I do not have a title yet but my dissertation would be examining the four waves of terrorism and briefly discussing a possible 5th wave of terrorism which would be the global warming/ climate change and right wing activists.

introduction 800 words
The literature review should be about 1500 /2000words
abstract 250 words
the methodology shouldn’t be empirical and should be 1000 words
and the main chapters should be 4500 words

below i have left some power points for you to have a read and see what the tutor expects

regarding the methodology my tutor had told me it should not be empirical but i do not know what kind of methodology she expects.

I have also attached the module study guide (MSG GUIDE) which i really need you to read especially the ethical approval as it needs to be approved by the university.

Trading Strategy

Reducing Risk with Options
In this assignment you are requested to adopt different option strategies to reduce their investment risk in order to optimise the profits generated from their investment projects. In a nutshell this assessment is to teach students how to reduce/hedge risk with options.

Details of the task


In this assignment you work as a junior analyst at Carson Company and you are assigned to form options strategies in relation to the stock of IBM Corporation (IBM), a software company. In these two projects, you will give advice and data analysis to one of the executives at Carson Company.

In this project, you will suppose it is on 1 January 2019, and you will form trading strategies based on information available up to 1 January 2019. Afterwards, you will jump forward to 1 January 2020, and assess the profit from your options strategies, based on the stock price at this later date. In your answer, use European options on non-dividend-paying stock. Assume that the estimated volatility of IBM per annum is calculated as 30.5% (or 0.305). The IBM stock price on 1 January 2019 is 2370 pence. The 12-month sterling rate for LIBOR on 1 January 2019 is 1.5% (or 0.015)Reducing Risk with Options
In this assignment you are requested to adopt different option strategies to reduce their investment risk in order to optimise the profits generated from their investment projects. In a nutshell this assessment is to teach students how to reduce/hedge risk with options.

Details of the task


In this assignment you work as a junior analyst at Carson Company and you are assigned to form options strategies in relation to the stock of IBM Corporation (IBM), a software company. In these two projects, you will give advice and data analysis to one of the executives at Carson Company.

In this project, you will suppose it is on 1 January 2019, and you will form trading strategies based on information available up to 1 January 2019. Afterwards, you will jump forward to 1 January 2020, and assess the profit from your options strategies, based on the stock price at this later date. In your answer, use European options on non-dividend-paying stock. Assume that the estimated volatility of IBM per annum is calculated as 30.5% (or 0.305). The IBM stock price on 1 January 2019 is 2370 pence. The 12-month sterling rate for LIBOR on 1 January 2019 is 1.5% (or 0.015)

For the project, student is required to understand the mechanisms of using options to hedge risk based on the circumstances set in the project.

For the first question of the project, student will need to devise relevant options strategies for the situations described. Students will therefore be required to calculate the price of the required call and put options, and of the overall strategy. Students will find it useful to calculate by hand or Excel the prices of the options using the Black—Scholes—Merton model the in the first instance. For sake of simplicity, use European options on non-dividend-paying stock. For each option strategy they should explain carefully what the strategy is attempting to achieve, including an indication, in general terms, of what the payoffs from the strategy might be (in terms of stock price decreases). They should base their analysis on the information provided up to 1 January 2019, and form strategies for the year to 1 January 2020. They do not need to conduct additional research on IBM to write your assignment. They should state the initial payments or receipts in respect of each strategy.

Gentrification in philadelphia

Thesis statement: Gentrification in urban centers may seem at first glance an improvement, as the people that live in these growing neighborhoods are pushed out in favor of richer people, they struggle greatly. This force requires residents to make the choice of staying with the rise of prices, or leaving the place they live. Additionally, gentrification serves to erode cultural history of the neighborhoods, especially resonating in Philadelphia. In this way, cities such as Philadelphia need to work on developing its areas without destroying both the economic and cultural foundations of its original residents. Gentrification in all cities is a rising phenomena, but damage control should be implemented to ensure less economically secure citizens do not feel the brunt of the investment and new residents in a town.

Teachers response: This is good. You will need to add a section on what specifically Philadelphia should do to address the negative impact of gentrification.

Class notes:
-1600-1800 words
-Thesis-Driven-MLA Format throughout (heading, in-text citations, works cited page)
-At least NINE total sources
-At least TWO sources from class readings
-At least TWO scholarly sources
-At least TWO opposing sources
-As always, one source can satisfy multiple requirements

Essay #3 Steps Moving From a Topic to an Outline:This essay is more complicated than the previous two. Consider following these steps to effectively organize all of your work:
1. Choose a topic
2. Educate yourself: Learn about the important ideas and contexts of your topic. Wikipedia is a decent place to start (although it’s a poor source for your resultant essay).
3. Narrow your topic/ frame the debate: determine the specific, narrow parameters of your research and identify a relevant debate, with multiple distinct opinions/perspectives.
4. Determine your preliminary position on the issue, noting that your position may change as you learn more about the issue.
5. Construct a thesis articulating your position. Make sure your thesis is assertive, arguable, and sufficiently narrow. From this point on, constantly reevaluate your thesis, revising and narrowing as need be.
6. Begin serious research. Look for strong opinion sources and in-depth analytical or investigative articles. Start critically evaluating the positions and analyzing the issues.
7. Reconsider your topic. Make sure it is narrow enough to support further research.
8. Start working on your outline. Articulate subpoints.
9. Seek out diverse sources. Look for sources expressing contrasting opinions. Evaluate the full range of arguments; weigh their relative merits.
10. Develop your argument. Explain your opinions. Support your thesis and subpoints with research.

Digital Marketing

A website has been setup by myself for the business idea of a social forum built for car enthusiasts. The assessment is a 4000 word portfolio based on this website in terms of the various digital marketing tools and marketing communications techniques that were used in the making of the website. A digital marketing campaign plan also needs to be created for the website.

*The website has been made simple i.e. the links to social pages do not lead anywhere and some blog posts aren’t detailed as the website has only been created for the purpose of the assessment.

business strategy

I have attached below our first group assignment which you will talk about most of the meetings were held online in different countries and anything you want to ask me about regarding the group or meetings or anything please ask. Also below are powerpoint so you can add what I have learned from the module.

Sports physiology

New England Patriots are playing the Miami Dolphins in Miami., the weather in Miami has been very hot and the game is scheduled to be played on one of the hottest days of the season.

a. Will Miami have a fitness, physiological, or heat related advantage over New England? If so, what would be those advantages?
b. How long does it take to acclimatize to a hotter environment? What causes acclimatization?
c. What would be the effect of also having a very high relative humidity during the game?


Readings to reference: (PDF’s Attached)

1) George Sanchez, “Race, Immigration, and Nativism”

2) Leonard Dinnerstein and David Reimers, The World Comes to America: Immigration to the United States since 1945 (New York: Oxford University Press, 2012). (Chapters 1-6)

Instructions: Please see attachments. *Submit assignment as Word document*

Create a 8/5/3 List: List 8 interesting ideas + 5 analytical questions + 3 connections

Uncertainty in Capital Project Material Cost Estimation in Saudi Arabia

The paper will be checked by checking software for papers for plagiarism; the result should be less than 2% matching.

The outline of the paper should be as follow:

1. Introduction:
– Definition of Uncertainty
– Background of Oil & Gas Industry
2. Literature Review:
– Review of Previous Research Done on the Subject
– Identify Factors Causing Uncertainty in Material Cost estimation
3. Data Collection:
– Collecting Data
– Developing Questionnaire
– Determining Unreported Factors
4. Data Analysis:
– Ranking Identified Factors
– Obtaining the Importance Index and the Rank of Each Factor
5. Conclusion
6. References