A Critical Literature Review – New Technology impact on Supply Chain Management

A Critical Literature Review
Required to carry a critical review of peer-reviewed academic articles. Note that the term Supply Chain Management (SCM) here means that if you want to focus on Procurement, this is possible as Procurement may be viewed as part of SCM.

• New Technology impact on Supply Chain Management (Topic)

This task requires the selection of a minimum of five (5) articles taken from at least five (5) different journals. FOUR of these articles should be original research articles. The other may be either/both Conceptual papers or Literature Reviews. The length of these articles should be a minimum of eight (8) pages, excluding the references or diagrams. Shorter journals can still be used to support your position or arguments but cannot be included as one of the five core articles.

You will need to focus your Review. For example, New Technology impact on SCM could have a focus on use of automation in warehousing OR a focus on use of IT systems in transport logistics/supply chain. Business Intelligence and SCM could focus on a new technology such as Block Chain. Do not attempt to cover several areas, choose your focus.

It is recommended that when writing on use of technology in Supply Chain, references should be no more than five years old. Where older, you need to show that the source you have cited remains current, for example by showing newer sources are using the older work

(VERY important to be structure in this way)
• Introduction
• Findings (presented in a TABLE – must – shown in PowerPoint presentation)
• Analysis
• Conclusion

Introduction; 15%
• An overview of the topic chosen, and the articles chosen, justification, relevance, coherence.

Presentation of Findings 30%
These should be presented as a TABLE showing ONLY THE FIVE CORE sources used, Summary of the findings, Methodology (if applicable), Strengths of the Source, Weakness of the Source and a column stating overall relevance of the source.

Critical Analysis; 40%
• Gaps in research,
• Strengths of the papers,
• Weaknesses of the papers,
• Value of arguments/findings,
• Where should future research focus?

General 15%
• Full bibliographic details for each of the core articles
• Referencing [this is separate to the bibliographic details of the core articles]
• Structure and Presentation

Please use Harvard referencing
23 sources (including the 5 core ones)

Capstone Project

I cannot get the table of contents to update with the rest of the document. When I go to update the table, things get wonky. I am using the template provided by my university.

Motorcycle Dynamic Control (Literature review)

I want to write my literature review by paraphrasing an existing work done by someone (attachment included), and make a new plagiarism-free version of my self.

The literature review should cover the same sections as in the attachment Starting from 4th paragraph in the introduction (The first VDC systems…..), until page 9 (section VII is not included) including graphs and tables. apa style 1.5 spacing.

i don’t know how many pages my literature will be after paraphrasing thats why i didn’t specify number “No of pages”

Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

A working title – A comparative study between Early Years Practitioners and Primary School teachers and how various approaches, practices form a continuum that may represent elements of intrinsic motivation will encourage children to learn in an education environment
(above is my possible thesis question – not sure what to write for an introduction) tel for further info (please could I have a reference list at the end.)

Academic Rationale of a Proposed Qualitative Research Study

The academic rationale needs to be a 2500 WORD academic rationale for a proposed qualitative research study that investigates a topic of relevance to sexual health psychology. This academic rationale is a Psychology of Sexual Health assignment.
You are NOT required to undertake and carry out the proposed qualitative research study, it is only an academic rationale.
The proposed qualitative research study academic rationale must be entirely your own proposed work/idea. The research topic you choose for the academic rationale is entirely your choice, as long as it relates to sexual health psychology and is a qualitative research study and NOT quantitative.
The empirical evidences used throughout the academic rationale should be appropriate academic references and psychological studies that have been conducted (experiments, case studies, observations, interviews etc.) that fully supports the arguments of the main topics.
When using empirical evidences within the main arguments, you should provide the in-text citations referencing the empirical evidence with the author’s last name and year of work i.e (Andrews, 2004) and of course, include all the in-text citations in the bibliography at the end.
Note: Attached is the FURTHER DETAILS of the academic rationale assignment, identifying what needs to be done and what needs to be included, it is important to cautiously read it carefully before starting the assignment.
This is highly important to read because it gives you exactly more vital information on the academic rationale assignment and what it NEEDS to have.

DB 3

Discuss Grade inflation in nursing programs including what the research indicates about prevalence, why it is occurring and how to prevent it,

· or

Curving grades: Respond to “Students in your class ask you to ‘curve’ the grades on a classroom test. Write a short explanation of this practice, based on the evidence, in terms understandable to an undergraduate (i.e., what you would tell the students). Take and defend a position on whether you would or would not agree to ‘curving’ the grades.”


The PURPOSE of this assignment is to show that religion is not a static set of unchanging ideas, beliefs, or rituals, but rather a culturally flexible and systematic response to the challenges of human existence. It connects to the overall GOAL of the course by showing, in religious responses to death, that religions maintain traditions but also adapt to changing circumstances.


