Module 02 Course Project – Recruitment and Selection

Congratulations!! After reading your letter, the CEO of Chip’s Widgets, Inc. is beginning to see that an operations manager may have some value for his company. However, he is a shrewd businessperson who feels he just made a significant investment in additional staff and will not hire an operations manager based on one good letter. You still have some work to do because Mr. Chip has now asked you to present the points in your letter in greater detail to him and his two business partners.
He would also like you to explain how recruitment and selection of an operations manager will add to his company’s strength, and he would like to understand current human resource trends and how those trends might help the company. In addition, because he has business contacts in other industries, he wants you to help him explore outsourcing some of the HR functions just as he does with payroll and legal services, in lieu of hiring an operations manager.
To complete this assignment, develop a PowerPoint presentation that contains the following slides:
• cover slide
• A slide that explains what strategic human resources means and how strategic recruitment and selection can strengthen growing companies, in particular, and offer them a competitive advantage
• A slide that reiterates the benefits of hiring an operations manager that you included in your letter
• At least one slide that outlines your proposed recruitment strategy for the operations manager position
• A slide that highlights current trends in the employment market and explains their impact on strategic human resources planning; in the Notes section of the slide, discuss the Affordable Care Act and other legislature that could impact staffing levels and plans
• A slide that examines the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing and outlines how these advantages and disadvantages influenced your proposed recruitment strategy
• A summary slide to reiterate the benefits of your planned recruitment strategy
• A slide containing at least two references from credible sources that you used in your research for this presentation, formatted according to APA standards.
• For all slides except the cover and reference slides, include a minimum of 250 words in the Notes section of each slide that explains your rationale and provides further details for the information included in your slides. This information would form the narrative of your talking points in an actual verbal presentation.


During the journey of this course, we spent a good deal of time focused on leadership. The assignment is broken into two parts. Part One is addressing the first four questions directed at leadership.In Part Two of the paper during the course, you will address several assignments you’ve completed: (a) reflections, (b) personality profile, (c) GAP analysis, and (d) leadership maxims.

Address the following questions in Part One of your paper:

How do you define leadership?

Why are you excited about being a leader?

What are your key values?

What will be your expectations for your team?

In Part Two you will address several assignments you have completed: (a) reflections, (b) personality profile, (c) GAP analysis, and (d) leadership maxims. Describe how each of these assignments will assist you in developing your leadership skills.

The paper should comply with APA format and be 4 pages excluding cover and reference pages.

(I attached some of the assignments that I completed. Reflections and GAP Analysis is what I didn’t complete. You may come up with something of your choosing.)

Heart Failure Clinic Resourcing Plan

Write a 3–4 page evidence-based resourcing plan for one component of the Heart Failure Clinic.

It is important for the nurse leader to have not only a basic understanding of the budget process, but to understand how to work with variances in staffing, patient loads, and supply costs in order to meet the needs of the patients, without compromising the funding process of the clinic.


Deliverable: Develop one component of an evidence-based resourcing plan.


The hospital leadership team has already allocated the major capital expenditures for the heart failure clinic, such as the facility, legal services, IT, and security services. However, as a member of the nurse team, you have been asked to develop one component of a resourcing plan for the next leadership meeting.

You may use any combination of documents (for example, a spreadsheet or a table) in addition to explanatory information to convey information clearly and succinctly.

Choose one of the following:


Apply evidence-based management strategies and best practices for resourcing health care services.
Identify the business plan budget categories and subcategories (not necessarily the actual cost) to establish a new clinic.
Start-up expenses.
Examine fixed and variable costs.
Capital budget items.
Examples: salary and benefits, staffing mix, specialized equipment or materials, et cetera.
Contingency fund and parameters.
Apply legal and professional standards for resourcing outpatient services.
Explain the alignment to best practices and professional standards for cost effective outpatient services.
How will uninsured or underinsured patients be managed?
Describe management and accountability tools and procedures used to manage health delivery services and patient outcomes.
What data resources and tools analyze costs, health insurance, and hospitalization services?
How will billing be handled?
How will you determine if outpatient management is cost-effective?
How does transparency impact the consumer?
Staffing Plan:

Apply evidence-based management strategies and best practices for resourcing health care services.
Identify the disciplines and skill mix needed for appropriate staffing.
Estimate staffing requirements by discipline and staffing ratios (evidence-based).
Develop a sample staffing schedule.
How will you staff to meet corporate diversity goals or the needs of diverse patients?
Explain how delegation, collaboration, negotiation will affect staffing plan.
How does a union contract affect the staffing plan or schedule?
Examine the Nurse Practice Act for your state.
How does the Nurse Practice Act affect your staffing plan?
Apply legal and professional standards for resourcing outpatient services.
Align your staffing plan to best practices, the Nurse Practice Act for your state, scope of practice, and the Joint Commission standards for outpatients.
Describe management and accountability tools and procedures used to manage health delivery services and patient outcomes.
How will you know if staffing is cost-effective?
How will you know if staffing mix or schedule impacts patient outcomes?
Additional Requirements

Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Resources and in-text citations should be formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
Length: The plan should be 3–4 pages in content length, double-spaced.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
Number of resources: Support your plan with a minimum of three peer-reviewed resources, in addition to professional standards.

