Examine whether using a questionnaire would be an effective method to measure self-efficacy related to learning statistics.

Lab Report pdf. Includes detailed outline for this lab report.

I need someone who is able to interpret SPSS output in apa format.

This report focuses on scale development and validation.

Aim: The aim of this report is to examine whether using a questionnaire would be an effective method to measure self-efficacy related to learning statistics.

The aim is to develop a new questionnaire measuring the construct self-efficacy relating to learning statistics. The questionnaire items were devised by psychology students on this module, and then refined and voted on by the students themselves.

This report differs from the normal structure as it does not include an introduction. This report must only include Abstract, Method, Results, Discussion and Reference list.

The word limit is 2000 words, this excludes abstract, table/figure captions and references.

References must be in APA format

Statistics/tables/output cannot be exactly copied into report, new tables/graphs must be generated using excel.

Report must cover:
• Is our questionnaire a good way to measure this construct?
• What factors or primary elements make up this construct?
• Is the questionnaire consistent and reliable?
• Does it correlate with other questionnaires about related construct?

Factor Analysis
• What is the underlying structure of the construct?
Reliability Analysis
• Does the questionnaire measure consistently and reliably?
Validity Analysis
• Does the questionnaire measure the construct we think it is?

Systematic Review

Dear writer .

Thank you for taking my work .I would appreciate if you follow all the instructions clearly .

We have done a research proposal in the past by your company , sadly it was performed poorly . I have taken over this project , i will be requesting a systematic review from you .

There are 2 parts to the assignments. The first part involves 5000 words , second part involves 800 words ( with second part , it is a poster made on powerpoint based on the systematic review itself – Mia from customer service advised that you may not be able do it on powerpoint , but you can you do it on the word document )

I will be attaching you the first part of the assignment with 6 documents
1- previous copy of research proposal
2- Grades given by the lecturer for the previous research proposal done
3- Tempelate for systematic review – which will helps us with word count
4- There is guidance table for systematic review , of what is expected in each part
5- Ruberic for this systematic review
6- JBI sumari for new users
7- What the present lecturer wants from me

For the second part of the assignment , its 800 words , 10%+/-
using powerpoint , i will attach 4 instructions
1- Ruberic for this assessment
2- guidance for this assessment
3- an example of the poster
4- youtube video on doing a poster on powerpoint

Please let me know if there are any issues with any instructions provided .
Thank you

More Advanced Optimization

Advanced optimization techniques are often necessary to solve real problems in health care. Techniques like goal programming and data envelopment analysis are often used to solve multiple objective problems, such as minimizing cost while maximizing access measures. Other advanced techniques are often required for problems that sometimes seem straightforward. Although you may not encounter the use of advanced optimization techniques on a day-to-day basis, understanding the methodology and application of these techniques is a valuable skill for the healthcare administration leader.
For this Assignment, Reflect on, and consider, the advanced optimization techniques highlighted. Think about how you might apply these advanced optimization techniques to healthcare delivery challenges in a health services organization.
****For Chapter 14, problems 80 and 90, you will need to download the files P14_80.xlsx and P14_90.xlsx from the textbook companion website (ATTACHMENTS)
****The Assignment: (3 PAGE WORD DOCUMENT)
Complete Problem 80 (pharmaceutical company) and Problem 90 (brain tumor) on pages 751 and 753 of your course text. (PROBLEMS IN THE ATTACHMENTS PDF 40)

Reflective Writing Task Using a Mental Health Nursing article

Title: Reflective Writing task
Rationale: Reflective practice is the capacity to reflect on action to engage in a process of continuous learning, which is one of the defining characteristics of professional practice (Schon, 1983).

1. Please use the attached article: “Nursing Students’ Attitudes Towards People Diagnosed with Mental Illness and Mental Health Nursing: An International Project from Europe and Australia” for this assessment article attached and read. (file uploaded)

2. Write a 3000-word reflection on the article.

3. The reflection should include the following.
✓ An introduction, an outline and a summary of your article
✓ A description of your feelings in relation to the article.
✓ An analysis of any issues in the article that you feel are new to you or different to your previous learnings and understanding of mental health care.
✓ An outline of any changes in your understanding and/or behaviour as a result of reading and
reflecting on this article,
✓ An explanation of your learnings from this article that may contribute to your professional
nursing practice.
✓ Please use a minimum of 15 references (peer reviewed research articles and books/ literature to support the argument. These references must be between the 7-9 years old) and from credible research databases such as Medline and CINAHL.

Rubric is attached to assist with requirements, please follow this specifically.

A critical analysis of what nursing means to me.

