Two Women in US History

I have attached a file with all the requirements of the essay. I chose Harriet Tubman and the Salem Witch Hunt. I was not sure if that is what is correct so if possible and you think it is not correct to keep, Harriet and pick another for me. Not sure about the post and pre 1900
Two Women in US History: Compare and contrast two women from American history, one from pre-1900 the other from post-1900. Examine in which ways their lives were similar and different, explore the differences of circumstances that affected their lives, and how they impacted their present and future.
Examples of Pre-1900 Women: Sacajawea, Anne Hutchinson, Phillis Wheatley, Abigail Adams, Elizabeth Freeman, Harriet Jacobs, Harriet Beecher Stowe, the Grimke sisters, Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Margaret Fuller, Susan B. Anthony, Ida B. Wells, etc…
Examples of Post-1900 Women: Harriet Stanton Blatch, Jane Addams, Margaret Sanger, Frances Perkins, Rosa Parks, Diane Nash, Dolores Huerta, Betty Friedan, Kate Millett, Gloria Stei…

Comedy in pride and prejudice

I want to extend the length of paper to at least 1500 words excluding reference. And I want one more reference to be used in the paper which should be used throught out the text and not just to fill the space.

Only 4 discussion questions

1. Based on experimental results from Part A, which types of carbohydrate molecules (sugars and/or starches) are present in each of the foods tested – egg, potato, and onion?

Although you must support each answer with experimental data, a complete explanation requires more than a simple statement of color changes that occurred. Your answer must explain the chemistry behind the tests used and the meaning of the test results. The background information in the lab manual and the pre-lab video will be important for this.

2. Name two other food items that you enjoy and that you would like to test for the presence of sugars and starches. Tell why you chose each item and hypothesize the results you believe you would observe for each food. This is NOT a question to be “googled”. Simply explain your thoughts and reasoning!

3. Suppose you have an unknown solution that you believe may contain lactose. Using reagents from this experiment, propose a procedure to follow to determine if the unknown solution contains lactose. Explain your reasoning completely.

4. Based on results from Part B Benedict’s and Iodine Tests (NOT the timed tests, only the data from the last two Results tables), does it seem that the saliva used in this experiment contains amylase that is active? How do you know? Support your answer with experimental data and explain your reasoning completely.

can transnational activism alter the principles and practices of International Relations? In what ways? Discuss in the context of one case study.

Choose one of the following issues and write an 1800 word research essay responding to the following question:

Can transnational activism alter the principles and practices of International Relations? In what ways? Discuss in the context of one case study.

Case study issues:
•Environmental issues
•Indigenous rights (transnational / global activism)
•Women’s Rights
•LGBT rights
•Democracy / Human Rights
•Nuclear weapons
•Asylum seekers / migrant rights

When responding to this task, please ensure you DO:
a)Evaluate the question carefully and define any terms or ideas that are central to the question. In particular, think about the principles (norms and ideas, etc) and practices (diplomacy, defence, national security, trade, etc) how these might be understood by different schools of thought within International Relations.

b)Decide what aspect of the case study you will focus on (these are broad topics –you need to hone in on something specific to help you answer the question).

c)Make a detailed plan before you start writing. Ensure that you have a strong argument, an introduction, a conclusion and well-constructed body-paragraphs.

d)Each paragraph should have a strong topic sentence.

e)Look at the rubric

f)You should use at least 30 sources, of which 20 sources must be scholarly (peer reviewed) sources, and these must be used to back up your central arguments.

When responding to this task, DO NOT:

a)Simply provide a description of the issue / campaign – this is an analytical exercise. Make sure you answer the question. This is where the scholarly resources will come into play

Plant physiology – effcts of high levels of light and water stress (drought) in specific plants

– Firstly, make sure the paper is plagiarism freee
– use information from the literature to provide examples of interactions between high light levels and water stress (low moisture content) in specific plants. You will need to select a range of keywords to find this information.
– you can include specific diagrams too
– this is for a plant physiology course, so please explain using diagrams or details the effects on plant physiology of the above mentioned interaction factors .


Please edit the attached doc and organize it in MLA style. Verify that the paragraphs are well written, MLA style and nicely transitioned.

Enron Scandal Background information

Need to provide a 4-page background information report about the 2001 Enron Scandal. Identify the problems and provide details about the underlying causes of the problem. Make sure to describe an outline of events. What ever some unethical issues? You will be required to filter, apply, and distill the concept presented in any of the chapter textbook (chapters 1-12), including course objectives and outcomes.

Reference page: You will submit 3 Ethical Leadership-related sources in addition to your textbook (“Meeting the Ethical Challenges of Leadership: Casting light or Shadow”, Sixth Edition, Craig E. Johnson, 2018) for a total of 4 sources.


Course objectives and outcomes:
• Define and identify the tenants of ethical leadership
• Identify and exercise ethical decision making in the context of leadership
• Assess the ethical climate of an organization
• Characterize appropriate responses to ethical crises.

Small Group Communication

Create a three to four page summary by choosing one of the following:

-Small Group Stages: Formats and Culture
-How Idea Generating, Sharing, and Problem-Solving Small Groups Operate
-The Three Types of Small Group Members and Their Membership Skills
-The Concept of Leadership and the Role of Culture in Small Group Communication