WHAT: Write a ca. two- to three-page paper (500-750 words; double-spaced, 12-pt font) that shows you:

Have READ and UNDERSTOOD the assigned articles;
Can USE examples from the readings to SHOW and give examples of what you mean.

Read the Webb and Armstrong articles.
In the Webb and article, pay attention to the traditional rules, rituals for death and burial in Islam as well as the challenges and changes that American Muslims face.
In the Armstrong article, note the traditional African worldview and the common ideas about death and afterlife, as well as the changes that have occurred in different African American communities.
Create an outline (this is only FOR YOUR OWN USE, not for turning in). But it is VERY HELPFUL to have an overall sense of the organization and flow of the paper. Obviously, as you write the paper, you might change the outline, too. An outline helps you keep an eye on the whole terrain and prevents getting bogged down or sidetracked. Here is a suggested outline:
Introduction—world religions are not static, unchanging categories but flexible human systems that balance tradition and change. This can be seen in religious responses to death (use all assigned readings for this).
In Islam, what are the fundamental traditions for death and burial, and how do American Muslims balance and adapt those requirements in the contemporary American situation? Are there particular challenges for American Muslims in performing rituals of death and burial? (use Webb for this).
What kinds of things are traditionally found in African death rituals, and how have Americans of African descent both maintained and changed those rituals? (use Armstrong for this).
Conclusion—restate the introduction, reminding the reader of the concrete examples that you used to show what you meant when you said (in the introduction) that religions are flexible human systems of meaning-making.
Write a two- to three-page, double-spaced (ca. 500-750 word) essay in a standard 12-pt font.


Strive for being authoritative, formal, and clear; avoid the use of first-person language (“in my opinion…”, “I think what the author is saying is…”);
Use concrete examples for SHOW what you mean by including direct quotes and paraphrases from the reading;
Organize your paper into distinct paragraphs that follow the outline;
Smoothly move the reader from one paragraph to the next by providing transition sentences;
Write with correct sentence structure, grammar, spelling, and punctuation;
Proofread and re-write at least once before turning in;
Cite your quotes with MLA-formatted in-text citations and include a Works Cited list. (See example essay).

Human Factors Considerations in the Design of Alerting and Warning Systems

***Instructions and details for this assignment are attached in the document titled: “Introduction to the Cognition Course Research Manuscript”***

Borderline Personality Disorder

Second Paper (50 points) To be written using the 7th edition of the APA Publication Manual (APA, 2019). Include scholarly references (professional journal articles and texts) and citations using APA format to support your work. The paper should be 10 –12 pages (not including cover page and references), double-spaced, 12-point font, and 1-inch margins. Do NOT use first person.
Examine and explore a specific issue regarding psycho-social development that you might address in a clinical setting. Discuss the issue from a theoretical perspective(s) and how you understand the implications of the issue in the context of the life-span of the client.

For example, describe how you would understand the implications of special needs children with Autism and how this would impact their life experiences and development. Or a client who has experienced adverse childhood experiences such as abuse and neglect. What therapeutic support would be appropriate? Consider ethical and legal issues of the case study. Website-based information should be avoided. Use scholarly articles or references.

Global commodity Chains

Choose either a specific commodity or some aspect of a commodity chain (such as its labor and/or ownership/control conditions; social, economic, environmental, and/or health consequences; political violence/wars; etc.).

Emphasize relationships and activities of labor, capitalists, nation-states, consumers, and the natural environment.
Culture of capitalist/global commodity chains
Karl Polanyi’s Paradox
Negative externalities
Challenges of internalizing externalities (= “sustainability”)

Approximately 750-1000 words of narrative text; college standards of writing; enforcement of FIU penalties for plagiarism

Double-spaced 11 or 12-point Times New Roman font; in-text citations; references section; Chicago, MLA, or APA format.

If you want to focus on Covid-19 (or any other “signature” disease):
What is the global culture of capitalism? What are “global commodity chains”? What are “negative externalities”? What is “Karl Polanyi’s Paradox”? What are examples of each within the global culture of capitalism?

What are the basic questions to ask about patterns of disease at any point in time and space?
Describe the relationships between (1) culture and disease; (2) cities and disease; (3) environmental change and disease; and (4) human ecology and disease.

What defines a “signature disease” of a specific historical time and pattern of geographic connections? How is Covid-19 an example of a signature disease?

What are arguments–including the relevance of “Karl Polanyi’s Paradox”, “global commodity chains,” and “negative externalities”– for healthcare as a global public good (and as a human right), as opposed to healthcare as an individual, commodified choice?