Portfolio Construction Assignment

You have to analyze my client’s profile (I have been assigned profile number 2 which is in the second attachment below). You have to create a sketch of a passive portfolio, an example of which is given in the first attachment below. Then you must make a paper (around 7-10 pages) that highlights the rational behind the portfolio. The specific details are in the first attachment below.

European Union law

It is European Union law portfolio
This assessment about 3 problems scenarios each scenario you have to write 400-600 word total must be 1500 word
Each scenario come like an email i will send you three emails with different topics

The first email scenario about legal effects of eu law – 500 word
Second email scenario about the court of justice “ judicial reviewe” – 500 word
Third email scenario about free movment of good – 500 word
I will send you 4 files
The first on is assignment details
And sample of the essay how to do it.

The last three files is going to be the 3 emails i will send it individually .


Prepare a paper using APA format covering the above analysis. The paper should be 5-7 pages in length double-spaced (excluding the title page, abstract page, and reference page) and include the following: a Title Page; an Abstract; an Introduction (clearly stating the purpose of the paper and method of analysis); Analysis sections for each of the 5 questions; a Summary and Conclusions; and a Reference Page. A minimum of 4 additional credible outside references is required.



You will write an analytical essay that examines a poem’s deeper meaning or meanings. You must demonstrate your familiarity with the elements of poetry and you must also provide quotations from the text to support your assertions. In addition, you must incorporate two articles of literary criticism into your paper to provide a deeper understanding of the text. The purpose of the assignment is thus twofold. You will need to show your critical proficiency with the genre of poetry and you will need to demonstrate your ability to incorporate secondary sources into your paper. Your paper must be three-to-four pages long, it must be double-spaced and should be written in twelve- point font. Your essay should also have one-inch margins on all of its pages, top and bottom, left and right.

Step one:

Choose a poem from among the following: They are all available online to read so google them.

Elizabeth Bishop “The Fish”

Emily Dickinson “The Soul Selects her own Society” or “I felt a Funeral in my Brain”

Carolyn Forche’ “The Colonel”

Robert Frost “The Road Not Taken” or “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”

Sylvia Plath “Daddy”

Step two: Consider the way in which the poet has used the elements of poetry to make meaning. Decide on the overall meaning of the poem and then carefully select one or two elements to support your thesis. You can also choose to discuss three elements of poetry but no more than that.

Step three: When you are familiar with your poem, you need to see what others have said about your chosen piece. You should Google “Modern American Poetry” and click on to its home page. This website offers excerpts of literary analyses of poetry. Choose two articles relevant to your selected poem. As you are reading these articles take notes and decide on the author’s main points. When you have completed your reading, you should integrate this critical material into the body of your text. You should provide at least one quotation from each of your secondary sources.

Grading Criteria:

You will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

1) Your paper must clearly show how the poet has used the elements of poetry to make meaning.

2) Your paper must incorporate two critical sources into your paper using at least two quotations from each source.

3) Your paper must show how the critical sources extend our understanding of the poem.

4) Your paper must present a clear and interesting central idea (your thesis), it must demonstrate unity, provide sufficient support for its claims in the form of references to and quotations from the text, demonstrate coherence, use grammatically correct sentences, and use proper punctuation and spelling.

David MacDougall’s Film “With Morning Hearts”

2) After watching MacDougall’s film, With Morning Hearts (from the famous ethnographic project Doon School Chronicles), use 6-8 bullet points from the list below to analyze the film and the ways the Indian culture is depicted through it. What did you learn about the Indian culture from this film?  Remember to bold your concepts and use specific examples from the film (250 words)
•Communal Identities 
•Relational Identities
•Personal Identity
•Role expectations, language expectations, and norms
•Avowal (or avowed identity)
•Ascription (or ascribed identity)
•Face (or Facework)
•Choice of two: Valence, Centrality, Currency, Actuality
•Intensity and Salience
•Fluid identity and emerging identity
•High Context vs Low Context
•Neutral vs Affective/Emotional
•Long vs Short Term Orientation
•Uncertainty Avoidance (high/low)
•Indulgence (high/low)
•Mastery vs Adaptive
•Social Lubricant vs Information
•Hierarchical vs Egalitarian (or Power distance)
•Individualism vs Collectivism (or Individualism Vs Communitarianism)
•Monochronic vs polychronic (or Sequential Vs Synchronous time)
•Achievement vs Ascription
•Good vs Evil human nature
•Universalism vs Particularism
•Internal direction vs External direction
•Masculinity vs Femininity
•Specific vs Diffuse

Essay three will cover artificial morality.

Essay three will cover artificial morality. Read the essay “Artificial Morality” and the “Robot Rules” that are under Files in Canvas (or the links below) and the essays in your textbook on pages 636-645. All these essays are designed to make you think about what computers mean for the human race and how we’ll handle the challenges they will create for us in the future.

The essay on artificial morality discusses the possibility of artificial morality and its many implications for human society, such as how human morality and artificial morality compare. Many questions remain about how moral capacities will be implemented in artificial systems and the many challenges that will bring. Since artificial intelligence doesn’t share the motivations of human beings, it will be up to the designers to specify its motivations.

