Equity and Trusts

This is an alternative assessment. It was originally designed to be sat as a standard 3 hour exam but due to Coronavirus, it has been turned into a piece of coursework but in the same style as an exam. Under ‘IMPORTANT MUST READ’ I have provided both the assessment instructions and guidance for the unusual piece of work. You can answer any 3 questions, each answer has a max of 1000 words. Footnotes and bibliography are not necessary as it should be treated as traditional exam but referencing will obviously be needed in the body of the work as it would be in a standard exam (cases and statutes). I have also provided under ‘PLEASE READ’ last years exam paper along with feedback and guidance for the answers. I find these very helpful and have provided the same for years 2017 and 2018. I have also provided an example answer although that was for a formative assessment so slightly different style but it should help with a demonstration of how to structure a problem question. I have also provided specific essay guidance notes mainly for structure examples aswell. I have also provided notes on 5 different topics that should hopefully help, if you feel more comfortable doing questions on topics not included in the 5 topics I have sent notes on then by all means please do which ever you would be most happy to do. If you have any questions or need any further information or clarifications, please do not hesitate to contact me. All the best.

Practical analysis

I sent you a work from last year, it was the same questions but now is only for 3 locations. As well, in the previous work, he talked too much, what I want from you is to do a small introduction and directly answer to the questions.

All the calculation has to be on excel, you do the calculation on excel, you do a screenshot of the result and the table and you interpret the result.

You are to write:
o A professional report in a MS-Word document.
o At the end of the report, in an appendix, you are to add in your do-file(s) that you used to (i) generate the data used in your analysis, and that you used to (b) analyse the data. The do file(s) should also show how you created any figures that are used in the report.

You need to do three different documents:
1. A WORD file that contains your report; Do not
submit a PDF file, submit only a Word document.
2. A data file in Microsoft excel format that you used to write your report. This
excel file should contain dataset and calcula3on on separate files.
3. A WORD file that contains List of website that data is collected

Check your spelling before submission using the spellchecker in Microsoft Word. This is meant to be a professional report you are wri3ng. Write in paragraphs.
The coursework should be a maximum of 3,000 (+- 200) words long excluding references and appendices.

The United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union (Brexit) is causing implications on home ownership, the letting market, and the real estate sales market in the UK. The repercussions are expected to be significant and major and would influence nearly all spheres of life in Europe, as well as overseas. The key focus of the current coursework is to examine the factors expected to prompt an economic or social change in the housing market.

Using Office for Na3onal Sta3s3cs (ONS), The World Bank, h]p://landregistry.data.gov.uk, Bloomberg and other sources, download Quarterly/Monthly data for house price of
all property types for three different Loca3on in United Kingdom (London, Birmingham, Wales, Northern Island and Scotland) and other relevant datasets onto the sta3s3cal
software package as requested. Please note: each student is assigned different dates for the data set. Date: November 2015 to September 2018.
Access and download the dataset.

Answer to the following questions:
1. Compute full descrip3ve sta3s3cs including mean, Standard deviation, Skewness,
kurtosis and draw histogram. Interpret the results ( why the variation is higher or lower between the locations etc) (10 marks)
2. Draw the scatter plot between London and 2 other different loca3ons. Check for
normality (perform Chi square test). (20 marks)
3. Using mul3ple regression analysis taking house prices as dependent variable for all loca3ons, determine the impact factors (e.g. Interest rate, Economic growth, Mortgage availability, employment, Infla3on etc.) as explanatory (independent) variables for both regression models. (20 marks)
4. Test the significance of each independent variable (for all loca3ons). Interpret the results. (10 marks)
5. Perform F-test to test the significance of each regression model. Interpret the results.
(10 marks)
6. Write a report discussing the house prices fluctua3on and poten3al impact of Brexit.
(30 marks) ( around 1250 words)

[Plagiarism is strictly forbidden and any case found will be treated according to university regulations.]

The report should be referenced using the Harvard Referencing style.

To collect independent variable:
https://www.gov.uk/search/research-and-statistics https://www.bsa.org.uk/statistics

Collect housing prices (Y variable):
https://landregistry.data.gov.uk/app/ukhpi/browse? from=2019-02-01&location=http%3A%2F%2Flandregistry.data.gov.uk%2Fid%2Fregion%2Funite d-kingdom&to=2020-02-01


The Financial reporting Council (FRC) has opened an investigation under its enforcement procedures into auditor’s audit of Carillion. The investigation will cover the years ended 2014 to 2016, and additional work carried out during 2017.
The investigation will be conducted by the FRC’s enforcement division and will consider whether the auditor breached any relevant requirements, in particular the ethical and technical standards for auditors.
Several areas of auditor’s work will be examined, including the audit of the company’s use and disclosure of the going concern basis of accounting, estimates and recognition of revenue on significant contracts and accounting for pensions. The FRC has promised to conduct the investigation as quickly and thoroughly as possible.
It said it is also progressing with urgent enquiries into the conduct of professional accountants within Carillion in connection with the preparation of the financial statements and other financial reporting obligations under the Accountancy Scheme.
The FRC is liaising with the Official receiver, the Financial Conduct Authority, the Insolvency Service and Pensions Regulator to ensure there is a joined-up approach to the investigation of all matters arising from the collapse of Carillion.
(Extracted from PQ magazine 29 January 2018)


