iTunes to Apple Music

How has iTunes/Apple Music over the last 20 years significantly changed or impacted the music industry.
Past – What the music industry looked like before iTunes and Apple Music.
Present – How was iTunes and Apple Music introduced. What happened and the ramifications on the industry as a whole.
Future – What you think the future of the music industry will look like going forward as a result of those iTunes and Apple Music

Please see attached Bibliography and Outline

1-page proposal for an inservice teaching

So what I am looking forward is a one-page proposal for an in-service teaching on the topic End of Life. So it should address three things and I will upload the file with the rubric in it. So again my client problem is “End of Life”.

Advocacy Essay based on a theme from Tara Westover’s Educated

I have attached 3 example essays in the files and the particular essay I’d prefer the essay to be on child abuse or education.

Assignment: Write an 8-page minimum essay (not including works cited page), written for an academic audience, in which you argue that an existing policy, bill, or initiative is the best solution to the unsolved problem (in a single country or city) that you have researched thus far, contrasting your solution with an inferior alternate plan. In addition to Educated, quote from at least ten (10) sources (including at least one book), use at least one piece of graphic evidence, and include a Works Cited list of all of the sources you used in the paper.
Directions: Your essay should build upon (and may use excerpts from) your historical analysis as it argues for the policy you recommend as the best solution to the problem you’ve been researching. Begin with 2-3 pages including credible data and information from sources demonstrating the urgency of the problem. Include a quotation from Educated in this introductory section. You should then include a single thesis paragraph consisting of an overview of the solution you favor as well as a series of thesis sentences stating the superiority of this policy based on the following factors: 1) causation, 2) coverage, 3) cost/benefit, 4) comparison, and 5) feasibility. The thesis paragraph should also include a sentence stating the inferiority of an alternate plan. The body of your essay should consist of a series of sections defending these thesis sentences. Your paper should present clear and detailed information about who designed the policy, who supports the policy, who opposes the policy, where it is in terms of its development, and what needs to happen to ensure your plan or proposal’s success. Include at least one source that supports your reasoning and at least one source that either challenges your reasoning or offers an inferior alternative.
Advocacy Essay Requirements:
❑ 8 full pages minimum, not including your Works Cited
❑ Minimum of 10 sources in addition to Educated (including at least one book)
❑ Graphic evidence, i.e. at least one graphic illustration that provides appropriate evidence for the argument you are developing. This graphic can be original or cited from a source. Make sure that the graphic is inserted in proper MLA 2016 format.

small bowel obstruction

I gathered and filled up the data for the case study. I need help with answering the questions below. I don’t care which part of the case study you will pick to answer question #1 or 2. I am including a case study file.
Assignment: For your initial post, construct a response of 250 words (total) answering the following questions about the SIM scenario/Case study that you went over this week. Please provide at least one professional reference.
1. What did you do well in this case study?
2. What knowledge gaps did you identify?
3. What did you learn?
4. How will you apply this learning to your future patients?

Health Psychology

Read the case study. Begin your paper with a brief overview of at least three of the concepts covered in the course. Include these concepts as you address the following:

Evaluate how specific models of health psychology apply to the client in this scenario. Explain in your own words the systemic process that contributes to your client’s healthy or unhealthy habits. Evaluate the mind-body connection between your client and her health.
Make a list of at least five of your client’s needs, prioritizing them, and develop a plan for meeting these needs. Include two specific actions through which you could become an agent of change to meet the culturally based aspects identified in the above section.
Using the client’s needs and plan identified above, create a treatment plan for your client. A treatment plan typically includes a diagnosis of the problem based on the client’s history, treatment goals, and steps the client will take in order to achieve the treatment goals. Make sure your plan is specific, measurable, and achievable and that it contains timeframes for the goals to be achieved.
Explain your rationale for the treatment recommendations in the treatment plan, ensuring that your explanation is thorough enough to demonstrate sound reason.
Each Paper should include:

A title page
The paper itself (the “discussion”)
A reference page (at least four references, other than your textbook)
Use standard margins: 1″ on all sides.
Use standard 12-point font size in Times New Roman or Arial.
Use standard double-spacing: average of 22 lines per page, and between 20 to 24 lines per page.
Use left-aligned text. Do not right-justify.


