Rape Culture on Campuses

• Sources: Your paper MUST use 20 peer-reviewed sociological or criminological articles. You may use an additional article or two from another discipline, organization, or government. If you write your paper from the perspective of psychology instead of sociology/criminology, then you will have points deducted. To find peer-reviewed sources you need to be using the school’s library website. What I would do is do a search and skim through the articles, finding the ones most relevant/best ones. You’ll want to narrow down to the United States, and in the last 20-30 years. You do not want research, which is too old. Crime has changed significantly since the 90s! Download them and begin reading them fully, taking notes on each article. Focus on the main argument, research methods, and findings. Write a list of arguments or subthemes you want to focus on, then rearrange them so they make sense. The point is not to just summarize these articles, you need to synthesize them. Then create an outline for your final paper. In your final paper you’ll want to fill in these subtopic/subthemes with the current literature and adding transition sentences. Once this is done, then you should write your introduction, with a thesis statement, and conclusion.
• Topic of your paper: Your paper must be on a subtopic having to do with violence. This is a violence course and the goals are to learn about the topic of violence while also reading, writing, and thinking about the social factors of violence, the societies response to violence, and the social outcomes of these responses.

Add 10 more sources to the attached paper/bib that I have previously written.

Religion – Christianity and the problem of evil

The essay has to answer the following questions: What does Christianity religion say about the problem of evil? Why is the problem of evil particularly problematic for monotheistic traditions? Where does evil originate from and can it be justified even when it strikes the good and virtuous? How do Christians justify the problem of evil? What are some of the most compelling theodicies?
1. Introduction: It should include:
1. *Thesis statement: Specific problem/question that you will be addressing and how will you accomplish it. (If your thesis is not clear, nor will your paper. This is the most important part of your paper).
2. Body of Paper: Arguments A, B, and C should be supported by your academic sources. Cite them accordingly.
1. Argument A: Historical context or background of the problem/question.
2. Argument B: Analyze how your case study is connected to the aforementioned background.
3. Argument C: Propose the “solution” or your argument as to how to approach it differently.
3. Conclusion: Be future-oriented. Why is this topic important and how it will continue to evolve

Long Answers

Please answer each question from your own first. person perspective directly. please don’t fill up answer with quotes needs to be simple and direct. limited quotes 1 2 quotes maximum. Thank you very much.


As discussed in the email I sent you on April 5:
Updated Final Project: Religion and the Response to Covid-19
Obviously no visits to religious sites will be possible during the era of the novel coronavirus. As a substitute, I am asking that you conduct some research on religion’s role in the response to Covid-19 and then write a 5-page report on your research. Pick a single religion and look for three to five articles online that feature its response. For instance, here’s one article from the BBC highlighting Islam’s role in Pakistan’s response to the disease (http://www.bbc.com/travel/story/20200331-the-law-of-generosity-combatting-coronavirus-in-pakistan
(Links to an external site.)
). Make sure that the articles come from reputable news sites or online magazines. Blogs are acceptable but only if they come from a reputable organization. Do not use personal blogs. You may also find some journal articles, but that is not a requirement this time. Be sure to follow proper citation rules for your source. The due date remains as stated in the syllabus.
I know that many of you are nursing students or working nurses with firsthand experience with caring for Covid-19 patients. I am willing to consider papers that look at the place of religion in healthcare generally or at the hospital or in the ICU or at the nursing home or hospice facility, etc. Those papers can include the role your own religious commitments play in your work caring for Covid-19 patients.

Artwork Analysis

As you all have observed, critical analysis is an important part of our weekly discussions. What is equally important is having the ability to communicate and analyze artwork through written form. It is important for us to practice our writing skills. During your visit to a museum or gallery, I want you to choose a piece of artwork of your choice to analyze visually. I want you to REALLY look at an object. Often we look at the artwork for a mere second, which can lead us to miss important components of the piece. I recommend you observe the piece for 30-45 minutes. Yes, that is correct. This will push you to visually absorb the artwork fully and allow you to formulate an educated opinion over it. First, your analysis will discuss the formal and conceptual elements of your chosen artwork.

What are “formal” and “conceptual” elements you ask?! When speaking about the formal elements we are concerned with how the object is made and what elements and principles of design are present. When discussing the “conceptual” part of an artwork, we are concerned with what message the artwork is trying to convey.

*NOTE: The way artwork is made heavily influences the ultimate message that is conveyed regardless of the artist’s original intent.

Second, you will analyze the way the object is displayed. You will make suggestions of how you would make the work better if you had created it and how you would display it if you were the curator of the museum. It is important for you to defend your suggestion. A simple answer like “It needs to be a different color” or “It needs less light” is not enough. The suggestions section is completely subjective, meaning there is no right or wrong answer because this is solely your opinion. What I will not accept is for you to say “This work is perfect, no changes are needed” or any statement similar to that. In fact, a statement like this will earn you a ZERO on the entire project. So think CREATIVELY.

Your analysis should include a high-resolution picture of the artwork you analyzing. This may be from a photo you have taken or from the internet. Additionally, you will document your admission receipt in which the date of your visit is visibly displayed. Finally, you will also include a selfie of you with the artwork. If the artwork cannot be photographed take a picture of yourself on the museum premises.

See attached document for format instructions: Artwork Analysis(Updated).docx.pdfPreview the document