
Discuss the principles behind the two diagnostic techniques used in detecting immune responses to foreign antigens.

Discuss the role of serological testing in veterinary medicine

Improve student experience and performance using educational social robots

This study aims to explore how the use of one-to-one social robot tutor will affect the process of learning second language for young children

it is an experiment based research to deploy Nao Robot to autonomously teach Arabic (L2) vocabulary to Arabic young children (English language is considered to be their native language L1)

there are two main topics need to be explored:
– Identify new trends in robot body language which can be implemented by computer science research and development.
– Identify new approaches which can be used by schools and education institutions to leverage robots more effectively in the education.

topic chosen from list

esearch one of the seven issues found below and write a 2 page paper on the questions presented for the assignment.

This is a chance for you to assess several different issues that have been in the news and in the courts. Choose and assess one of the issues I have provided below that you feel has been a challenge to your department or a department near you. This is not an examination of what you know, but rather how you would apply the knowledge that you have gained throughout your pursuit of a degree and apply that to problems that you may face in your career. The issues provided below are going to be a combination of large problems and day to day problems. What I am looking for is not an analysis but rather a solution that you are comfortable with. Take the time to consider these issues that are real and decide how you would face the issue presented. Give me a solution and not an analysis. The idea is that you have reached the rank of Fire Chief of your department. Choose one of the issues below and then discuss how you would address the problem. Provide information on how you would advise the municipality on how you have developed department policies and procedures to meet this issue. What legal problems could your department face with this issue?

1. Discrimination in the fire service (gender, age, race, etc.)
2. Freedom of Speech in the fire service focusing on social media
3. Disciplinary Actions for Fire Personnel
4. Emergency Vehicle Operation Guidelines
5. In House Training Procedures
6. Sexual Harassment and a Hostile Work Environment
7. Grooming and Uniform Standards

Choose a protected characteristic from the Equality Act(2010) answer the following question: Essay question: “In light of your chosen topic, how effective has the Equality Act (2010) and/or any other relevant policy or legal legislation, been in preventing this inequality from happening?” Look at cases before the 2010 equality act and cases after it was introduced. How would the equality act of helped cases before.Choose any protected characteristic equality act.

As above “topic” section.
Preferably use journals
Police journal
New law journal
Also reputable sources.

Paragraphs not too long, title, introduction and conclusion must be included.

change implementation

Read the Pemancar case study, as presented in the article by Abdullah & Siti-Nabiha, and prepare a report that addresses the following requirements:

Examine the application of the theory of punctuated equilibrium to an assessment of the current situation at Pemancar.
Analyse the change environment existing at Pemancar in terms of the parameters suggested by Nasim and Sushil.
Identify the most likely problems or conflicts that Danial Tareq may face in implementing his change initiative. Each of those problems or conflicts should be classified as pluralities, contradictions or paradoxes, and their potential impact on the change management process should be assessed.
Evaluate the degree to which Danial’s leadership will influence the effectiveness of the change management process.

references to be used in addition to 1 from your own choice:
Abdullah, Z. & Siti-Nabiha, A.K. (2012) ‘Leadership and change management: a case study of Pemancar’, Asian Case Research Journal, 16 (1), pp. 115-132

Nasim, S. & Sushil (2011) ‘Revisiting organizational change: exploring the paradox of managing continuity and change’, Journal of Change Management, 11 (2), pp. 185-206

Riwo-Abudho, M., Njanja, L. & Ochieng, I. (2012) ‘The role of strategic leadership during change’, Kenya Journal of Business Management, 4 (1), pp. 48-61

Media Ads

TV advertising has long been deemed the most successful marketing medium for consumer products. However, TV advertising is being criticized for being too expensive and, even worse, no longer as effective as it once was. Critics maintain that consumers tune out too many ads by zipping and zapping and that makes it difficult to make a strong impression. The future claimed by some is with online advertising.

However, supporters of TV advertising disagree, contending that the multisensory impact of TV is unsurpassed and that no other media options offer the same potential impact.

Given your experience and knowledge what is your opinion?

Is using films an effective way to shape positive destination images?

My course is international tourism management I want you to do my 1 module assessment hospitality and tourism marketing assessment 2 pls make individual persuasive Essay it’s 1200 words in total I attached the hand book you can see please read all the guidelines please make according to that it’s assessment 2 I need it