One of the most famous concepts in marketing strategy literature is “marketing myopia”. The concept is as relevant today as when it was introduced by Theodore Levitt more than fifty years ago. Give at least one specific example of a company that fell into a myopic trap. Explain why and how this happened and elaborate on an alternative route the company should have taken.

Why does society need media research? COVID 19 and How moral panic can create racial stigmatisation

Details of task: Why does society need media research? In your answer, explain how people, organisations, businesses and institutions benefit from understanding how media create social reality.

1. Identify an event or social situation that demonstrates how media *create* social reality.

2. Identify a specific idea (a theory or an argument) that helps explain the significance of your example, with regard to media-created reality. You must be able to relate this idea to a particular author or reading.

3. Explain how society as a whole would benefit from research on your example.


This is the first step in three connected assignments. The assignments are connected to help you to achieve the main learning outcome for this unit. ATS3732 is a capstone unit in the Media major. What that means is the unit presents an opportunity to summarise what you have learned from your media units, and demonstrate your ability to apply your knowledge and skills to extant social interests.

With that in mind, your goal for this semester is to complete three assessment items that will enable you to defend your decision to study media subjects. Imagine that sometime later this year you are interviewing for a job, and you are confronted by a sceptical employer who doubts the value of a media degree. For media graduates, being able to explain the merits of media research is a key real-world skill.

The best way to do that is to provide a real-life, understandable case study where you can clearly demonstrate that media have had a real impact on how society has worked. We’re living in the middle of one such case study. The 2020 Corona Virus emergency has had a major impact on key economic and social drivers such as education and tourism, media have been central to how all interested parties have understood and reacted to that crisis. Media haven’t just reported this crisis, or provided tools to managing its outcomes-they have actually shaped the form of the crisis itself.

We will be exploring these ideas in greater depth elsewhere, but for this assignment, your task is to.

Identify an example of media influence at work that interests you. For example, you might think about how media, in all their forms, have played a part in the Coronavirus event. This event has affected us all. How have media played a part in shaping what this event means for you? You *do not* have to use this example. Feel free to use your own case study.
Reflect on what you have learned in your media units. What are the most interesting ideas that you have encountered, and how can you use those ideas to explain how media shape societies, in terms what people think, what they do, and how they form relationships with one another? You don’t have to do any extra reading for this, at this stage. All you have to do is go over the notes you have taken, the reading you have, done, and the assignments that you have written in the course of your media education.
Argue that the scholarship identified in step two is relevant to general audiences; explain why the ideas identified to step two can enrich public discussions on your issue.

Value: 20%

Presentation requirements:

12 point font, Arial or Times New Roman
1.5 or double spaced
Consistent referencing style – Harvard preferred.

**** I have attached the file that I have general dot points written down for the essay, please talk about racism and ideology in the wake of COVID 19 in relation to cohen’s theory of folk devil and moral panic , also about how media shapes society supported by a theory. Thanks!

Review of paper in max 1500 words by answering the question which has been set for this case study.

1. The attached paper discusses the evolution of the marketing strategy for the wine market from the 4Ps to the4E’s of marketing to reflect the role of consumer knowledge in determining consumer purchase behaviour. Analyse the paper and the implications for marketing management.
2. What lessons can be learnt fromthis paper? What is useful from this academic article for actual industry practice?
#Use tables, diagrams and further analysis of data to clarify, illustrate and supplement analysis and support your recommendations.

CFE- reality, self-care in your future practice

In light of our current reality, self-care is very important for all of us and especially for teachers and students. Please read this article and write a 250-500 word summary of the things you might use to practice self-care in your future practice.