Professional Association Membership

Examine the importance of professional associations in nursing. Choose a professional nursing organization that relates to your specialty area, or a specialty area in which you are interested. In a 750-1,000 word paper, provide a detailed overview the organization and its advantages for members. Include the following:
Describe the organization and its significance to nurses in the specialty area. Include its purpose, mission, and vision. Describe the overall benefits, or “perks,” of being a member.
Explain why it is important for a nurse in this specialty field to network. Discuss how this organization creates networking opportunities for nurses.
Discuss how the organization keeps its members informed of health care changes and changes to practice that affect the specialty area.
Discuss opportunities for continuing education and professional development.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Early Depictions of Hell

Grades will be primarily
based upon quality of content and how well you demonstrate an ability to examine the issues and texts involved with your
topic. If you should choose to argue for a particular position or disagree with an author you will be expected to show a genuine understanding of the other viewpoint and a thorough consideration of the issues. If you do not feel you can appreciate
the different sides of a discussion you should choose another topic Paper must be 5-7 pages in length (double spaced, 1 inch margins, 10 or 12 point type). Papers of less than 5 complete pages
will not be accepted. That’s all the way down to the bottom of the 5th page! (If you cannot do five pages there is something
wrong with either your topic or your research. Come and talk to me and I can help you get on the right track.)
2. If you use an idea, a quote or information from a source you must credit the source immediately at that point in the paper. This can
be done with either parentheses (immediately after the idea, quote or information is used) or a number immediately after the
idea, quote or information that refers to an endnote. Quotes must also be in quotation marks.

Introduction to social work

Critically analyse knowledge and theory relevant to a particular piece of work. Include legal and policy context. Identify ethical considerations. I have attached a formative to include the areas needing research and exploration.

three subjects ( ARM pipelines compare-contrast with the 5-stage classic MIPS) + ( Pick a modern processor Review its architectural features particularly those related to performance, instructions, and instruction execution) + ( Use the CPU-Z tool to check the cache architecture in a machine)

I am Phd student and I did with you an excellent paper with you and was very good, so I decided to do with you this new order.

My supervisor gave me three topics to write an essay about them.
So, I need to write an essay for all of these three topics.
*Each essay has 3 pages. (3+3+3=9) Each in a separate Word file.
*Each essay has 10 to 12 references, divided into (references from the papers that I attached, and very new references from the internet, and very old references from the internet)

My Supervisor is an old professor (old fashion of teaching, i.e. old school) very accurate, powerful, and complex. He wants to follow instructions carefully.
I want you to be very careful and deep in your knowledge of writing.
He wants very accurate information and details.

Note that, Due to the supervisor “The professor” once said, I want the information and the references from the papers that I gave you and I uploaded here.
Once said: I also want the information and references from the Internet that are very old in the time of the seventies and sixties.
Once he said, I want the information and references new in 2020.
Therefore, please divide the references from the internet and from the papers.

The students do not know what he wants, thus, we couldn’t ask him, because he doesn’t like anyone asking him (

Therefore, please make the information and the references divided into information and references from papers, old information and old references from the Internet, and new information and new references from the Internet.

Please make sure to write the same topics requested by the professor.
There are articles for current friends in the University of this Semester, but the supervisor said it is not excellent, it’s weak, and he did not like their writing very much. I think the professor needs better than this. Anyway I attached it to you to have look on their work. And do your best.
 If you need any information about my computer, please tell me how is the way to do it and then I will take a screenshot then you can explain depend on the information about my PC.
 I uploaded all the papers from my supervisor please read it (it’s very important to him and he needs the information from these papers) you will find all the details.

Please focus in below “on This Supervisor’s message (information and requests sent by the Prof)”

Essay Details…
The Essay Details:
This Supervisor’s message (information and requests sent by the Prof) VERY IMPORTANT

1) Use the background information from slide sets 1-4 in a real-world context
2) Revisit the information selectively and elaborate on parts of interest

Assignment: (three subjects)
Contribute a short essay on an assigned topic from the following.
1) Review the ARM pipelines from the docs linked in Reading File and compare-contrast with the 5-stage classic MIPS.
2) Pick a modern processor. Review its architectural features, particularly those related to performance, instructions, and instruction execution.
3) Use the CPU-Z tool (Google it) to check the cache architecture in a machine that you have access to (your laptop, smartphone, desktop, a workstation in one of our labs, surprise me!). Include a screenshot of the processor and cache page.
**Comment in your essay on characteristics, and design choices with respect to the role (function) of the cache in the processor.

1) Don’t link to external documents, write directly and insert images (write/save in Word)
2) While listing some tech specs in context is OK, essays should not be about reviewing specs.
3) Three to four pages for each essay subject.
4) Carefully check the papers presented to you in the lectures (Slides 1,2,3,4, and ARM & ARM11)
and get the information from papers greatly, and from the internet normally.
5) References (….)
6) Follow the instructions carefully.


* I uploaded to you the professor’s papers (Slides 1,2,3,4, and ARM & ARM11) “They important, read them please”.
* I uploaded to you some examples of my friends’ essays. “Just to look at it”
* I upload some paper related to the subject may to need them ( Wulf 1981, Patterson 1980, flynn1966, Goodman 1983, hill 1989 and rau1993 )

Please for the third subject “) Use the CPU-Z tool ” if you need any information of my PC, tell me how I can bring it to send the screenshot from my computer.

AMA Style or APA style the most important thing I need all the addresses of websites that you will use

writer choice

composite a case study report based on article an example attached
pls also consider the grading rubric as follows
How this will be graded:

Structure, Organization, Ease of reading, Grammar: 2.5 Points

This Assignment had a very, very specific structure. Identify 2-4 issues. Come up with solutions for those issues and summarize them briefly. Provide a table with Pros and Cons for each, and wrap it all up with an overall (but brief) recommendation – what could have been done to help prevent this disaster from a PM perspective. DID YOU FOLLOW THIS STRUCTURE?
Did you follow the advice given in the lectures and From Your Instructor about the format?
Did you follow rules of English grammar, spelling, and syntax? Did you fix errors pointed out via Word’s editing capabilities (e.g. squiggly blue or red underlined text)?

Content: 8 Points

Is it clear from reading your assignment that you read the case and understood what happened that led up to the Deepwater Horizon explosion?
Did you ‘dig deeper’? Some people identify very technical issues – did you find the underlying reasoning that may have driven decisions to go a certain way technically?
Did you keep your writing concise and to the point? Part of the intent of this assignment is an exercise in expressing important ideas in as efficient a way as possible.
Was there a logical flow from your Issue Identification to your Proposed Solutions, to your Pros and Cons and to your conclusion?
If you did have ‘extra’ information to exhibit, did you put it in an Appendix rather than in the body of the text? Again, the focus is on a concise, crisp presentation of your arguments.

References and resources: 1.5 Points

Did you provide several relevant references that helped make your points? Of course you can use the main MIT/Sloan case as a reference, but did you reach out and find out more about the Deepwater Horizon from other sources?

Other things to consider:

Did you add value from your own professional and/or personal experience?
Did you make appropriate use of figures and tables in an appendix? Don’t substitute quantity for quality here – one good, relevant, and meaningful small table is worth 100 randomly inserted graphs and charts.
Did you really take on the viewpoint of a project leader here, and consider the way the team was motivated, the way the different stakeholders communicated (or didn’t), the culture of the different companies?

Brexit Case Study

`To identify and analyse macroeconomic changes happening during Brexit. Answer Question 3 and 4 by reading extract B and C. Both extracts are attached below as well as a guide on how to answer each question.