Based on the above scenarios critically examine the social and economic consequences of such audit failures and discuss potential factors that compromise audit quality of the above company and identify the practical difficulties faced by the audit team in obtaining sufficient audit evidence to support going concern status of the company. (100 marks)

Evidence Based Practice Article Review

Description of the study
Include the design, sample size, and description of the intervention (if there was one).
Include the primary results- the ones pertinent to your PICO question.
Use past tense when describing a research study that has been published.
Use complete sentences.
Maximum length is 200 words.

Strengths and weaknesses of each study
What were the potential threats to validity?
What controls did the researchers implement to increase the credibility of the study’s findings?

Summary of the Evidence
Is there adequate evidence to implement into practice, based on types of studies and the findings?
For example, if all the studies were on the same topic and were RCT designs, the evidence would be very strong. If the only studies found were descriptive or correlational studies, the evidence is not adequate to put into practice.

Apple Case Study

Topic Review – Apple Business practices

Review the Apple case and complete the following questions (avoid bullet points and provide full descriptive sentences)

1 Discuss whether Apple should be responsible for ethical lapses made by individuals further down its supply chain? Why or why not?

2. Discuss whether Apple continue to work with the suppliers in an effort to change practices, or should they stop working with every supplier, even the conscientious ones, to make sure no “bad apples” are getting through? Explain your reasoning.

3. Discuss whether consumers should be expected to take into account the ethical track record of companies when making purchases? Why or why not?

Research in Healthcare

For this assessment, you will need to PLAN a QUALITATIVE RESEARCH STUDY for a topic of your choice.
• Topic of choice:
“The experiences of adults living with epilepsy: an interpretive description.”
• Qualitative research question (brief):
“How can a nurse intervention help people with chronic epilepsy?: A qualitative study of patients’ views.”

LENGTH: 1600words
REFERENCES: 12x (minimum)

Please use the list of items listed in the course outline under Assessment task 3 as *headings in your assignment and provide the details about the qualitative study you have developed under those headings.

*These headings are:
1. Describe the context/perspective of this research
2. Develop a qualitative research question on this topic in this context that clearly identifies the study population and the phenomenon of interest.
3. Describe an appropriate qualitative study design to address the research question.
4. Describe the study population, eligibility criteria, study sample and sampling method.
5. Describe the methods you intend to use to collect data in this study.
6. Discuss rigour, trustworthiness and study limitations for the proposed study.
7. Describe ethical implications for this study including vulnerable populations (such as indigenous peoples) where applicable.

The research question should contain key elements to inform the design of the study. Key elements include:
1. The phenomenon of interest
2. The study sample/population
3. The study setting and,
4. The study outcomes.

Risk Management

Assessment 1 – Risk Assessment
The purpose of the first assessment item is for students to apply an internationally recognised standard for managing risk (ISO 31000) to investigate and evaluate a particular threat to an organisation. To do this, students will populate and submit a corporate threat register template with their research and critical thinking, and explain the threat register entry in a brief video to report on the potential vulnerability for an organisational system – in doing so, a risk rating for the threat will be communicated to the organisation.

Why is this task important for risk management?
One of the most common pragmatic applications of risk management thinking is to assess the risk associated with changes to an organisation’s goals or practices, implementing new technologies, and changes in the organisation’s competitive or regulatory environment. This task provides students with experience in applying the principles embedded in the internationally used standard for risk management – a skill that is transferrable to every industry and workplace.

How does the unit support your learning of core content and aid completing the task?
The risk management standard provides a clear process for organisations to define, assess and evaluate events, technologies and processes for their potential risk to organisations. By treating the risk management process (defined in the standard) as a scaffold for analysis, students can readily apply the risk management concepts and theories discussed in class and readings to unpack and interpret information to develop critical insights for the risk posed by a new technology or practice.

What are you required to do?
Corporate Threat Register (around 500 words)
This task requires you to engage with classroom discussions held in tutorials to understand the scope, context and criteria (as per ISO 31000, s6.3) of a potential disturbance to a real world organisation. Using the understanding developed in class, you will then individually (not with peers) identify, research and evaluate the potential risk of the disturbance to the organisation (as per ISO 31000, s6.4), documenting your risk assessment in the Corporate Threat Register (CTR) template provided in the Assessment 1 folder on Blackboard (the template .xlsx includes an example that describes the generic information requirements for each column of the CTR template).