Pick a security threat that relates to security in the Asia-Pacific region

You will need to write a critical analysis that considers the arguments both for and against whether the particular threat should be securitised.
Accordingly, your essay should address the following points:
• Identify and contextualise a given threat.
o What is the threat? 
o Who is threatened? 
o Is the threat predominantly at the human or state level?
• Outline your preferred securitisation theory framework(s). 
o What is securitisation theory? 
o Why is it useful for making sense of your chosen security issue? 
o Are there limitations to securitisation theory?
• The arguments for and against the threat being securitised. 
o Has the threat already been securitised? 
o Would a securitisation resolve the threat? 
o Is there a case for the threat to be politicised rather than securitised?You will need to demonstrate a coherent knowledge of either, or both, the Copenhagen and Parisian approaches to securitisation.

Financialization of Housing

Please write a short (limit 1000 words) essay on the United Nations Human Rights Council’s 2017 report on the financialization of housing (relevant links below). You may either agree or disagree with the report. Your grade should not depend on which side you take, just on how well argued your case is. Try to consider principles from this course about the functioning of financial markets, whose purposes they serve, and how they can solve fundamental economic problems, or, perversely, worsen them.

Essay on the financialization of housing – http://www.ohchr.org/en/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=21264&LangID=E

Full report, plus additional languages available here – http://www.ohchr.org/EN/Issues/Housing/Pages/AnnualReports.aspx

Review criteria
You may either agree or disagree with the report. Your grade should not depend on which side you take, just on how well argued your case is. Try to consider principles from this course about the functioning of financial markets, whose purposes they serve, and how they can solve fundamental economic problems, or, perversely, worsen them.

Financial Statements

The CEO of a 400-bed hospital has scheduled a board of directors meeting to discuss the current financial situation of the hospital and steps that need to be done to correct some current problems. The CFO needs to send each board member an explanation of the financial statements that they will be discussing. You are the Director of Finance and he has asked you to put together a memo, explaining each statement. Do the following:
Provide a copy of the most common four statements used within your hospital and what information is available in each.
Make sure you explain each main components/section of each statement.
NOTE: You can develop your own set of statements or research and pull healthcare financial statements online.

3 Global economic policy exam questions

the three questions are as follows:

1. Compare and contrast the different theories of the state proposed within welfare
economics, neoliberalism and institutionalism.

2. ‘The policy space of developing countries is limited by several multilateral and
bilateral agreements’. Discuss and provide examples of how these agreements
limit policy space.

3. Discuss the extent to which the Eurozone is an optimal currency area.

Please use at least two sources for each question.


You were hired as a business analyst by a Canadian software company that sells software for business solutions (ex. accounting and management information systems). The company is considering opening a foreign-based subsidiary in Hong Kong (HK).

Research on the feasibility of opening a subsidiary in this location focusing on the following topics:
• Comparative Advantage (include a brief discussion if HK has comparative advantage on digital technology and IP rights)
• Taxes
• Financial Risks (include the impacts of the recent protests)

The topics are independent of each other; approximately 1 page per topic. The responses must reflect critical-thinking and analysis. No introductions and conclusions are required.

References: 8 sources in APA (7th) format, including the following:
• https://www.pwc.de/de/internationale-maerkte/assets/doing-business-in-hong-kong.pdf
• https://www.millerthomson.com/en/publications/communiques-and-updates/tax-notes/april-2013/overview-of-new-canada-hong-kong-tax-treaty/
• https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/06/internationalfinancerisks.asp
• https://globaledge.msu.edu/countries/hong-kong/risk

Me, Earl, and the Dying girl

4 page paper with a strong opinion thesis either on a character changing negatively or affirmatively or on a theme. Thesis should be strong opinion so someone can argue against it. There needs to be movie scene evidence and book quotes to support the thesis. Plus a work cited page.

Mulicultural Males

Case study on Martin who is a 22- year old Chicano male. Answer 2 of the Reflection and Discussion Questions fully and in depth with a 250 word report that articulates course-related knowledge and demonstrates critical reflection. Support your analysis with ideas from two other related text or journal articles on the topic.

Acquisition Logisitcs

DO assignments Task 1-6 in the BUSI 885 DBA _Research Guide
– Use the document Stephen_Lee Dissertation as the basis for all six assignments