Early Child Math and Science

Part 1

Your assignment is to choose an objective relevant to math for the primary grades. You should use your state math standards just as you did with science for Assignment 4. Then use the lesson plan outline below to create a math lesson.

For this assignment, instead of an initial activity, you will start your lesson with a “motivating question,” to not only engage students in the lesson, but to offer the opportunity for a brief informal pre-assessment. The lesson should end with evaluation of both yourself and your students.

A breakdown of what is expected in your assignment is below:

Motivating Question: This question is used to engage students in the lesson. It could also be used as an informal pre-assessment before beginning in order to assess students’ prior knowledge of the topic.

Learning Target: This is stated in complete sentence(s) and is appropriate for an early childhood classroom.
Objective/ Standard: This states a specific state standard. The object can be phrased as, “The student will be able to _____”

Resources/Materials: Lists all materials used in the procedure.

Advanced Preparation: This includes all tasks that must be completed by the teacher before the lesson.
Activities/Tasks: What will students be engaged in during the lesson (small group work, individual tasks, etc)

This states at least 2 questions you will ask yourself to determine whether your students are working and learning, and not just playing.
Formative Assessment/Criteria for Success: How will you assess students’ knowledge of the standard?

Part 2

As you did your reading for Lesson 7, it brought about the understanding that math and science can, and should be, intertwined with literacy.
• Books can serve many purposes in math and science.
• Books can be used as initial activities in lessons to grab the students’ attention.
• Books can help foster the use of concept words.
• Books can serve as visual aids in understanding math and science concepts.

Using children’s books is a great way to teach math and science concepts across the curriculum.
1. Find three children’s books that could be used in correlation with a particular math or science concept or skill.
2. In paragraph form, be sure to identify the title and author of each book.
3. Give a brief overview of each book, and explain which math or science concept or skill you would use each book to help teach.
4. Finally, briefly describe an activity you could do with the students as an extension of each story to help teach the concept or skill.

Research Paper on Law Enforcement in 2022 and beyond

Review the attached Department of Justice (DOJ) documents “American Policing in 2022” and “Constitutional Policing as a Cornerstone of Community Policing” documents. Select and discuss two topics from each document, and how it relates to material we have covered in the course so far, and how it relates to a past or present law enforcement incident you are aware of. The incident could be a Police UOF, Community Policing story, Law Enforcement Technology-based or any other fairly recent incident involving law enforcement.

Detail how the topic would have helped, hindered or had no impact if it had been in place during the law enforcement incident you are selected and are reviewing and evaluating. Each section contains what law enforcement is moving towards for best practices, and is very tangible to the ever involving face of the law enforcement profession.

The report must be completed in the APA format (look up an example online) and should be approximately 6 to 7 pages. You should have a title page, abstract page (brief paragraph detailing what you are writing about), the main body of the report (at least three pages) and a reference page. The document should be double spaced.

Here is a link to an instruction video

Research article to be summarised

Buccal absorption of midazolam and pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. I need this paper summarised as well as a sentence about if the paper is a good study and well done as well as in a reputable journal (which it is) Also to mention it is a timeless study because it is pharmacokinetics so proper data.
Brooke Koster – research paper to be summarised in approximately 1 to 1.5 pages, less if everything is covered.

I have been asked to include an evaluation of the article so that may need to be added or separate. What ever the writer thinks is best.

1. Decide whether the article is well written and we can rely on the information and

2. To give us a summary we can use later when we are writing the literature review.

Managing innovation in business

You are to write a 4,000 word +/-10% individual report that addresses the tasks set out below. Please note for this piece of work all words in tables, charts and diagrams ARE INCLUDED in the word count. (You have an additional 6 pages available for appendices should you require them). Please note as a 3rd year piece of coursework we would expect +20 references for work at this level.

Your task is to actively engage in the development of an innovative product or service using ONE of the topics listed below and which addresses a specific consumer or business or joint need. The idea must be original and not a close copy or version of an existing product or service. You must conduct an innovation audit of the organization and personnel in order to identify the organizational development requirements required for the development, introduction and successful launch of the innovative idea. You must research the market potential and clearly identify the driver of innovation for the choice of service or product that you select. You will identify the challenges the organizations leaders, or you as an entrepreneur, must plan and prepare for the development and launch of the innovative idea including any potential key blockages that may occur.

a. Artificial Intelligence or AI
b. Augmented Reality AR
c. Big Data
d. Bitcoin or similar Crypto currency
e. Blockchain
f. Drone Technology
g. Robotics
h. Social Media
i. Other business idea, agreed in advance with the module leader, this can include ideas for a service or product in B2C, B2B or both arenas and may be your own entrepreneurial business idea.

Simple brief:

• Here’s my innovative idea. (Innovation thinking and problem solving)
• This is the market research data and analysis/business case. (Marketing skills, Market Research and Financial analysis)
• These are the leadership skills and plans required to launch it to the market. (Business Analysis, Organizational Behaviour and Leadership theory)
• These are the existing skill sets and here are the new skill sets required for this innovative idea. (Secondary research, Gap analysis and evaluation)
• This is how the business/team/ department need to be organized and work together in order to address blockages and be successful. (Organizational Behaviour and HRM skills)

As you can see from the simple brief the key academic topics and skills have been identified after each activity description. These address nearly all of the topics your degree has covered over the last 2+ years so there is the need to demonstrate all of your skill sets not just some. As a suggestion for those students not looking to start or continue with their own businesses, linking your innovation idea to an organization you may wish to work for will provide you with the opportunity to both research them as well as provide something different to discuss at interviews which may set you apart from the rest of the candidates?

explore business

hi there hope you well. i will like an assignment which Is a L3 business to be written in full detail.All the criteria(P4,P5,P6,M3,M4,D2 &D3) it has to be completed in full detail please. i will be very grateful if there is no plagiarism in the assignment. i will like to be done in Word Document as well please.