Week 8 – Signature Assignment: Develop a Quantitative Research Design Proposal

For this Signature Assignment, develop and present a proposal for your intended research using a quantitative design. (TOPIC IS DIGITAL MARKETING, specifically webinars sold online. ) Please use template provided.

While the most important elements in any proposal are the fundamentals of the problem, purpose, and research questions, the bulk of the assignment will be the methodology. You will want to organize this by subheadings. The actual headings and information that needs to be included in part depend on the method used to collect the data. In studies involving the collection of primary data, you want to be sure to include the details of your sampling plan, measurement of variables, the actual data collection procedure, plan of analysis, and justification for your decisions.

Be sure to include the following information in your proposal:

Statement of the Problem
Purpose Statement
Research Questions
Hypotheses: Null and Alternative for each research question
Research Design: Specific quantitative method to be used and rationale (Ex. experiment, survey, etc.)
Operationalization of Variable: Specification of the concepts to be measured, the operationalization of the variable(s) to be used to measure the concepts, the question(s)/scale(s) to be used and the resulting level of measurement.
Sample design: Specification of the population, method, sample size, specific procedures, and justification.
Data collection procedure: Explanation of how the data will be collected.
Intended data analysis: How will you analyze the data to test the hypotheses and provide answers to the research questions, including descriptive and inferential statistics? Provide your rationale.
Limitations: Any recognized limitations of the proposed study.
In this assignment, you are expected to incorporate all previous instructor feedback. Your prospectus must be in APA format and be of the quality expected of doctoral-level work. All research elements must be in alignment and reflect a cohesive and comprehensive research study.

HRD, Performance and Reward Management (facebook)

In this part of the project-based assignment, each student is asked to imagine they are a senior member of the human resource management function in your case study organisation (from Part 1) and each of you have been asked to individually investigate best practice in human resource management in the areas of managing high performers or under performers with a particular focus on performance management, human resource development and reward management.
The situation you have been asked to report on relates to the person that the organisation hired to fill the key vacancy your group reported on in the first part of this assignment. Your organisation hired a 31 year old and one month after they were appointed, their manager seeks your advice regarding what to do about them. Please choose one of the two following situations:
• ‘Under performer’. The new employee does not have the necessary competencies and/or attributes to perform at the required level. The manager is seeking your advice regarding what they need to do to help them improve their performance; or
• ‘High performer’. The new employee is clearly bored, not feeling challenged and indicating they might start looking for another job. The manager believes the employee could make an important contribution to the organisation so is seeking your advice about how to engage them and retain them.
In your report you will need to deal with the following as a minimum:
1. What are the features of best practice in performance management?
2. How the human resource development (HRD) function should integrate with the performance management function?
3. What the specific issues surrounding the management of ‘under performers’ or the management of ‘high performers’ are that need to be taken into account in an effective performance management system and HRD function in the case study organisation?
4. How the case study organisation’s reward management strategy might fit into the solution you offer and why?
5. How in theory should the case study organisation’s human resource management practices (HRD, performance and reward management) support the firm’s corporate strategies?
Your report will need to make use of relevant research literature to support your determination of the best practice in performance management, HRD and reward management.
Part 2 of the Project-based assignment is worth 35 marks and it is an individual assignment.
As a guide the assignment should be no more than 2000 words with any attachments not counting towards the word limit.
It must involve the use of a minimum of twelve ‘peer reviewed’ journal articles (students are required to ensure all journals used are ‘peer reviewed’ otherwise they should not be included) and more than two scholarly texts including the Unit text.

Personal Statement

Personal statement reflecting:
Career goals
How this program will enable you to contribute to the profession and society
Topic of scholarship interest
Applicants are highly encouraged to review the list of faculty mentors and reach out to possible faculty mentors to discuss their topic of interest to determine if there is a ‘fit’
Personal statement must identify possible faculty mentor(s) and describe how scholarship area matches the research of one/two of the DHSc mentors

What are the language teaching strategies used in a Secondary school in England and in a Secondary school in Spain?

I have attached the layout for this part of the dissertation. I need you to write the discussion with the limitations and recommendations also included and then a conclusion. I will also attached the other parts of the IS: Literature review, methodology and findings.
However, have in mind that the literature review is not 100% the right one because I am waiting from one of your writer to change the essay because he didn’t do it like I said from the beginning , so when he sends to me I will forward it to you. in the main time you can start to write the recommendations and limitations and look at the findings and how does it relate with the literature review.
look at the PPT slides in order to write the conclusion
If you have any queries please ask.

To what extent does the nature of a country’s political regime influence the type, target and frequency of terrorist attacks, post 9/11

Paper Sections:


-Literature Review and Hypotheses




Countries used in the study: United States, UK, France, Canada, Hungary, Norway, Turkey, China, India, Australia, Georgia, Honduras, Iran, Jordan, Kenya, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Tunisia, Ukraine

Each country from a certain category of the 2019 Economist intelligence unit Democracy Index

Terrorist attack data from the Global Terrorism database*

*attacks from 9/11 onwards in specified country’s

Personal Statement for MBA degree in Universities in Germany

I am an IT Solutions professional and my career spans over a period of approximately eight years. I completed my MSC in computer science at the University of Greenwich School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, in London, UK and I graduated with distinction. I would like to pursue Master of business administration in Germany. I would like to write a personal statement that allows me to apply for an MBA in. several universities. in Germany. I am have tried to write something, but it is incomplete, so it is attached showing a bit about my self and the structure I thought of following (this is not binding at all as I am seeking professional help to write an impeccable statement, but it is a guide that would help the writer and feel free to change it entirely). In addition my up to date CV is attached. Thanks, Mahmoud