Services and Relationship Marketing

Everything will be explained in brief which i will upload right now! If u need any help or if u have any questions please let me know i will be happy to help u ! i will be 24/7 online for u thank u very much and this assignment is really important for me because it counts 50% of my overall subject ! Appreciate it .

“Principles of Gene Therapy”

Topic: “Principles of Gene Therapy”
Word count: 2000 – 2200 words

Content should include amongst others:
– History of gene therapy
– Definition and aim of gene therapy
– Different types of gene therapy with examples
– Ethical issues of gene therapy
– Impact of gene therapy on treatment

– Abidance with word count limit (the text should be 2000-2200 excluding the reference page)
– Abidance with APA referencing guidelines
– Degree of cut and paste – avoid plagiarism not more than 20%
– Organization of provided information
– Degree of creativity – appropriate use of photos, diagrams, art work etc.

Conceptual frame workd models affecting iomt usage

. Explain each model ( TRA , TAM and TBP ) in terms of usage (6 ref each )

·        Advantages and disadvantages

·        Is the model used currently if yes give example ( latest references ) journal and book only  

·        The use of each model in healthcare practically about the usage if its useful for IOMT devices give examples (latest ref\) journal and book only



For example for the last point – Note the following example not related to usage

 Relatively few studies (e.g. Hung et al., 2011, Hung et al., 2013, Lau, 2004; Lau and

 Kwok, 2007; Susanto and Goodwin, 2011) have examined the e-government

adoption model using the DTPB (see Figure 3.5). Lau (2004) used this model to

examine the adoption of G2C e-government services in Hong Kong. Similarly, Lau

and Kwok (2007) used the DTPB to analyse how the e-government plans influence

the e-commerce adoption by SMEs in the context of Hong Kong. Susanto and

Goodwin (2011) used it as one of the models for investigating user’s acceptance of

SMS-based e-government services. Hung et al. (2011) used this model to examine

factors determining buyers’ acceptance of G2B e-government services in Taiwan.

Similarly, Hung et al. (2013) used this model for describing the acceptance of mobile

e-government services of Taiwan.

A Critical Essay evaluating a community based tourism management to sustainable tourism using two contrasting case study destinations/tourist areas

Hello, (TO BE AWARE) I am a student of International Tourism Management. As advised by the Ukwrittings assistant I have chosen the management subject area.

Type of essay: Critical Essay

1. I need an introduction with an included generic explanation of community-based tourism

2. I need some background information on community-based tourism in two contrasting destinations. Needs to be clear who is managing what in that particular destination. Is it NGO’s or government, etc. What programs are adopted by each destination in order to manage CBT?.

3. The main body needs to include how both destinations managing things sustainably (THIS NEEDS TO BE MAINLY BASED ON 3 PILLARS – ECONOMIC, SOCIAL, ENVIRONMENTAL)

4. Next, both destinations need to be contrasted with the way they manage CBT.

4. (TO BE AWARE) Both destinations need to be contrasting, MEANING THE WAY THEY MANAGING IT.

5. Also, please use Harvard referencing, which is UP TO DATE (2010-2020), and please use ACADEMIC SOURCES which are open and accessible to see. I had an issue last time with a writer, who used a lot of sources that were not available to open or it was from teacher’s websites, which looks suspicious after you submit.

6. Conclusion and recommendations – the essay should progress towards a well-supported conclusion incorporating a qualified assessment of the chosen topic and setting out some recommendations for ways in which the chosen topic could be adjusted to make a bigger contribution to sustainability or ways in which it might be applied more appropriately.

7.Structure of the essay – clear and logical organization, good balance between the various sections of the essay.

8. Good choice of topic and selection of appropriate examples, quality and appropriateness of your academic sources, quantity (sufficiency) of sources, range and diversity.

9. The essay should set out the scope, purpose and range of the essay.

It should also set out the range of arguments and issues concerning the chosen topic – potential and limitations – with clear reference to appropriate sources.


I have attached the assignment brief down below.

Mental Toughness in Sport Psychology

I am a Sport Psychology major and I am tasked with writing a paper on a subject within my area of study. I want to do it on Mental Toughness among a particular group of athletes (basketball players preferably).

