Current Events

Select a current event / news story published after January 1, 2019. Write a 1,000 to 3,000 word essay on the Risk, Risk Management, and/or Insurance aspects of the story. You must cite – at least – 3 articles / stories AND the book for a total of 4 citations. At least 50% of your essay should be dedicated to the Risk, Risk Management and/or Insurance aspects of the story. You must correctly state concepts discussed in class and/or are available in our text book.
You may select from a wide range of topics. However, you should focus on personal or commercial aspects of the risk and risk management. NOTE: This is NOT a political science class. While there are many risk management issues at hand with public policy, your paper should not directly address your opinions on these issues. Think of yourself as a neutral journalist, presenting facts and fair representations of opinions while not expressing your own opinion directly.

Renegade Dreams

First must summarize the contents of the book “Renegade Dreams” using twofold. Grasp the main issues of the book and how it connects to outward factors in the world such as institutional racism and poverty. I have uploaded the instructions of the paper.

FBI Fraud Scheme

Please see attached for guidelines. Please see attached link also to select one of the fraud schemes, anyone is fine.

The article, “Theories of international trade, foreign direct investment and firm internationalization: a critique” has two questions at the end on the paper.

The article, “Theories of international trade, foreign direct investment and firm internationalization: a critique” has two questions at the end of the paper. This assignment will focus on the question:
How well does the body of theory on international trade inform actions in international trade in your experience? How useful is it?

Australian Constitutional Law – Whitlam Dismissal

QUESTION: On 11 November 1975, Governor-General Sir John Kerr dismissed Prime Minister Gough Whitlam. Was this action constitutionally justified? Critically discuss.


Although a strong answer would demonstrate an understanding of the social, political and historical context surrounding this event, please remember that this is a legal essay – thus the focus of your analysis should be on the constitutional issues implicated.

Psychotherapeutic Approaches to Group Therapy for Addiction

Pls. use the attached transcript to Identify the psychotherapeutic approach that the group facilitator is using, and explain why she might be using this approach.
Determine whether or not you would use the same psychotherapeutic approach if you were the counselor facilitating this group, and justify your decision.
Identify an alternative approach to group therapy for addiction, and explain why it is an appropriate option.
Support your position with evidence-based literature.