NY Bail Reform Law: Is it effective?

See “Annotated Bibliography” for all the sources to use (5 of them) and topic. Put sources in MLA format. See “Research Argument Overview” for assignment instructions. See “Research Argument Workshop” and “Research Argument Questions” for additional guidance. See “Introduction Guidelines” for introduction instructions. No cover page!

Drama Essay on the play “Death of a Salesman”

Must be in MLA formatting (12pt. font, header, running head, works cited page, times new roman, double-spaced, etc.).

900-1100 words.

The introduction should include general context before delving into your thesis statement.

The essay should compare and contrast Willy and his sons from the play “Death of a Salesman” play.

This would be a fairly simple structure (Body 1): Character analysis of Willy. (Body 2): C/C of Willy to Biff. The first half of the paragraph – How Biff is different from his father. The second half of the paragraph – How Biff is similar to his father. (Body 3): C/C of Willy to Happy. The first half of the paragraph – How Happy is different. The second half of the paragraph – How Happy is similar.

(Notice that the C/C does not compare the boys to each other; I don’t want to know about that. There’s a larger scheme at hand: they are both one half of their father.)

When citing “Death of a Salesman” in-text, use the poetry guidelines.

When citing the line numbers in-text, use the format of (Act.Scene.Line).

Use two outside sources, preferably scholarly. They don’t need to be journal articles from JSTOR, but don’t use eNotes, sparknotes, cliffs notes, prezia, etc. I will not count those as sources.

History – American Slavery, British Abolition? Transatlantic connections & collisions

Just to clarify It’s suppose to be a blog, not a research paper.

Revolution: New World Trumping the Old Empire?
1 David Goodman, ‘Loving and Hating Britain: Rereading the Isolationist Debate in the USA’, in Darian-Smith, Grimshaw and Macintyre (ed.s), Britishness Abroad, pp.187-204 OR

2 Julian Go, Chapter 1 ‘Imperial Paths to Power’ in Patterns of Empire, pp.28-66 [Note: more challenging and longer chapter]

300-word postings with relevant primary source
I like the first question.

Health Policy Agenda

For this assignment, you will prepare the analysis and research to support placing the health care issue you selected in Unit 2 on the health policy agenda. Be sure to utilize the readings in this unit to learn how health policies get on the agenda, and what kind of information is needed to influence policy change. Think about the important players and influencers. Who do you think might have the most influence for your issue?

If you have not done so yet, make sure to complete the media activity Vila Health: Health Policy Agenda (linked in the Resources) before completing this assignment. The media will walk you through the process needed for this assignment, and is critical to your success.

To successfully complete this assignment, include the following:

Background of the Issue.
Describe the provisions of the current law the proposal would change or, if no law exists, explain and analyze the problems this causes.
Identify where one or more changes in the selected health policy are needed. Analyze the changes needed. Discuss why this is the case. Why is the policy not working well?
Evaluate the strategic impact of the health policy issue (enacted or possible), projecting the strategic influence on population health and impact on the health industry over the next 3–5 years and beyond, and future needs for the policy.
Proposed Solutions.
Outline the specific vision for the change.
Describe the legislative process to accomplish the change.
Describe an explicit vision for change to those affected.
Challenge and critique the status quo by comparing it to the ideal vision of change.
Describe the problems and how the proposal would resolve them.
Cite studies supporting the proposed action.
Identify the special interest group that would support your selected health care policy.
Identify the political action structure of your selected special interest group.
Explain who the proposal would impact. Describe why the special interest group should support this proposal.
Define a strategy for delivering the message or vision for change to those affected. Include methods for influencing the legislative process to achieve change.
Recommend a strategy for delivering the message and how to address potential barriers.
Writing Requirements

Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA current edition style and formatting.
Number of resources: Minimum of 2–4 resources (one must be from the Capella library).
Page length: 3–5 pages.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Drug Makers Reap Profits On Tax-Backed Research

For your discussion, I am including below links to news items (and videos) detailing how drug companies make profits from early medical product development research that is funded by taxpayers monies. The first is an article in NY Times, albeit a bit dated (published back in 2000), which profiles how early stage basic research that is undertaken at academic institutions or government entities, such as NIH, and usually funded by public funds, eventually finds its way to private, for-profit corporations development portfolio.This tends to exacerbate the price pricing problem facing the US healthcare system. A video related to this topic is provided to offer evidence these issues are as relevant now as they were two decades ago.

Provide your opinion on what you learned from these news items. In your discussion, you may include your insights on how medical product development companies can proactively address these issues while staying true to their mission of maximizing shareholder value and helping alleviate mankind health concerns.
Make an argumentative essay fro open discussion. Mention the key takeaways, pros and cons and Your personal opinion.