Assessed intended learning outcomes

Knowledge and Understanding
1. Reflect on their effectiveness and competency as a nurse.
2. Recognise the limits of their competence through reflection.
3. Demonstrate learning from experience and show how he/she enhance the safety and wellbeing of service users and carers.
4. Demonstrate integrity as an autonomous professional in managing you4rself and others effectively to promote safe and compassionate care of clients.

Practical, Professional or Subject Specific Skills
1. Demonstrate a deep understanding of their own individual values and how they underpin professional practice.

Transferable Skills and other Attributes
1.Demonstrate through reflection their own development of contemporary compassionate clinical practice (working with others, communication and problem solving).
2.Reflect on their own character as a nurse and own philosophy, as guided by professional and legal frameworks.

Module Aims
1. Demonstrate application of the evidence, knowledge, skills, values, attitudes, leadership qualities and self-awareness essential for the transition from student nurse to registered nurse.
2. Appraise and evaluate learning from across the programme of study for articulating their personal nursing philosophy and values-based nursing framework for nursing practice.
3. Review the integrity of their nursing practice in line with the values outlined in their personal philosophy of nursing statement.
4. Appraise their emotional resilience and the impact this had on their nursing practice.
NB: PLEASE CAN THE WRITER INCLUDED THE (Dr. Benner’s Stages of Clinical Competence from NOVICE to EXPERT) in the reflection part.

Aspirational Portfolio

1500 words excluding references and bibliography

For the assessment: you need to pick something about yourself, a goal you had to achieve and break it down, was it mastery (Mastery Orientated) or was it performative (Performance Orientated )? You will psychoanalyse yourself for the portfolio, you will pick things about a goal you had to achieve, and you use the readings about what is mastery and what is performance to explain what you understand about it. You also need to apply the Goal Orientation Theory to it.

Tip – when you write the assessment and you write a definition of the theory, show that you understand the theory, what do you mean/what do you get from it? Pick parts of it and go deeper into what it means, e.g. I believe this definition is saying…. Show what it means to you and explain why you are saying it.

Discuss: Did you think the characteristics you showed about the goal were mastery or performance?

Please mention the perspectives of the Goal Theory by Dweck in the assignment.

Tip 2 – The goal theory is about what the goal that links us to our motivation is and, tries to explain that, what gets between your goals and how goals vary, you should take the definition and extrapolate your meaning in several different ways.

Criteria for this assignment: Must have very good analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of material relating to the subject
of the reflection. Must be imaginative and/or original approach to discussing reflections. Reflections should be relevant and discussed with reference to appropriate literature. It should be the correct length, very good written style, organization, and presentation. Must have a very good range of current views and research. Must Incorporate a thorough analysis of the experience/issue.

Please see the attachment for further information on the assignment.


Am wanting someone to do a 600 word blog for me on the attached paper
You are required to complete at least one Blog entry on readings of your choice from Sections 1 and 2 of this course. Select a reading from the course list and provide a critical analysis that covers key points and theories/methodologies that links to either your own personal experiences or current indigenous social issues.
It is recommended to submit these frequently in order to get feedback. The grade for the best blog within each section will be counted.


Case Study – Ethics
Research internet, newspapers, and business magazines for a corporate case that has
attracted media attention due to ethical issues. Write an ESSAY to address the following
points using the case you chose.
1. Provide an overview of the company’s background, i.e. its business operations,etc.
2. What ethical issue has arisen? Clearly explain the ethical dilemma faced by the
involved parties.
3. Clearly identify and evaluate the stakeholdersthat were impacted by the ethical issue.
4. Was the decision made by the involved parties ethical? How would the business be
positively/negatively impacted by the decision? Explain your answer.

The ethical issues under consideration do not necessarily have to be accounting related. You
can choose either an Australian or international corporate case, but the case must be
reported by the media after the year 2010.
Other requirements
Length: 800 words excluding references.
Structure: use essay structure (i.e. introduction + main body + conclusion + reference list).
Formatting: standard 12-point font, 1.5 line spacing, and side margins 2.5 wide.
Referencing: all sources (i.e. the work and ideas of others) cited and referenced using the
Harvard referencing system. You need to provide both in-text references and the reference
Your essay will be marked taking into account:
– Your ability to find out relevant materials.
– Your ability to identify and explain issues.
– Your ability to apply relevant concepts to analyse issues.
– Your writing skills.
You should get to the point and avoid wordy repetitions(i.e. be succinct and clear). You should
reference the appropriate paragraphs of relevant regulations/standards or other sources you
refer to. You must avoid copying or stringing together lengthy quote leaving little said in your
own words.