Pocket Hose

In this assignment you will choose an advertisement and write a paper (double-spaced in
paragraph form) that analyzes the six (+1) principles of influence used. The
advertisements to choose from are available on Blackboard under the “Media for
Advertisement Assignment” folder. You are to write a complete analysis of ONE ad and
the principles used in it (i.e., write about all of the principles you see in the ad, not just

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87sRVk1f7ik

Research Proposal

You are a Research Consultant working for a University. Your Manager has asked you to draw up a proposal for research for a future study.
The title/ research question of the study is: How has the 2020 corona virus outbreak affected [Small & Medium enterprise SME] business/ management practice?

How has the 2020 corona virus outbreak affected SME businesses in the UK?

My topic is to propose a partnership proposal to the president of King Soopers in Fort Collins specifically (2325 S College Ave) with a non profit food organization called FoCo Cafe, in order to reduce food waste in the King Soopers grocery store. By having King Soopers give their food that they are going to throw out to this non profit is a very efficient way of saving wasted food.

-Assignment 3 is a research-supported, problem-solution proposal directed to an individual stakeholder. You will select a specific, narrow problem within the same issue you wrote about for Assignment 2 and will formulate a new, unique solution directed to a specific, individual stakeholder. You will need to continue to research with a more narrowed focus and with this audience in mind.
-My topic for A2 was about efficient ways to reduce food waste in grocery stores specifically a King Soopers
-please write down the sources you found so I can cite them 🙂

Diabetes neuropathic foot ulcer at cellular level

Please make sure you write about ;-
Pathophysiology of diabetes neuropathic foot ulcers
Discuss the metabolic events that occur at the cellular level
Information need to be very specific.
References 5 yr old only.
It should include Introdution, body and conclusion
This is my first order if I like the quality, many other papers are on the way. Thank you!

Research Survey

An important note about formatting Homework #4. At the end of your HW4 please have each question (and the answer options) typed out at the end of the document. Even if you have made your survey in an online format, we want it in the word document because we will be commenting on your questions and answer options to make sure you are in the best shape as possible leading up to the final. It’s as easy as copying and pasting your survey into the document and making sure everything is legible.


Please choose one question from the following topics:
• Identify and discuss three challenges confronting democratic practice today
• Does political liberalism have universal reach?
• Do plural values necessarily conflict?
• What are the challenges that multiculturalism poses to democracy (if any)?
• Is representative democracy incompatible with demands for direct action?
• Critically discuss the idea of the ‘people’. Are the people sovereign in a democracy?
• Does populism threaten democracy?
• Does deliberation strengthen democracy? Use examples to justify your answer.
• What is citizen empowerment? How can it be achieved?
• What are the strengths and weaknesses of Mouffe’s account of agonistic democracy?
• Is communism the answer to the problem of economic inequality, as parts of the literature suggest?