Medical social work

In medical settings, social workers may face ethical dilemmas around testing, initiating or withholding treatment, disclosing of diagnoses, and more. Ethical dilemmas may also arise from religious or cultural point of views. When children are involved, it is possible that dilemmas will arise between the children and their parents or between parents and the medical team. When faced with ethical dilemmas, medical social workers must rely on the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Code of Ethics, as well as ethical reasoning.
To prepare for this Discussion:
Review this week’s resources. Think about one childhood or adolescent illness. Consider an ethical issue that could present itself during the care of a child or adolescent.
In a 2- to 3-page paper:
Briefly describe the illness you selected.
Explain an ethical issue involving a child or adolescent in the context of the illness. Be sure to explain all sides of the ethical dilemma.
Explain your ethical responsibilities in adherence with the professional ethical standards applicable to the clinical situation. Be sure to justify your response citing the NASW Code of Ethics
Support your Assignment with specific references to resources, using appropriate APA format and style.

Final paper

Please see attached rubric for PROMPT III (3) this is only for part THREE please ignore part I and II. and a helpful template

To what extent does the UK’s macroeconomic condition responsible for ICI’s stagnating profitability (or ratio of profit to sales) between 1974 and 1981?

I was told that in order to score high, the paper needs to be as detailed as possible, integrate evidence and arguments in the right way, explain the mechanisms of how each factor led to the stagnating profitability between 1974 to 1981, contain no redundant parts. Currently the section 2 in my outline argues that the factors presented led to lower profitability instead of stagnating profitability, which has to be changed. Also, I need to decide which is a better indicator, profitability or the ratio of profits to sales. Another issue is that I could not find much literature on the topic but I need to discuss literature review in my introduction. Also, I am unsure about the order of the factors in my outline so please feel free to change. If you find any information on my outline unnecessary please delete them. Please let me know if you have any question. (The last part of my outline is just notes which I haven’t deleted.)

Executive Summary

This assignment has two parts: creating an executive summary and writing a related paper that provides additional detail.

For the executive summary, assume you have taken on a new role as the chief operating officer at a mid-sized community hospital. You are charged with leading system-wide risk management efforts to identify risk and minimize HACs. Your organization’s financial viability depends on receiving proper reimbursement for services delivered. As the chief operating officer, you must create an executive summary that describes your organization’s compliance with the regulatory requirement to promptly identify POAs and proactively assess and manage risk.

Use the Executive Summary Sample Format, available in the Resources, to format your executive summary.

In your executive summary:
Briefly describe the risk management issue you selected for the discussion in this unit and that you are addressing with this executive summary. Explain why this risk management issue is important to your organization.
List applicable regulatory requirements and explain what they mean to your chosen risk management issue.
Construct the associated risk management implications. For example, HACs result in no reimbursement, poor quality ratings, risk of losing repeat admissions, risk Joint Commission and MAGNET accreditation or excellence, or other negative implications. Assess the internal versus external environment relative to the risks associated with your chosen risk management issue. You may use a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis or other suitable tool; be sure to cite the source.

Research and describe any resources or strengths your organization possesses that could aid in addressing the risk management issue.

Briefly describe your organization’s philosophy or culture as it relates to patient safety and error reporting. How will you encourage voluntary reporting?

Identify metrics for measuring or monitoring the risk management issue.
Propose how you will make use of the outcome data toward organizational improvement.

Describe any ethical or legal implications related to the handling of this risk management issue.

Utilize established and respected sources of information. Some sources that may be useful to you include: the Federal Register, statutes, discipline-specific peer-reviewed journals, government agency references, et cetera.

For the written portion of the assignment:

Construct a proactive assessment of your organization’s compliance with the regulatory requirement to promptly identify POAs and proactively assess and manage risk based on existing regulations and requirements.

Identify tools and best practices for monitoring parameters and reducing risk, including organizational structure needed for risk re-education as supported by the literature.
Suggest quality improvement and organization-specific, risk management and learning guidelines..

Finally, include your Executive Summary table as an appendix to your APA-formatted paper.

Youngberg, B. J. (2011). Principles of risk management and patient safety. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.

History of Hawaii

Choose and watch two videos and write a one page review each.
1- Journey to Justice : A Conversation With Dr. Haunani-Kay Trask. The link https://vimeo.com/39644495

2-Meet the native Hawaiians fighting U.S. occupation | AJ+. the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBokfBwYJo0&feature=emb_title

3- Noho Hewa – debating a film about US occupation of Hawai’i (PMC). the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZtJlZHnOTc&feature=emb_title

4-Was The Hawaiian Kingdom Race-Based? – A Visit With Willy Kauai. The link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1L0Rmfvk32o&feature=emb_title.
You will need to discuss the video in relation to some aspect of contemporary Hawaiian activism, why it is important and how it connects to what you personally think about engaging social, environmental or economic justice. If you have access, you can watch any Na Maka O Ka Aina documentary for this project. See the list of films, here: https://www.hawaiianvoice.com/featured-video/.