How can artificial morality be designed so that it’s beneficial? What moral values are important to human society and how will we evaluate the threats that artificial morality might present? Do the people who create these technologies have a responsibility for how they are used? Some people believe that robots are moral by design because humans’ morality is inconsistent; however, there is no consensus on correct moral theory either among the general public or philosophers. Many believe that computers will never have the full moral understanding that human beings do, yet they will be put in the position of making moral decisions.

Write an essay of at least 750 words in which you address how artificial morality can be designed for the benefit of human beings and the threats it might present, especially given that human beings do not agree on what correct moral theory is. Consider one of the many issues surrounding artificial morality. There are many to choose from, such as an individual’s right to privacy, possible authoritarian abuse of robot soldiers, the use of robots as police officers or judges, or any other unanticipated consequences that may arise.

Quote at least three of the essays and draft a works cited page listing them. Make sure all your quotes have attributive tags. Refer to pages 482-488 in Common Places to see how to create the entries for an MLA works cited page.

For more information on MLS formatting and citations, see the Purdue OWL: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/mla_style/mla_formatting_and_style_guide/mla_formatting_and_style_guide.html (Links to an external site.)

Artist Bio


FelDrö is a rebranded artist from St.Louis, MO. Since the early age of childhood wanted to make music. The majority of FelDrö influences came from early 90’s hip/rap and early 2000s. The influence started from the Bone-Thugs-N Harmony, Tupac, Pharrell, Lupe Fiasco, Kanye West, 2chainz, Project Pat, UGK, Three 6 Mafia, and Pharrell. Thus having a great blend of style influences. The musical style of FelDrö sounds very rugged, vibey light-hearted rap, inspirational rap.

Born(Thomas Felder) and raise in St.Louis, MO. FelDrö the youngest of 10 brothers and sisters, his music career had sparked at an early age. Being gifted in playing the violin, and clarinet. While attempting to obtain an education of being a scientist, or moving to ATL as an audio engineer. The cost of tutition was too much for low-income family was too much for FelDrö to obtain. Making music for FelDrö came to a halt. This is upon meeting his partner/producer “Scott Joplin Jr” also born and raised in St.Louis, MO. This is where the two duo would come up with an organic sound. FelDrö first record “Tell’EM” is a hard hitting record that gives off FelDrö lighthearted but yet rugged sound and feeling. With the record having a sense of inspiration

*Please feel free to revise or re-write the bio in the best way possible.

HRD Final project

Please see attachment for instructions and the HRD program I have developed so far! Please reach out if anything. Thank you!

Western Civilization

The primary task of a historian–in this case, you– is to interpret evidence from the past to help us understand how people thought, worked and behaved in different places and eras. We ultimately study history to improve our understanding of our own world and, we hope, to make better-informed decisions in our own lives. There are many kinds of evidence, including government documents, newspapers, images, diaries, and religious writings, to name but a few, for us to interpret. Sometimes our evidence exists in the form of material artifacts, like shards of pottery, tools and other everyday items. For this project, you will be writing about the object you see here. What you need to know about this object is that the original was made of wood or stone and was approximately the size of a human head. This is a plastic facsimile that I bought in a gift shop somewhere in Europe. (You might need to adjust your viewing window to see this object.)

Here is what you know about this item:
1.) It was purchased (by me) in a gift shop somewhere in Europe. You need to imagine that you found the original somewhere you were exploring.
2.) The original object dates from the period covered in this course (the beginning of civilization to 1500).
3.) The original was made of wood or stone and was approximately the size of a human head.

Your assignment is to write a 3-5-page essay describing the purpose of this item. For the sake of narrative flow, you should imagine that YOU found it somewhere and describe the circumstances under which this occurred. I highly recommend that you consult the Introduction to Katherine J. Lualdi’s Sources of the Making of the West, where she describes the sorts of questions one should ask when confronted with the task of analyzing texts and materials from the past, before you begin the assignment.

In your paper, you need to answer the following questions:

1.) How and where did you find this item? (Don’t spend more than a page maximum explaining this.)
2.) What is it? What was it used for? By whom?
3.) What does this item reveal about the world that produced it? How might it have shaped the everyday lives of the people who came into contact with it?
5.) Do you think you can tell anything about the politics or religious beliefs of the time from this thing? Explain.
Here are a few tips for writing a successful essay:
Begin with a brief outline that organizes your thoughts. Start your essay with a an introductory paragraph that includes a strong thesis statement.
Include strong topic sentences in all subsequent paragraphs.
Be sure to use strong and fluid transitions to link thoughts from one paragraph to the next.
Proofread your paper carefully before submitting it.
Use footnotes to document the sources you consulted during the writing of the paper. For basic instructions on the proper use of footnotes, consult the online version of the Chicago Manual of Style, which you can access here: http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html
Finally, if you find your imagination challenged, skim through your textbook to find possible answers.
For this assignment, there are no right or wrong answers, only good ones! You will be graded on the quality of your reasoning and writing, not on the accuracy of your answer.