HRM – case study

References must include 3 refereed articles from the list in the attached file and must be in UNISA Harvard style with 750 words plus or minus 75 words for the Human Resources case study. READ all attached files as it is important to complete as instructed else it raises questions. 2 files attached for information and requirements on the case study. read both prior to starting, thanks!

art history appreciation

Visit the website for Sotheby’s auction house ( or the website for Christie’s auction house ( to investigate market prices for artworks by master and contemporary artists. Using your research data, post a description of your experience at the web auction, and your thoughts regarding the prices artworks demand at auction. Why do you believe collectors will go so high to own a work by a certain artist? (required)

TIP: You do not have to view an “actual” auction if none are in session while you’re preparing for this discussion. You can prepare for this discussion by viewing a variety of collections at your selected auction house website.

Mental Illness among homeless people in America

The Research Study Proposal must include the four components below. You will use these components as subheadings for sections in your paper.

Proposed Topic: Describe the study’s topic and focus (1 page minimum)

2. Hypothesis (can be in a form of question or stating the Ho and Ha)

3. Participants. Describe participant demographics (race, gender, age, religion, SES, area of the country in which they live, etc.), the process for selecting/recruiting them, and the rational for selecting them (1/2 page minimum)

4. Sampling Method: Discuss the proposed sampling method and the rational for selecting it (1 page minimum)

5. Data Collection Procedures (Describe the step-by-step process you would use to collect your data?) (1 page minimum).

6. Data Analysis (Select two types of statistics you would use to analyze gathered data; not stats formula details, but which stats you would use) (1 page minimum).

7. Contribution to the Field (explain the benefits to individuals, groups and society as a whole of the study results. Example: Using the first hypothetical social psychology study from Part I, if we find that public awareness ads are associated with improved changes in attitudes toward the severely mentally ill might we use such study results as a means of advocating for Federal funding for expanding advertising efforts; or if study results show no to little association between ads and public attitude changes, might we better serve the severely ill by pursuing other means of reducing stigma? (1 page minimum).

8. Research Limitations (1/2 page minimum). Discuss limitations that you foresee in Part I and Part II of your Research Study Proposal. It may be helpful to review your Instructor feedback for Part I of this assignment.

9. Discussion (1/2 page minimum). Discuss and reflect on your conclusions of the research process and this assignment in its entirety.

Italian Neorealist film question

Italian Neorealist film is sometimes seen as the beginning of postwar European art cinema. Why do you think this might be, and what exactly was ‘new‘ about Italian Neorealism?

Is the risk of Mental Illness among Ethnic Minority affected by immigration to Europe?

A Review of Literature: Its a literature review

What are the Available interventions for BME suffering mental Illness triggered by Immigration in the UK or Europe

The impact of Immigration on Mental Health of BME

Or Does stress associated with Immigration Trigger Mental Illness

How can stress associated with immigration trigger mental Illness among the BME in the UK or Europe

