
Drawing on the assigned readings by LeVine&Gellner (chapter 1) and Leve, describe the roots and main features of Modernist Buddhism. On this basis reflect upon the agenda of reforming Buddhism that the modernist Theravāda movement brought to Nepal in the 20th century. For this draw on the assigned chapters 2 and 3 of LeVine and Gellner’s monograph.


Grade Sample Student Paper using a Grading Rubric

This week, you will grade the sample student paper using the Student Grading Rubric and the Faculty and Coach Detailed Grading Requirements.

NOTE this is NOT a formal paper so you will do your work ON the sample student paper. For student feedback you may use comment bubbles or a different color font.

Within each section of the student’s answers, you will provide:

1) Student feedback for improvement

2) Number of points you took off

3) Why you took points off

In addition, at the end of the student’s paper you will calculate and note summary comments and the final grade you will assign to the student.

Then you will reflect on the process and share your reflection.

Last you will make recommendations for improving the Student Grading Rubric and/or the Faculty and Coach Detailed Grading Requirements. The reflection and recommendation portions of this assignment are at the end of the sample student paper.

You need to add an APA formatted 6th edition title page at the beginning of the assignment. No additional documents are needed for this assignment submission. Also since this is not a formal paper, you do not need an introduction or conclusion.

Prosocial Lying in preschool children

The effect of parenting styles on prosocial lying in children: does socio-economic status and culture impact this?

As well as looking at the link between parenting styles and pro-social lying in children, my research will also highlight external factors such as socio-economic status, different cultures and other demographics.

I have attached a document including information on this dissertation, please read carefully.
I have attached a document on the tasks we used and their instructions!
I have also attached the parental questionnaires that we used, and the scoring sheets.

I will soon upload the spreadsheet which includes our results for all the data collected!

please try and get the intro and literature review then first if possible.

Critically review the policy response of central banks

— Can you please check my coursework and make necessary changes. I want to get high grades 75% or above so please check carefully and make any amendment also add some more up to date references.


Critically review the policy response of central banks, such as the US Federal Reserve, to the Global Financial Crisis regarding lessons from the Great Depression. What explanation have Post-Keynesians’ forwarded for the comparative failure of this contemporary policy response?

Network Administration Processes

The Education Community Services Group (ECSG) has been leading the market in educational services enrollments for the past five years. Soon, other leading educational services providers started to overtake the enrollments because of improvements made through online marketing. A study was conducted using surveys and analyses with statistics. With the demand for educational services and network administration architecture (NSA) revamping, the company found some breathing room. Now you can go to a number of satellite campuses and online portals to enroll in the educational offerings that ECSG provides. Results have been great, and the corporation has been able to lead the task of rejuvenating student enrollment.

Moral of the Story

As a company, management has to adapt to changes and competition. One vital step to improving profitability and competitiveness is to evaluate the current network administration to determine performance gaps and ensure senior management is receiving the critical information it requires to make strategic decisions. ECSG, realizing that it is losing market share to other providers of educational services, has determined that it needs a more robust network administration architecture to close the gap with its competitors. If you have that agility and resiliency, you can survive as a company in the world of constant competition. As the old saying goes, “If you cannot beat them, then join them.” That is what the corporation did. The chief executive officer (CEO) made sure that he shares the online market as well.

The example companies, organizations, products, people, and events depicted herein are fictitious. No association with any real company, organization, product, person, or event is intended or should be inferred.

Assignment Details

The story that you just read shows how difficult it can be to get started with formal enterprise system architecture, particularly if very little attention was given to enterprise system architecture (ESA) and documentation of content in an organization. For this discussion, research information about the evaluation of enterprise systems architecture in organizations, and then respond to the difficulties faced in the story and how some of these difficulties were overcome.

Discuss how you can automate existing company network administration processes as well as revamp the information technology (IT) infrastructure.
Identify positive and negative aspects of the selected processes in relation to the operational health of the organization.
Select 1 of the most likely problem areas of an organization’s network administration infrastructure, and discuss how the difficulties could be overcome.

Human Resource Management

In attachments, you gonna find some keynotes from lectures and marking criteria. However, you should bring external theories to e.g Maslow’s Hierarchy etc… and external sources for evidence.

You must be critical to your arguments and use strong academic sources.

International HRM (Task)
Using Hofstede’s Cultural model advice a European Company on what they would need to consider when opening a branch in China in terms of how they will manage their staffing.
• Context: Cultural Differences between European Country (You can choose) and China.
• Hofstede Cultural Model is the main focus for this question. You could draw on other theories and models.
• Critical evaluation of Hofstede’s model should be included.
• Draw on theories and models around how to manage staff in a Multi-National Organisations (MNC).
• Key challenges of MNCs Cultural differences and impact on people management.
• What would the organisation need to take into account?