Critical Essay

Please kindly write a critical essay on the proposal that only talks about (the main negatives).
Thank you.

Communication Plan power point with oral speaking

Hello, I upload new assessment picture and it is related to the communication. Plan you did it yesterday. Please make a power point according to the instruction and communication plan file also write down speaking script(notes) for the oral presentation from the beginning to the end.(please notes that which part(speaking notes) is for slide one, two, three, four).
I place order 4 pages but if you can make it few more slides then I’m really appreciate. I need around 600~700words oral speaking notes. Thanks
Please tell me if you have any questions.

Compare How Fitzgerald & Williams Use Identity As Critiquing Society in The Great Gatsby and A Streetcar Named Desire.

3500 words Cambridge Pre U A Level Assignment accounting for 25% of the final grade. Without an A on this paper it will not be possible to obtain an A overall. References must be brought and analysed from Critical Articles eg from jstor and quotes from the texts to back up arguments. Aswell as the 2 main texts, you must also bring in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein and The God of Small Things as subsidiary texts to support the arguments. You must follow the guidelines of the attached pdf which outline the paper. It is key to analyse the form, language and structure of the two main texts, and some from subsidiaries. subsidiaries only need a brief mentioning. but still important throughout. A bibliography is needed to back up the sources

International Business Environment Reflective Report

This is a group project member of 4 including me. For my part, I did these two questions following:
1. How can the risk affect the profitability of the investment?
2. What steps have been taken by the government to protect the industry?
I attachest the assignment task. Here is the company, product, and country our group chose for this project.
Company: Al Marai in UAE
Product: Milk
Country to go: Malaysia

**I need a reflective essay for my part**
Here some information about our group.
Group of 4 members including me. We are based in the UAE. Our University closed because of the Coronavirus and currently, we are doing online classes and long-distance learning systems. We had 4 group meetings on the phone call conference call.

Please include the difficulties we had by the effect of coronavirus regarding doing this project and let me know if you need any extra information.

“What should education look like in our schools?”

This assignment must contain the following: (you must include an ACADEMIC reading reference for each)
You will have an Introduction 300 words, 3 sections of 300 words and a conclusion of 300 words.

You have to write 300 words about these 3 topics(you must include an ACADEMIC reading reference for each):
1. Who should have a say in schools? (the state or parents)
2. What should children learn in schools?
3. Should we encourage friendships in schools?

Please ONLY use the readings I will include in this section no readings from Wikipedia or websites or newspapers.

For the first topic of the essay, the two groups to concentrate on are parents and the state.

Read: Gereluk, D. (2010) ‘Should parents have a say in their children’s schooling?’ in Bailey, R. (ed.) The Philosophy of Education: An Introduction, London: Continuum, pp.125-135. (Attached as a PDF)

Start some sentences with ‘Gereluk argues…’ ‘Gereluk considers…’ etc.

Also read, Suissa, J. (2010) ‘Should the State Control Education? In Bailey, R. (ed.) in The Philosophy of education: An Introduction, pp. 99-112 then Compare and contrast the two: ‘Suissa challenges…’ etc. (Also attached as a PDF below)

For the second topic, read: Hand, M. (2010) ‘What Should Go in the Curriculum?’ in Bailey, R. (ed.) The Philosophy of Education: An Introduction, London: Continuum. Pages 48-59 also attached as a PDF.
Give a definition of ‘curriculum’ and reference. Summarise his three curriculum frameworks: academic, vocational and virtue and do not waste words on history. Also, read
An Aims Based Curriculum: Reiss and White (p1-37). Discuss how do the two compare? (Attached as a PDF)

For the third topic, read: Healy, M. (2011) Should we take the friendships of children seriously? Journal of Moral Education, 40, 441-456. (I have included this reading as pdf in the attachment section) Choose 3 points from the article as to why we should/or should not encourage friendships in schools. Write 2-3 sentences on each. Also, read the article by Patricia White ‘Friendship and Education’ – I have also attached a copy for you. Then compare and contrast the two.

For the conclusion, there are no readings for this – use the ones you already have cited. You have to show your opinion based on the evidence you have gained in the readings. Who has the better arguments?

Go back to the essay title and make sure you are answering it.

1500 excluding bibliography and references.

infection control

Poster presentation with powerpoint slide with relevent information. Must be Uk evidence based.
Students will create a poster presentation analysing the principles of infection prevention and control in a specific area ( community setting-home help). The presentation must also evaluate the role of the health worker and their contribution to the maintenance of a safe environment. This will be self and peer marked.

This task will meet Learning Outcomes 1 and 3:

LO1. Analyse the principles of infection prevention and control in healthcare settings.
LO2. Evaluate the role of the health worker and their contribution to the maintenance of a safe environment in relation to infection control.

Component 2: Academic Poster

Weighting: 50% of module summative grade

You must create a poster presentation which comprehensively analyses the principles of infection prevention and control in a specific area such as a hospital, residential or community setting. You should use your own work setting if relevant/appropriate. You must analyse the setting in terms of infection prevention and control and at the same time evaluate the role of the healthcare professional and their contribution to the maintenance of a safe environment, how this might be effective and why? This poster presentation must be supported by relevant and current research into infection prevention and control

This task will meet Learning Outcomes 1 and 3

Assessment Guidance

You must create an academic poster (A1 size) and deliver an oral presentation regarding the content of your poster.
You must clearly identify a healthcare setting – home care. You can be more specific if you wish e.g. surgical ward, maternity ward.
Identify the risks to patients from infection in there own home. How can these risks be managed? What legislation is in place to manage the risk to patients?

Additional Notes

1) Read broadly infection prevention and control within healthcare, who has responsibility for this and how it is achieved.
2) Ensure your poster addresses both learning outcomes equally.
3) The content must be fully referenced using the Harvard reference system
4) Titles and the final reference list do not count towards your word count
5) In text citations and quotations ARE INCLUDED in your word count

Macroeconomic Stability

– The research question must be an in-depth topic in relation to macroeconomic stability and globalisation. The areas may include monetary policy, fiscal policy, capital flows, policy trilemma, current account deficit.

– The bibliography and research question is excluded from the word limit.

– 5 resources below must be used:
1. Salvatore, Dominick. 2005. Introduction to International Economics. USA: John Wiley & Sons. Chapter 16
2. Fischer, S. 2003. Globalization and its Challenges. The American Economic Review 93(2): 1-30.
3. Kreuger, Anne. 2004. Lessons from the Asian Crisis (Links to an external site.). Keynote Address, IMF SEACEN Meeting, Sri Lanka, February 12, 2004. Available online at
4. Roubini, Nouriel and Setser, Brad. 2004. The US as a Net Debtor: The Sustainability of the US External Imbalances. Available online at
5. Stigliz, J.E. 2004. Capital Market Liberalization, Globalization and the IMF. Oxford Review of Economic Policy 20 (1):57-71 .

– 10 other resources must be peer-reviewed sources from
outside the list above.