Qual Methods Reading Discussion Board Assignment

I attached both readings you will need for this and here is what you have to do with them please.

1.)A short (2-5 sentence) summary of what you think the authors were arguing or demonstrating (i.e., their thesis).

2. A brief description (about 1 paragraph) of the research methods used/advocated/introduced; and how the methods supported the discovery process or argument.

3. Three questions you have about the methods or topic.

how different global supply chains can be buyer-driven (Gereffi and Fernandez-Stark 2016), demand-driven (Christopher 2011), and shaped by different forms of institutional power (Henderson et al 2002)

1. Thesis requirements:
With reference to the analytical frameworks addressed in the module (lectures 3-5), explore how different global supply chains can be buyer-driven (Gereffi and Fernandez-Stark 2016), demand-driven (Christopher 2011), and shaped by different forms of institutional power (Henderson et al 2002). Sustain your arguments with evidence from the global supply chains of FFVs, cocoa and fast-fashion (lectures 6-8).
2。The required lecture slides and extended readings have been uploaded to the attachment
3. If there is any need, please contact me in time

analyze a theme or issue expressed in a literary work. The theme is that violence is a normal part of society. found in “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson Use “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson as a primary source.

You will be writing a research paper in which you explore a theme or issue that is expressed in at least one literary text we’ve read since the comparative essay. In doing so, you may explore numerous concepts or issues related to this theme, such as real world dilemmas. Use the primary source “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson and provide MLA Cited Quoates. You also must use at least 4 secondary sources that meet the standards of “legitimate academic texts.” It is expected that you will incorporate MLA cited quotes and ideas from these sources fluidly within the context of your own analysis.

It needs to be 12pt times new roman. No Plagiarism

Grading Criteria:

Is the paper unified around a research question or thesis statement?
Is the paper “original” in that it takes an approach to the research question or thesis that has not already been rehashed again and again in print?
Has the investigation been thorough enough to be convincing?
Does the paper include research methods suitable to the question it explores?
Is the paper substantiated well with documented evidence?
Is the documentation (including quoted and paraphrased material) handled smoothly and accurately? Is the inclusion of other sources handled smoothly and accurately also?
Is the style appropriate for an academic audience?
Is there an abstract that reflects the content of the essay?
Is the oral presentation conducted in a professional manner? Is it clear and reflective of the researched essay? Is the presenter dressed business casual for the presentation?
Is the paper free of problems in spelling, grammar, usage, and punctuation?
Is there a complete works cited page accurately constructed at the end of the final draft?

I Placed the files to the 4 secondary sources below. It also needs to have “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson which is the primary source.

This is 1 secondary source the other 3 are linked as files.

Guns, Gun Violence and Gun Control

I have included two files that give exact directions on the paper. You must read two articles and watch a video that are linked within the “TX Online Semester Project” file. Once those have been seen through then you must answer the questions that the professor listed out throughout the essay. The second file I attached includes instructions on what are appropriate sources that must be included throughout the essay to support the point of view, also on how the paper should be outlined. If you have any questions please let me know. Thank you!

McDonald’s & Burger King.

Everything is mentioned in files that is uploaded. Please read the file carefully, that is exactly how it has to be done. Everything is mentioned in files. No plagiarism please, plagiarism is strictly not allowed. Evidences, support, intext references, bibliography is needed. It has to be based on academic research, mostly from books. Please describe the 5 (P’s) too in my essay. Rest everything is on the file please go through it and according to the files.

What are the pharmacological and non pharmacological interventions that would help deal with dementia for person above 50 years?

Assessment Details:
The project is assessed in two ways:
A 750 word proposal for a literature review which you pass or fail. This is not a summative assessment and does not go through to your final mark. The assessment criteria for this is as
1. Students should demonstrate clear ability to design and briefly explain the course of a
literature review proposal at Level Six;
2. Students should clearly show a systematic link between the stages of a research proposal from a clear and adequate question through to reflections on ethical issues and their challenges;
3. Students should adequately demonstrate clear academic and writing skills at Level Six,
showing ability to present a feasible literature review to follow.
A 6,000 word literature review which counts towards 100% of the mark.
The student is expected to carry out Critical Review Form – Quantitative Studies check list and CASP Checklist: 10 questionsto help you make sense of a Qualitative research.
I have attached a document called VINCENT DISSERTATION, which is the first part of the dissertation, the Lecturer made some corrections and suggestion which need to be amended. I used one of your writers to get the first part which is the 750 words done but it was not done properly. So I need someone who really knows what they are doing please.
I will download the both check list for the writer to cross check each article whether they are Qualitative or Quantitative Research.
The Lecturer expect the student to use at least 9-10 peered reviewed reviewed Articles to answer the research question. writer please follow all the instructions including the downloaded ones called VINC 8 TO VINCE 12 all are very relevant and important. Above all please use Harvard referencing both in the Text and reference section. please please do the Harvard referencing very well as it is one of the most important part of the dissertation.

Final Paper – Art and Design

For your Final paper, consider the relationship between art and design in a formal essay of 800-1000 words. Begin by going back and reading your earlier thoughts on Art and Design from Module 1 (M1 Art vs Design.) Expand upon these earlier thoughts; has your thinking changed any since the beginning of the course?

You must discuss at least one work of art and one work of design from the Sayre textbook; you may add as many more (works of art or design) as you would like.

You must also use each of the three (3) sources given in Module 11 (Sayre, Fadell TEDtalk video, Miklos Philips article) in your essay. In each case, discuss what the author said, whether or not you agree, and why. When using Sayre as a source, feel free to use any Chapter in the textbook.

Use Chicago style for citations; for Chicago style, seeSVSU Writing Center Writing Resources

Example: In his article, Miklos Philips states “Design is a process, not art.” I cannot agree with this because art can also be a process; for example the Crazy Horse memorial is an ongoing process, one that may never be finished in our lifetime! One could also argue that composition itself is a series of solved problems, so that art, too, like design, can be considered a problem-solving discipline.

Module 11:
Sayre textbook chapter 15 the design profession.
Article by Micah Brower and Miklos Phillips “Art vs Design A TImeless Debate”
Tedtalk video by Tony Fadell The First Secret of Great Design

Needs to include other chapters covered in Sayre textbook can submit those.

To Explain Aristotelian Virtue using some person as an exemplar

See attachment for Virtue Paper outline.

Virtue to be written on is Ambition as per description written in “Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics” by Robert C Bartlett an Susan D Collins.

Exemplar is Winston Churchill (Any academic information of Churchill throughout his life that best displays his ambition.

chronological history of terrorism as it pertains to the United States be it domestic or international be the activity on U.S. soil or abroad.

The student will complete a Research Paper which will provide an in-depth and detailed chronological history of terrorism as it pertains to the United States be it domestic or international be the activity on U.S. soil or abroad. The timeline will start with the founding of the country. You may create the timeline as you wish but you might consider from founding to WWI, post WWI to 1989 or 1990, then from 1990 onward or you may wish to create one more milestone that begins in 1990 to 9/11 then post 9/11. Be sure to cover types of terrorism, tactics, event history – growth and development, issues, and our responses, national security strategies or tactics for each era. Describe the linkage / responsibilities between local, state, and federal involvement. You do not need to go into detail on each group or type but do need to illustrate the types of groups etc. Discuss Biblical relevance as well. The student will write at minimum a 5-full page research-oriented paper in current APA format. The paper must include at least 5 sources (not including the class textbook and the Bible) also use the textbook and Bible. The paper will be submitted through SafeAssign.