I need to receive each chapter separately

Have abstract / proposal

Write dissertation plan
I need those first, please


Answer ONE of the questions from the list below:
Q1: What are the consequences of media reforms (post- 1978) in China? Refer to the cases discussed in the course.
Q2: What social and cultural values are reflected in Chinese reality TV shows, e.g. Super girl and Where are We Going Dad? Include discussion of at least two Chinese reality TV shows.
Q3: Under the Dome is banned in China, but has aroused people’s debates on environmental issues. What does this show, its production, circulation, and consumption tell you about the politics of Chinese media, communication, and citizen activism in the era of digital and social media?
Q4: The regional boundary of Chinese film industry is gradually blurred through importation, exportation and coproduction. In what way do you think this tendency have a significant impact on Chinese film industry? You may discuss from either economic, cultural or political perspectives. You may also discuss one or two regions in the Greater China.
* Do not reproduce content covered in lectures and tutorials unless you build on it in an original way.
Task requirement: The research paper shall not be simply descriptive, it should have a thesis statement that is supported by evidence and a discernible analysis. You are expected to use at least 6 academic sources, including scholarly peer reviewed academic journal articles, and may also use academic books and chapters. These may include up to two articles from the weekly readings. The paper shall be Times New Roman 12 typed, 1.5-spaced, including citations, and a reference list. Use your preferred referencing style—but be consistent in the application of that style throughout the essay. Word length: approx.3000 words including all references and footnotesAnswer ONE of the questions from the list below:
Q1: What are the consequences of media reforms (post- 1978) in China? Refer to the cases discussed in the course.
Q2: What social and cultural values are reflected in Chinese reality TV shows, e.g. Super girl and Where are We Going Dad? Include discussion of at least two Chinese reality TV shows.
Q3: Under the Dome is banned in China, but has aroused people’s debates on environmental issues. What does this show, its production, circulation, and consumption tell you about the politics of Chinese media, communication, and citizen activism in the era of digital and social media?
Q4: The regional boundary of Chinese film industry is gradually blurred through importation, exportation and coproduction. In what way do you think this tendency have a significant impact on Chinese film industry? You may discuss from either economic, cultural or political perspectives. You may also discuss one or two regions in the Greater China.
* Do not reproduce content covered in lectures and tutorials unless you build on it in an original way.
Task requirement: The research paper shall not be simply descriptive, it should have a thesis statement that is supported by evidence and a discernible analysis. You are expected to use at least 6 academic sources, including scholarly peer reviewed academic journal articles, and may also use academic books and chapters. These may include up to two articles from the weekly readings. The paper shall be Times New Roman 12 typed, 1.5-spaced, including citations, and a reference list. Use your preferred referencing style—but be consistent in the application of that style throughout the essay. Word length: approx.3000 words including all references and footnotes

Week 4

Respond to the following with small paragraphs and include references.

1. Would states be better at managing healthcare policy, than the federal government?

2. What are some ways do you think APNs can use nursing informatics to help build healthier populations?

3. Researching the legislation and issues confronting the nurse practitioner professions confirmed the fact that generally, in a primary care practice for a nurse practitioner service to be cost-effective, it has to cover about 30% of the workload of the entire practice. Nurse practitioners are reimbursed 85% of the amount physicians are paid, although numerous nursing studies confirm that nurse practitioners provide care at the same level with physicians and, in many instances, superior to them. That aspect hinders the nurse practitioner job prospects because they would bring in less revenue for any practice. A student from the University of Pennsylvania conducted an extensive study. Nurse practitioners services versus physician services, synthesizing and comparing quantitative and qualitative data of different services provided by nurse practitioners and physicians, in an acute and primary setting, for different types of populations ranging from neonates to adults while covering several groups of diseases. It was found that nurse practitioners provide equal to superior care when compared to the care provided by physicians. The study showed that patients in the care of Nurse Practitioners make fewer visits to the emergency room, and they have lower rates of readmissions to hospitals for conditions such as asthma and congestive heart failure. Thus, because of the holistic approach to health care provided by Nurse Practitioners, often patients have a better outcome.

4. Some major insurance companies are reimbursing APRNs. APRNs are part of interdisciplinary teams and reimbursement is becoming more available. Research has shown that APRNs are safe and cost-effective alternatives to physician-based health care (Hamric, A., Hanson,C.,Tracy,M.,& O’Grady,2014). The increase numbers of APRNs will help with costs if providing care to patients. APRNs must show positive outcomes to justify Medicare reimbursement. Population growth and collaborative practice are creating more opportunities. NPs provide equivalent care at a lower cost than physicians. By collaborating with physicians and other team members APRNs can reduce the misuse or overuse of services. Developing communication strategies can also help with misuse or overuse of services. NPs practicing in Tennessee’s state- managed care organization delivered health care at 23 percent below the average cost associated with other primary providers, achieving a 21 percent reduction in hospital inpatient rates and 24 percent lower lab utilization rates compared to physicians (AACN,2020).