romanticism”?
• Discuss the role of “convention” and “etiquette” in this work; in your life
• Your own topic
• Compare Darcy and Tristan
Hard Times

• Describe the setting of Hard Times; how is it symbolic of the theme of the novel?
• Who is Thomas Gradgrind, Sr. like in The Incredibles? in any other “modern” work?
• Describe the narrator. Is he a character?
• Discuss the philosophy of Utilitarianism in the novel.
• What do you make of Stephen Blackpool? What would he be like in today’s world?
• Compare Louisa and her father to Elizabeth Bennett and her father, Juliet and her father
• Compare the world of HT to the world we live in
• What is different in this work from what we’ve read before?
• What is “realistic”? What is “Romantic”? (Be sure to review these terms in a literary dictionary.)
• In what way is the “model of education” similar to your own education?
• What is Imagination? What role does it play in your own life?


• Compare Gabriel Conroy to the narrator of “Araby.”
• Describe Gretta.
• Discuss the setting, scenery, mood in Dubliners. What seems symbolic?
• Compare Gabriel to Michael Furey; compare either to Romeo or Tristan
• What elements of Modernism do you see in these stories?
• What conflicts are presented? Are they resolved?
• Your own topic in these short stories.
• What does it mean “to go west”?
• Choose a passage from “The Dead” and explicate
• To what or to whom does the title “the Dead” refer?

Special Education

Review the literature concerning assessment and instruction for children with special needs. Based on this review, you are required to develop a critique paper including related theories and the best instructional strategies you recommend to use for assessment and instruction of the children with special needs in United Arab Emirates. You may take into consideration the actual practices in assessment and instructional strategies used in UAE to enrich your critique paper.
all files included in this links (rubric, framework, references)


Read the following files attached prior to starting.

you will need to take pictures of appliances as well as the ability to Draw a sketch of the floor plan of your place.

documents mentioned below must be read prior to starting:
Household Use of Electric Energy

Energy Measurements and Calculations – I have attached PowerPoint.

I have also attached the full instructions below.

last, I have attached an example of this project, please do not copy it, this is just a guideline of how the paper should look in general.

as far as references and sources use as much as you need i feel 3-4 would be sufficient.

Acts of the Apostles

With reference to the Acts of the Apostles, Paul’s Letters, and the writings of St Ignatius of Antioch, present a critical overview of how the Early Christian communities became established, the challenges they faced, and the emergence of structures for governance.

Middle East and different way to the muslim brotherhood. How it is affecting their relationship. Egypt, Saudi Arabia , Qatar and Turkey.

* Need to formulate the question for this research topic: the situation in the Middle East ( Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey) and the muslim brother hood ( it is controversial movement). How is brotherhood affect their relationships . How muslim brotherhood is treating in these different countries in the Middle East. The Fall of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt

* Need to follow the framework of the example of the research proposal attached below.

* For the literature research and bibliography:
Citing resources with Harvard format. Citing into the text as follow ( Last name of the Author, year, page/s used to find the information or to support your point. BIBLIOGRAPHY: Harvard format.

* Having an argument: a prospective argument to focus on your research for the research proposal, this will be more in the nature of a hypothesis . Set out why you think that this hypothesis or argument is right one

Provide a clear title. Include a longer subtitle if it helps to further specify the proposed research.

The search proposal if for an Academic Dissertation

Explain the topic you are proposing to reach and the reason for your choice, State the research question you seek to answer. Explain your main argument and approach. Outline main aims. What motives you to be so interested in the topic, Refer key theories or analytical perspectives as a way to contextualise your proposal research. Make a strong case and place the rational in the wider field of knowledge t which you wish to contribute.

List (3-6) main objectives. These are built on the underlying research aims by specifying step by step what the research seeks to achieve, Objectives begin with the verb “ to identify, to investigate , to evaluate”. Objectives should be action and outcome- oriented.

Evaluate literatures relevant. Identify what knowledge relating to your topic already exists and what current gaps.
Use credible resources ( journal, policy reports from reputable organisations or practice communities. Show how literature sources inform your research proposal.

Explain the proposed methodology. How it helps to address your research aims and objects, How it relates to the wider body of the theory or policy practice to which your project seeks to contribute. Outline specific methods and techniques suitable for carrying out the proposed research, Discuss the type of research data to be generated and what data analysis will be needed. It could a comparative research. Use a research method that you consider more appropriate for the topic.

8. TIME PLAN ( 150 WORDS):
Include key steps and milestones. An indicative time schedule to demonstrate that you have thought through the proposed research in sufficient details to make it manageable within the context of your studies.

Harvard format.

Ethical dilemma on abortion

I’m against abortions unless a tragic event occurred such as if a woman was forced. Summarize an article from a reputable source Wikipedia, wed MD is not Valid source. A book is a valid source.