Crisis Management

Create an academic poster proposal related to The crisis management plan.
The structure/content of the poster proposal should be as follows:
Background – describe the research problem, issue(s), and context of the study;
Introduction – introduce the key concepts of the study and some indication of why the study needs to be done (rationale);
Research question (proposed); write your own research question related to Crisis management plan

Aim and objectives – specify the aim(s) and objectives;
Literature – key literature that will be important to your study, previous studies that have examined some aspects of the topic that are important to understand what you intend to investigate, and an indication that your focus has not been covered before;
Methodology – specific indication of how you will conduct the study, sample, data collection, and analysis techniques;
Impact/significance or implications to management – expected outcomes? implications this study could have? who benefits from the results?


Answer the questions listed below taken from Communicating in Groups p.277, Apply Now: Marcus and his Fraternity

Questions 1 & 2


1-2 pages in length

APA Formatting and Style
All course assignments must use APA citation and formatting. This is a mandatory requirement for all assignments, including discussions, if a publication or other work is being referenced.

Final pper

Checkpoint Assignment / FINAL PAPER
You are a Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) recently hired to develop a new product line or brand extension for a company’s product/brand (Note: students choose the company and brand/product). Based on the company’s mission and goals, status in the market, current target market(s), and brand power, you will develop a Marketing Plan for the new product/brand extension.
This is an individual project.
The organization you choose needs to be a publicly-traded company, thus allowing you to gain access to its financial data and market performance. It cannot be a privately-owned company, nor a start-up. The new product or brand should relate to the company’s mission and target market(s), or to a lucrative new market segment. The decision is yours!
The assignment includes many of the areas that are covered in the course, discussed and learned from the iBook and class discussions. This project will demonstrate the understanding and the applications of the course learning outcomes. Therefore, the content should be based on the latest marketing methods and tools available, as well as based on the iBook, which should be used as a reference for the project.
This project must have a cover page (with the title you have given it, your name, course number and section, and semester and year of the course). On the second page you will provide a Table of Contents. On page 3, you may begin with the Introduction heading and only use the required headings for the assignment.
The document should be formatted according to the latest APA standards.
The text should be:
Times New Roman, Font Size 12, Double-Spaced and 1” margins all around.
Direct quotes must be appropriately cited. Bullet-points are allowed, but should comprise a small portion of the entire document. The document must be written in narrative, 3rd-Person format, free of colloquial (casual) lingo.
Tables and figures are likely to be useful for this assignment. These should be placed in the Appendix (with a title for each one) and discussed in the appropriate section. When these are discussed, reference them in the text or body of your report, e.g., See the Appendix Table (title/name). The VP for Marketing needs to know all of the facts and findings that is explained clearly and extremely well (as if the VP does not know anything about your findings).
Your statements and findings must not only be clearly stated and logical but also supported by your research (with cited sources of information). Furthermore, all facts (other than common knowledge) must be cited in the text or body of the report and the informational source listed in the References section using APA style guidelines. A fact is more than just a number (e.g., statistic) but also a definitive/specific point, statement or information unknown to others, e.g., the VP, any reader of the report. Such facts and informational sources should include of course the organization, its retailers, competitors, current and potential customers, the Internet, Lynn Library (databases and hardcopy publications), and other personal interviews that are applicable to determining successful market research findings and developing a market assessment and analysis report.
Choose topic cosmetic brand or clothes brand.


order details in upload

every 50 words must have an intext citation

texbook is in uploads it MUST BE USED THROUGHOUT ESSAY ALOT

Risk Identification evaluation

Attached a few pages out of Encore Wire Corp’s 2019 Annual report. Starting on the bottom of page 4 listed many of the company’s risk factors. List and explain all of the important ones, some of them may just there in case of lawsuits. You can also add any of risks to the company that is not listed in the report. There’s no required number of sources, you can go over or less. Here are the guidelines once identified the risks.
1. Identify risks, determine tolerances
a) What are the risks that the firm faces (good and bad)
b) How willing is the firm to bear theses risks? (comparative
2. Measure risks
a) What is the probability the risky event will happen?
b) What is the likely magnitude?
c) Is the risk discrete or continuous?
3. Briefly explain and choose risk management method(s)
a) Avoid
b) Retain
c) Transfer (insure, hedge, contractual)
d) Loss prevention/control