Process Awareness

This project’s purpose is to help you gather knowledge through reading and writing about issues within your field or within an organization. Through your research, you will find seven sources for an annotated bibliography.


Look for an issue withing my field/major which is Psychology and then begin researching 7 sources for an annotated bibliography to write on.

Part One: Annotated Bibliography
Seven sources with full citation and two paragraphs for each entry

At least Seven sources*—at least one from a different perspective/viewpoint/argument different from the one you plan to make. Each source needs a proper APA citation as well as a summary and evaluation annotation. Each source entry needs to include gen-re/rhetorical context, summary of the content, and an evaluation or assessment of the source (What makes this source reliable? How is it regarded in your field? How will it strengthen your argument?).

Each source entry should include a proper full citation, followed by two paragraphs:
The first paragraph should summarize the source (and must include the genre context—identify and discuss genre) and the second should evaluate the source as well as explain how it is helping you in your research or how will help your argument.

For your research, be sure to use libraries and their databases. You may also use web sources, government documents, experts in the field, Google scholar, etc. Consider vari-ous genres.

Part Two: Rhetorical Situation Analysis
You will complete a rhetorical situation analysis for one source.

*** I have attached the Rubric/ Assignment below. please read through it to have a better understanding, and if you have any questions please feel free to contact me.

Operations Management with focus on United Parcel Service (UPS)

Assess the history and trends of operations management, focusing United Parcel Service (UPS). Specifically, you should assess the significant forces that have shaped operations management in recent history and answer the following:
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
a) Assess the significant forces that have shaped operations management in recent history. How did these forces impact the business operations of your company? If your company does not yet exist, how do you envision these forces will impact the business operations of your company?
b) Critique the key obstacles and issues that confronted company management during the evolution of operations management into the modern era. How did your company’s management handle these obstacles? If your company did not exist then, how do you think they would have responded to these issues?
c) Assess changes to operations management philosophies and organizational structures in response to the evolving complexity of business operations. In other words, what has changed and why?
d) Analyze the business operations of your selected company. Consider questions such as these in your response: What organizational processes does the company use? How do the business operations support the strategic plan, mission, and vision of the company? What factors affect productivity and profitability?
e) Determine the key trends in production, quality, resource, and information management with a focus on the business operations of your company.
f) Assess the impact of these key trends on the business operations of your selected company and on the business product, service, or other idea in your business plan.
Guidelines for Submission: The paper should adhere to the following formatting requirements: It should be submitted as an APA-style Microsoft Word document, 8–10 pages (not including title and reference pages), double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman font and one-inch margins. There should be a minimum of two references cited in APA format.

The Invention of Modern Conveniences

The Invention of Modern Conveniences:
Pick three late-nineteenth century inventions and discuss how they eased the drudgery of everyday life and reshaped social interactions. Were the effects of these inventions entirely positive? Were there any negatives involved in these inventions?
Juxtapose these three 19th inventions with the introduction and use of the Internet in our modern world. How has the use of the Internet reshaped social interactions? Are the effects of the Internet entirely positive? Are there any negatives involved in the use of modern technology?
The paper should follow the rules of correct grammar, punctuation and sentence structure and, be no less than four full pages in length. The Works Cited and title pages do not count as pages of text. It should be double-spaced and have proper parenthetical documentation. Number all of your pages. A bibliography (Works Cited) is required in addition to the four pages of content.
You may cite my GK columns and the textbook but, you must also use at least two additional sources other than my columns or the textbook.
An online encyclopedia is not an acceptable additional source. So, do not use a source like Wikipedia, Britannia etc. or you will automatically lose points.
There should be no “creative spacing” in your paper. In other words…do not waste space! Margins shall be 1 inch. The paper should use either Verdana or Times New Roman font, and the font size should be no larger than 12 points.
In other words, the paper should be solid and show analytical research of the topic. Please do not fill the paper with huge quotations. You may quote, but you must also make critical analysis. Essay conformance to either the Modern Language Association of America (M. L. A.) or Kate Turabian (Turabian) is required. Both of these writing guides should be available in any library. I have also posted a writing help cite under Frequently Asked Questions.